Is 2018 the year of FFXIV? Will it finally overtake WoW?

Is 2018 the year of FFXIV? Will it finally overtake WoW?

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You guys are okay

Played it all the tiem, randomly stopped for a day, now I have no desire to even touch it. It's boring man. Vanilla WoW servers are the next big thing for an MMO player. That will also get boring after the first month.

XI was never good

Oh looks, it's the smug anime avatar fag again
Reminder avatar fagging is against the rules and should be reported
What did they mean by this?

I unsubbed for the first time since ARR's launch. It's difficult to keep believing that Yoshi might do something interesting with the game at this point. It's clear they've found a formula and they're sticking to it regardless of how well the game does.


based tarubro

what does it mean
are the allagans coming back or some dumb shit

No. especially since WoW is getting a new xpac while ffxiv will take another year to shit one out like stormblood.

When are we gonna get a Yoshi P primal fight in game? We finally have an allagan tomestone boss in the next dungeon.


FF14 just isnt appealing anymore. If they don't give good looking raid gear next tier I'm gonna unsub again.

Will she come back this year? I miss her.

You already know what they're gonna go. 4 boss raid tier, new primal, and 2 dungeons. Just quit already because these fucks aren't gonna change up anything any time soon

thanks for the wind up doll of yourself, khloe

It's like a version of WoW where the dev team actually cares and isn't on abjectly lazy autopilot

I'm trying to drag out the levelling experience as much as possible, I don't want to get bored like all the nolifers

Is there Khloe concept art in the artbooks?

No release date specified, I'd be surprised if its out before 2019

>where the dev team actually cares and isn't on abjectly lazy autopilot
I see you've played the game a whole.. two hours? And have done no research whatsoever...

I took at as Zenos coming back, in the 4.1 story they said he is still alive. I hope he comes back someway. Ascian/Echo Zenos pls.

I've played literally every xpac of WoW since release to raid level, admittedly I haven't reached cap in FFXIV, but I can't imagine how the FFXIV team could possibly be lazier than WoW. Blizzard started releasing old content as new in 2008, released nobody seems to care if its recycled and has continued doing so since then, with their crowning recycling achievement of literally copy-pasting the city from WotLK for Legion, updating some doodads and calling it new.

shitloads of enemy and boss models in XIV are directly lifted from older FF games

They put out new content relatively frequently at least, Legion is the exception, usually WoW goes 12-18 months without content, literally happened every expansion since 2007 until Legion when they finally got their shit together (sort of)

Its quite shameless how many models are from FFXI. What are they even doing with dev time when they take so many shortcuts with so little content

cash shop items

They are much, much lazier. Once you actually play the game and you will come to understand unless you are legally blind. If you don't think its possible to be lazier than Blizzard prepare to be fucking surprised.

>its another wow comparison episode

is 2018 the year Yoshida puts out content that stays relevant for more than a month? Probably not.

FFXIV kind of sucks if you aren't into raiding, which is a shame because I love FFXIV

The only thing that makes it worth it any more is playing new story content even major patch and then ignoring the game for another 3 months

Like the only reason I even stay subbed is so they don't take away my house


SE cant even put that game on a christmas/new years sale.

It was literally just on sale for 12 bucks like 2 days ago.

You havent properly played one game yet think you're able to judge how lazy the dev is about supporting it.

I thought 2018 would be a less retarded year but here you are lowering the bar instantly.

was it the shitty piss4 version


They're in love with June releases for the game, have stated they plan on extending the patches farther for SB than ARR/HW, and are only just around a month away from the second of five-six major SB patches. Don't expect the next one to show up until summer of 2019 at the earliest.

The fight won't be particularly dangerous, but involves several phases of weak trash you have to kill to move up tiers. On each "floor" of the fight giant tomestones fall from the sky like the things that fell out of Dalamud, and cause knockback shockwaves that can push players off the current floor back to a lower one where they have to kill the trash again to catch up. Meanwhile at the top and center there's a Master Control Program version of YoshiP's head that constantly says "Please look forward to it." in a MS Sam voice. Additionally, there'll be a permanent KI you can buy in the cash shop for $30 that lets you start the fight at the top ring to fight the head(which will be balanced to be trio-able by one of each role).

the dev team is the writer & director of that episode


I think Alisaie is cute.

