>Super Mario Bros. 3
Food equivalents of video games
Sleeping Dogs
>any telltale game
>Fallout 4
>tfw on a diet for being a fat fuck
Dark Souls
Horizon Zero Dawn
Cool Spot
chocolate on bread is pretty good
once you lose weight, you can still eat junk food but you just gotta moderate yourself, exercise afterwards if it's really bad, and keep an eye on your cholesterol
I have yet to go on a diet and im a fat fuck myself, but it's good to know what to do once I get started
>7-11 sushi
Yeah, no. Unless you're talking about the PS2 games. 7-11 isn't good enough to represent the PS3/PS4 games.
The Phantom Pain
You'd be surprised by how much different 7-11 is in Japan.
I think he means yakuza series is just mediocre japanese garbages which you like just because it very """"japanese"""" you damn gaijin.
i loved eating those as a kid
Sure, wandering around a Japanese city is cool, since I'm not as familiar with it as if the game was set in a western city, but I like the storytelling and combat more than the fact that it's set in Japan.
that salad looks fucking delicious and just the right amount of carbs on the rest.
>sleeping dogs
is that what they fill those buns with? god damn chinese people dog eating scum
*smacks lips*
eyyooo hol' up... now I'm hungry nigga
>Imagine being so fat
rome total war
>Mortal Kombat X
Dark souls would be more like some delicious spicy dish
>normalfag licks tip of pinky that rubbed against rim of tobasco bottle
Seems about right
Monster Hunter
welcome to good burger home of the good burger may i take your order
Super Smash Bros. Melee
But That's not my favorite game
Tacos are hard to eat though
>medium well
Xenoblade Chronicles 2
Everything is wrong with this.
>medium well
>cheap cut o meat
>cooked on one side for longer than the other.
Dammit man
Shitty american supermarket """"tacos""" are. Proper tacos are little slices of heaven that don't shatter since they're made with fresh tortillas.
That looks so good if it were only cooked right.
For me, it's the The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. The best open world RPG.
/vck/ tonight bois
What a strange crosspost
Have a local pizza place pizza.
my point exactly.
>really fucking good
>originally made for children
>autistic adults like it too
Yeah it checks out
ace attorney
Team Fortress 2
what if that was the point
Man, that looks like a good burger. I should go buy a McChicken.
>Trying to give diet advice when you're fat too
What a nice mom. Dante is lucky.
Chef Howard approved.
Get the unfinished tomato and onion dlc for only 45cents more.
just like a chicken salad, it also gets old and disgusting and filled with insects if you leave it out for ten years
so does ur mum
I want to try one of these. I think I would like the fried one more though.
>My mom never did this...
Mass Effect: Andromeda
>tfw lunch today was 7-11 sushi and a bottle of Aquarius
Ocarina of Time
moar like Star Citizen
>local pizza place
>Digiorno tier "pizza"
This has to be California
That's legit very sweet.
Those are presumably pork buns. Dog meat tastes like mutton.
>egg on burgers
>pizza with no meat
>salads with huge fucking meat on it
>richfag foods covered in 30 dollars in spices
>any "fast food"
only appetizing post was
In Russia the convenience store sushi is so shit that people have grill it to try and kill off the parasites.
Dante's mom sounds like a legitimately nice lady
>egg on burger
Nice meme
Spot the plebs.
But it's a tasty meme,
>But it's tasty!
But all food is like that, user.
mother 3
There is so much fucking grease on it. You would need to use half of a roll of paper towels to get all of it off.
If it tastes good then it's good. We're talking burgers here, lad, not some artisan fru-fru shit.
>posting Old El Paso
Those fucks should be hanged for associating tacos with those yellow abominations.
should be a cannoli
It's egg. A generic protein no different than putting a slice of chicken or turkey on a burger that you would never even notice.
>But it's so RANDUM XD!
That's pretty much just an open-face burrito.
You do realize different foods have different tastes, right?
>so austistic he sees food only in terms of category and not flavour, texture, and mouthfeel
Go back to your crates of soylent, retard.
Xenoblade Chronicles X
Egg has a unique quality to it from those other meats though. It doesn't have a conflicted taste with the patty and works well with the other garnishes given they're common salad ingredients as well.
And the yoke tastes great when it permeates to the meat abd fixings.
7-11 in Japan is fucking great.
and i'm not talking about those store bought ones i mean like the freshly baked warm hot out of the oven gooey goodness
Nice argument.
>Store bought
Throw them in the microwave for a few seconds and they become tolerable.
Sam and Max series.
Street Fighter