>pirate a game
>beat it
>it doesn't count because it's not visible on my profile
>never pirate again
How do you piratefags deal with this shit?
>pirate a game
>beat it
>it doesn't count because it's not visible on my profile
>never pirate again
How do you piratefags deal with this shit?
Only pirate games you are on the fence about. use it as a demo, and then buy the real thing if you had fun.
Having friends that if I say I did something within reason, they believe me.
If I really liked the game I'll buy it when it's on sale and beat it again.
Have you tried not being a faggot who needs a gamerscore dick lodged firmly in his ass to feel validated in his existence?
I grew up during a time when beating a video game was the point.
most of us aren't neurologically bankrupt frogposters so we don't have this problem
I don't.
I almost never finish games I pirate.
Not having a $$$ tag attached to it makes me feel less incentive to play it
Losing out on cloud saves and lack of it being curated on my profile are just more reasons to not pirate for me.
are you 10?
why does other people seeing your progress effect you so much?
its about the experience you gook
>fogposter is underage
What profile?
by not being autistic
>playing games so that other people know you played them
fucking kill yourself faggot
I feel the same way when I play an old game where there's no achievements
Like I beat the game, great. And now what? There's nothing there, I might as well not have played through the whole thing in the first place
>person who makes typos is underage
not OP, but this bothers me too, and not for the reasons you think. it just rustles my autism that i don't have an indicator reminding me i beat the game on my profile.
doesn't count as what?
This isn't a meme question.
I avoid this problem usually by not being a retarded subhuman who cares about profile points or whatever the fuck it is
steam is gay and i avoid using it so this summed up my first thought
>mods disable achievement tracking
I dont even care about sick cheevos and this still bothers me
>not just keeping a spreadsheet on games you have beaten
The absolute state of teenagers
If you need achievements to beat a game you need to kill yourself.
Happy New Years.
>it doesn't count because it's not visible on my profile
Are there really retards like this on my planet?
My comment had nothing to do with OP yet you still quoted it. That's how I, and everyone in this thread, now knows you're autistic as fuck. Do something productive with your life you waste of space faggot.
this wtf
I pirate so I don't have to talk about the game with anyone.
Honestly, the lack of achievements and a "hours played" stat is an actual bonus for me and all the more reason to pirate.
I do miss cloud saving, though.
end thread
Found op
how is this not the first and only post.
>end thread
>not /thread