Is this actually the best Persona game?

Is this actually the best Persona game?

No, P2 duology is.

Not even close, but it has my favourite OST of the series.

I reckon the story's a lot cooler and the character's more engaging, but otherwise no.

What the fuck is that it looks like a fake game

maki is cute

all makis

No, it has its merits (music being the biggest one) but the gameplay has aged like milk. I couldn’t give a shit less about the lack of social simulation, it’s just that the first person crawling just isn’t appealing.

>first person crawling just isn’t appealing

This is why the SMT master race laughs at personababs

>tfw no Real Maki GF to raise the two little Maki's with.
>tfw no surprise visits from Ideal Maki and Pandora.

>This is why the SMT master race laughs at personababs
And praises third person dungeons without end all the same.

no, the people who claim the original Personas are the best are retards playing hipster because they are too fat to play hipster IRL.


this has to be one of the worst unironic posts i've ever seen on Sup Forums and that's saying a lot

This though


aesthetic wise. Yes. There's a melancholic somber tone to P1 that's unique to it.
Gameplay wise, P5 is top
Story and characters, P3. P2 duology is a close second.
p4 is bad

hue hue I present you my first (yOU) of 2018, be grateful

>Gameplay wise, P5 is top
>Story and characters, P3

I think it's one of the more interesting. I like that the old games actually brought the demon shit out into the real world rather than just having it be a special pocket dimension that only the snow flakes can enter. Made shit feel like there was actually some damn danger in the world.

And while the character where hardly deep I think I few of the quarks they did had created a far more interesting party.

For example you had Elly. Her arc is almost nonexistent but instead of being a regal stuco president, or having a laughing tick or whatever, she's completely goddamn insane. In persona 1 you can get a party member who is so off her rocker that she actually seems to be enjoying the scary shit going around her. And not in an aloof, she's secretly a fun person kind of way I mean complete kid in a toy story with a 500 gift card running the aisles gleefully laughing. I mean she's so into this mess she needs new panties.

Also she's the prettiest one.

too grindy for me

i wish wed get a proper p2 duology release, playing the psp version of one and the ps1 version of the other is retarded

Honestly it's probably the worst Persona game from a gameplay perspective. Tons of random encounters and very grindy. It hurts that there isn't really anything to break up the dungeons you just go from one to the next and it makes the game feel like one long grind. The story and music are great though and the tone is very dark. If you can handle the grind it's worth playing but definitely not the best Persona.


Well that's really more a USA problem as the Japanese crowd did get PSP version of both.

If p5 doesn't have the best gameplay than what does?

I agree, Persona 2 is actually the only Persona game I haven't played for this reason. I'm waiting for a fan translation of Eternal Punishment PSP to happen.

P2 with P5's gameplay (excluding trash obviously) would be the best

P5 WOULD have the best gameplay if it wasn't braindead easy
Honestly I don't think this series shines in gameplay in general but P1 at least has some depth and P2 is at least weird

I really can't say any of them have the best combat

It has a hard mode for a reason.

you can play innocent sin on psp and then play eternal punishment on ps1 just fine, its not like your save file transfers or anything

You can't /thread your own post dumbass

What does P3 improve upon the first and second games? I feel like P1 and P2 are so overshadowed to the point where it feels like they don't exist.

I thought Eternal Punishment for the PS1 had translation issues and changes some of the characters names and stuff

Ayase's better though. BAM BAM


We're done.

P3 might as well have started a new series with how different it was, it's why old persona and new persona aren't talked about that much together, because there isn't that much they have in common.

yeah but there are lists of all the name changes

i did it that way atleast

Yeah, and hard mode is shit because all they do is tune up the numbers. Hard mode in Persona has always been bad for that exact reason. It'd take actual effort to make a hard mode that's worth playing.
They'd have to change enemy weaknesses and abilities and strategies in order to make hard mode any fun.

No Persona game has enough depth in its combat system to make hard enjoyable without doing that because it's SMT lite so all hard mode does is add grinding.
Nocturne is a hard game by default but it works (most of the time) because press turn actually gives you a lot of options for how to deal with enemies.

