How much importance do you place on representation in video games?
How much importance do you place on representation in video games?
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we get it you want a Sup Forums thread on Sup Forums. Just out right say it, don't hide it like a pussy
It's so easy, even a caveman can do it!
fuck off
That's probably the ugliest person I've ever seen.
Not much, most of the time I just find it insulting. Rather not deal with it. At the same time though, that's an opinion I'd never be vocal with, actually I'd say the exact opposite.
You already have an entire board for these shit threads fuck off
I really couldn't give a shit.
Also there is no way someone sexually harrased that thing. I would rather fuck shrek.
t. Donkey
a negative. actively avoid.
>How much importance do you place on representation in video games?
None. I place importance on internal consistency.
Black protagonists in modern day US? Sure
Black protagonists as generals in ancient Aztec culture? No
Zero also pic related
It's a negative. If there's certain types of people being represented for perfectly logical reasons, then that's great. Representing certain people for the simple sake of representing them never works out well though. Mostly because it's not them representing themselves.
What's wrong with USA? Can we just end it? Can't NK or Chink or Ruski just end this menace?
It's too painful. Make it stop.
Am I to believe somebody raped that?
I wonder if this thing is a virgin or will remain one if so.
>As a white male I feel oppressed and genocided against by video games that feature women and or coloureds.
Maybe they had a bag over her head
And tarp over her body
She could've been a beauty pageant in her youth, you're just racist.
looks like post mortem michael clarke duncan
A whole pageant? Wow.
Developers that go out of their way to promote how diverse or inclusive their game is are usually trying to overcompensate for their lack of ability in gameplay design
So I would say I place high importance in it since I use it as a caution sign against getting that game
holy fucking butt ugly
Got raped so hard the shockwaves deformed the face permanently.
fucking lel
we don't wanna start a war
I just wanna hoverboard
Blacks only play fighting games and sports and theres plenty of blacks in those genres. Why do they even try?
I don't give a shit, however I absolutely hate faggots who try to make representation a selling point of a product because it goes against to the very idea of equality. I also hate when they try to push representation in places where it is unnecessary, especially in the context.
Representation is just a forced code word for a shitty game with half assed story that tries to make it "deeper" with no gameplay value at all.
how do you prove that she started the hashtag? what's the verification?