She's ugly for a girl. Her brother on the other hand is pretty cute for a guy

Remember to log in and get your doggo, Sup Forums.

which is the better striker MNK or SAM

Dont forget this is his Ultimate attack leading into the final phase where you are automatically forced to unsubscribe until the next patch if you wipe

Man, I picked this up, after I stopped for about half a year. I have no fucking clue what im doing at all anymore. That's the problem with these games, especially at end game.

She should make a New Year's resolution to grow some breasts.

XIV's dev team keeps getting cannibalized by other SE projects, XV in particular

>XV is still eating resources from XIV a year after launch

For what fucking purpose, no one who doesnt already own XV is still buying it

There's hardly any catching up to do since you just have to look up what just launched on the last even patch when you started playing. Even better if it's an odd patch since those are always catch up patches that hand out welfare gear and upgrade tokens

>hat with a dog on it
>not a dog minion that climbs on your head

Be happy they casualized the game or you wouldn't even be able to clear normal dungeons without having to read an entire book and needing at least 5 hours experience for each dungeon before its a success.

Tabata's ego and/or SE thinks if they throw enough money and resources at it, it will eventually be successful like they want it to be

>It's like a version of WoW where the dev team actually cares and isn't on abjectly lazy autopilot

*breathes in*


Seriously what's the context behind that pic? I see it every thread but no one ever knows.

I'd rather have that so at I least feel accomplished instead of waiting for the system to queue me into dungeon where I roll my face across the keyboard to clear with 3 retards that don't say anything and are basically bots

Thank god there's a Sup Forums thread up, I was just in the /vg/ thread and it was literally nothing but retards posting their characters and talking about gay shit like how much they love catboys. It's fucking gross and pure cancer.

So what's your favorite low-level dungeon? I think mine might unironically be cutter's cry, or stone vigil. I just love the last boss of cutter's cry.

>Seriously what's the context behind that pic? I see it every thread but no one ever knows.
Someone asked him if they should stay subbed

People bitching about the lack of content in Stormblood have clearly forgotten the 10 month shitshow that was 3.0-3.1.

>People bitching about the lack of content in Stormblood have clearly forgotten the 10 month shitshow that was 3.0-3.1.
Yeah sorry 4.1 also sucks shit.

>You guys are okay
Don't go into sarutabaruta tomorrow?

but at least we got it comparatively quickly


At least Yoshi didn't rent out a castle with the sub money this time

Looks like XIV's getting the XI treatment.

I like Ala Mhigo. I've always enjoyed dungeons where there's shit happening all around. Also, I really wish Skalla was a zone instead of a dungeon. I always have the urge to explore it.

basically funding the company while getting progressively less resources reinvested in it?

At least 4.1ma 24 man wasn't an absolute steaming turd. Ultimate Coil injected a bit of life into things too, as has unlocking Savage early so people can get some clears in without the autistic two month grind.

All in all 4.1 kicks the shit out of 3.1.

I came back for a few weeks, leveled some crafting classes and do the beast tribes. I'm tired of raiding and dealing with autists. But now I've lost the drive to play.

>Seriously what's the context behind that pic? I see it every thread but no one ever knows.
He was visiting a server, he did his visit and tried to leave by logging out or teleporting, however because trade offers kept coming up he couldn't.

Essentially, yeah.

XV's Square Enix's big new craze, and they're pumping it full of money, just as they did with XIV before it.

This sentence by user is what got me thinking, here >>XV is still eating resources from XIV a year after launch
That sounds so much like what they did with XIV and XI. Is this how SE's going to operate for the next few years? Or is this common practice for SE, and I've only noticed it when it involved the mmos I play?

