>Of you die on the last boss you have to restart the whole thing
You guys said this was easy. WHAT THE FUCK
>Of you die on the last boss you have to restart the whole thing
You guys said this was easy. WHAT THE FUCK
Imagine being a grown man in his late 20s/early30s, failing at the childrens game of big bing wahoo and complaining about it on anonymous chinese forum
Any tips
The whole game?
Real talk: I want to fuck Madame Broode
How is this hard? It's the exact same fucking fights you've done twice now, except in low gravity.
How do you suck this much?
>play not only the bosses twice
>but play the entire game based off of a central mechanic
>said mechanic is suddenly changed drastically for things you've already done
Muscle Memory my dude.
It gets harder, user.
Literally git the minimal amount of gud. This is a game for children. Only the first broodal represents any remote form of challenge.
God help you if you ever play megaman
I bet he jumps too
Nigger I beat all the old MegaMans and X series.
3 fucking HEALTH
>No hearts
>Fight 5 bosses in a row
>Moon jumps
It's not ridiculously hard, but you should keep your retard comments in your pocket.
Literally did it on my first attempt without breaking a sweat. I'm at the Darker side of the moon getting my ass kicked now, though. I'm legit on like my 20th try.
if you're having trouble, which i won't comment on, just grab another heart container
just leave the moon and go buy a heart to get 6 health if its that hard
don't worry op I had trouble too
did perfectly fine on all of the other dark side challenges with 2 deaths at most on each and did darker side with 1 death but I died like 10 times to this boss rush. fuck low grav and fuck boss rushes
>go to another level
>get 6 hearts
>come back and ez mode it
Robobrood is easy, literally get gud.
OP wouldn't understand that feeling considering how he's 11
>It's ezpz
>Yeah we used a crutch but still
As soon as I realized I was going to have to fight all these fucking horrible bosses AGAIN I immediately stopped playing. Fucking boring.
If you can't pass this, you won't be able to finish the final challenge. Don't bother. This is nothing compared to that.
Darker side took me like 5 attempts and dark side took me like 8
Dark side is much harder in my opinion
i refuse to believe anyone who made it this far quit because of a couple bosses you already beat
>no hearts
Except there is a heart right before the 5th boss. Which is about as many times you should be getting hit on the previous 4 bosses. 3 of them should be basically free for you at this point anyways. I feel like if you're genuinely struggling with this, then you must suck at vidya.
Just buy the fucking cereal.
Dark side takes accurate jumps in low gravity. And if you miss, you won't die instantly. Darker side takes accurate jumps and you die immediately if you fuck up (depending on the area)
Both sides give you plenty of 6 heart crutches but darker side has many "screw up once and you're done" areas. It's harder because of that, regardless of how many attempts it took you.
>even Mario is now turned into a Souls-like
Not sure if this is a good or bad thing
If it helps,
there's a super heart nearby
What Mario game has the best post game?
I was already on the fence about whether I was going to bother going for 100% and this shit convinced me it was a waste of time.
Think this is hard? Lmao can't wait until you get to the darker side of the moon
Darker side is honestly easier I think. The only hard part is the moving platforms with the spinys and the subsequent pokio part.
The rock to the right where you respawn has a full 6 heart thingy in it, and you can use it as many times as you want.
The last boss you can get on once then just jump in the air with the low gravity and land back on it.
Honestly this level and victory road were massive disappointments.
Which rock
>used the Mario amiibo the entire time because I seriously could not be arsed
>didn't even get hit more than twice anyway
The Dark Side of the moon can eat it, the refights are okay but the rest of it is anus.
See OP's pic, I think it's the stem to the far right in the picture. Toss your hat at it and hold it down.
>People using amiibos on this
>People have to use glitches to skip it
>People have to put it on easy mode to get through it
>People have to buy extra hearts to get through it
>All this for a Mario game
After each fight you can walk all the way back to the Odyssey to heal
I died on this part like once. 100 moons away from Darker Side, better not be the fucking broodals again
B-but it's hard!
user he Bowser fight is literally waggle (admittedly one of the more fun examples ever) and everything after you possess Bowser is a massive power fantasy. I don't think the devs even considered people dying in the finale.
make sure the broodals you're attacking are stunned/standing still after losing their armor.
ground pound as soon as mario is above the unprotected broodal's head when you're trying to jump on them.
6 hearts for every boss. Super duper easy
Fuck off with your soy meme faggot
they only do it so when you tell them it's obnoxious they can reply with "t. soyboy" or something similar. dunno what kind of person gets joy out of such low-quality, automated shitposting
No it's not. The last boss kicks my ass
>everyone saying darker side is hard as balls
>only relatively challenging
>all the hatless Dark Side moons are far, far tougher than the darker side
>the just beat dark side
>Just went through darker side first try
Dark side >>>>>>darker side