Going across the sea, to look at Square Enix Europe (or the rotten corpse of Eidos), and you start to get the impression they're becoming more and more unpleasant and profit driven.

How many MSQ do y'all think they'll add in the patch?

So he flips the stream the bird? The madman

Is it even worth to RP? Why not just shoot shit with your friends?

>There will never be another expansion
>Your journey in the world of FFXIV is essentially over
feels bad man

Most of the low level dungeos are aids to go through now but i guess my favorite is Qarn.At least you dont unironically like thousand maws

I don't play FFXIV but did they really stop?

7, with the first one being a quick talk to the quest giver and then teleport to some zone to talk to them again to end it and move on into the MSQ stuff proper.

XIV's expansions just seem to make the game smaller. I don't know how they do it.

Vertical gear progression.

no he's just shitposting

ffxiv is over

this, they just shut down the servers

SE don't want to spend more money on resources to make a new game. They're cheap.

Well that and they seem to be content on releasing the same shit with a new coat of paint since numbers have been going up apparently

Numbers grow because 80% of players don't care about pve, they care about glamour, crafting and house decoration.

Was it really 10 months? Goddamn, I quit like a month into 3.0, can't believe anyone would stay subbed through that.

I kinda regret that I didn't resub in 3.3 though. I liked Heavensward's story and overall aesthetics and everything so much more than Stormblood, but I only played it in the beginning and the month before SB came out.

Remember when SB was supposed to be THE REAL expansion since XV had finally released and wasn't sucking the game dry? Me neither

How are slowpokes only just now figuring out that this game is sterile and boring?

Reminder that Keita Amemiya costs a lot of money to hire.

I just spent like 120 hours on this game over winter break, and that's DESPITE having already finished ARR, Heavenward, and half of Stormblood before the winter break started. Calling the game boring is a joke. It's so rare for me to spend this much time on a single game, unheard of in fact. And I'm not even a social butterfly, I play by myself and don't waste time talking to people.

Probably Brayflox's Longstop, by some sort of stockholm syndrome effect. I spent fucking ages in there farming every armor set back in the ARR days, it was miserable at the time, but now I really enjoy revisiting the dungeon. If anything it's one of the few dungeons from back then that takes place outdoors instead of some depressing dark dungeon so it's kinda nice and refreshing in that sense. And besides, gobbies are just the fucking best.

the longstop is a good choice, man. no shame in that.

Could anyone tell me when PotD stops being the most efficient way to level up? 50? 60? And what should I then replace it with? I tried looking it up but all the information I came across seemed dated.

Yeah, it is a nice place. But it is a bit funny to me how I went from absolutely hating it to considering it my favorite low level dungeon.

60. Dungeons then become the best. If you're a dps it means sitting in queues, no way around that.

61 actually. I heard Gubal hard was the best to speed run over and over for that level but that was like when SB launched

Welp, thanks. Guess I'll pick up a DoL to keep myself busy then.

>How are slowpokes only just now figuring out that this game is sterile and boring?
It's not the same people. The game is a huge revolving door. People come in play through the story, stick around for a month or two and quit. And then new people get in and it repeats. Very small subset of the playerbase has been playing for any significant amount of time and even fewer have been playing since the release. It's basically a single-player game in that respect. You buy it, you beat it, you quit it. It's even difficult when you're learning a raid with a group and you say something like "oh, this mechanic is like in that one fight from ARR" and they're like "I never did that fight".

So when people say the numbers are growing all it means it that there's more accounts sold. Which I guess is good for Square Enix - they're developing it like a single player game while keeping it relevant for longer periods of time than a regular single player game but the game has fuckall holding power. Nothing takes real effort to do and that's why nothing matters.

I think, like all online communities, waifufags and tr*nnies have ruined it.

I still can't believe people actually level DPS with PotD, so fucking boring. I much prefer getting in the DPS queue and leveling a crafter while waiting, then getting to go through an actual dungeon. Fuck PotD grinding.

calling it now, zenos now has ghost trick powers