I absolutely love the reason they gave for the fact that the protag doesn't talk much : Everyone told him that his singing voice sucked and he's still mad about that.
Also loved the way that the characters were already introduced as a group of friends, gives so much more reason for them to stick together than most JRPG casts.

They left the P1 characters with their changed names but all of the P2 ones have their actual ones.

I always wonder how fair it is to really judge a first game against is sequels because by their very nature they should be improving on what the first didn't nail. I mean Im not gonna defend P1's faults, but rather just say that they largely exist because at the time there was no real sense of what to base it all off of. It was a new experiment so comparing it to it's later installments directly is a bit unfair.

That said I do think it did a lot of things better than it's modern successors. You mentioned just going from dungeon to dungeon but that was normal RPG affair and to be frank, while I do like the modern games, I feel a lot of their run time is padded out because you have to wait for arbitrary calendar days and a bulk of the time is spent grinding different things to be sure but grinding all the same. I don't always want to do the part time job shit or even a social link.

Not to mention the issue of tone or at least rather creating a sense of urgency. In the PS1 games there was no downtime because every moment was danger. This created its own problems in that random battles where a bitch and a half but the plot didn't feel like an after thought. This was especially bad in 4 where there basically was no plot until the last few months where they dumped it on you in a way that was, less than satisfying.

Id love to see a modern remake that fixed a lot of 1s mechanical issues with a redone battle system. You couldn't really force in a SLINK or calender system but something like DESU2s FATE system may be possibly and would create a much more, digestible if straightforward game

Damn right. Also if you havent read the manga you should

P3 and on are definitely way more accessible. Persona was always kinda meant to be SMT but more accessible, but P1 and 2 still have really significant SMT elements to them. P1 in particular really feels almost identical to SMT 1, just less player hostile.
P3-5 are like ten times as casual-friendly though, which meant cutting out a lot of the old SMT traditions. That's why it's so weird that P1, 2, and fucking If... got DLCs in P5.

>Also loved the way that the characters were already introduced as a group of friends, gives so much more reason for them to stick together than most JRPG casts.

I liked that it saved time and let us get to the actual meat sooner rather than later. You know what one of the biggest problems with 4 was? It spent at least half of it's dungeons just assembling a party of yahoos who didn't have shit to do with anything.

persona 1 and chrono cross, they both have this one of a kind surreal and weird feeling to them, it almost starts to affect the player who just sort of smiles and goes along with these zany people and their bizarre adventure. i dont think ive ever connected with a game as much as p1 and chrono cross

sorry for this

Why is Nanjo so based?

never played a Persona game. they all look pretty boring. whats with the retarded bear? and are the characters schoolchildren in every game?

>Everyone told him that his singing voice sucked and he's still mad about that.
I don't remember that part of the game but that sounds hilarious, where the do they mention that?

wow what a shitty attitude you have

>whats with the retarded bear?

That's Teddy. He's from 4 and is the absolute worst. Which considering how awful 4's cast is actually impressive in a way.

>and are the characters schoolchildren in every game?

Not every game no. In Persona 2 Eternal Punishment, you play as a party of adults, a magazine reporter, a depressed alcoholic and a guy with a beef with the Taiwanese mafia.

It's in one of the flavor text when you talk to your party, however, I don't remember which one though because there's a lot. But it's near the beggining of the SEBEC Route, plus it's also implied that he sucks when you use the Sing action to interact with a demon.

I want to also take a moment to mention how cool it was there was a second story route.

I miss when video games were brave enough to have significant chunks of content be entirely missable
Really only the Souls games do it these days and that's one of their best features

That's not P2

I just wish Persona would find it's balls again. 5 was sort of a step in the right direction but we're still a long ways off from the days when demonic terrorism and Hitler was the norm. I mean shit this asshole right here spattered the inside of the mental hospital in faster time it took the P4 villain to indirectly kill two jerks off camera.

Can you imagine the IT suddenly face to face with this kind of lunatic.

Yeah, Persona 1 had a ton of fucking good ideas that needed polish, and for the most part, 2 did improve on a lot of shit, but some of them were never reused for some reason, including making two distinct routes with no bad end bullshit.

When a game dares to do that nowadays, people complain endlessly, just look at the difference between Xenoblade 1 and it's ton of missable content and Xenoblade 2 where only 2 quests are lost forever in the game

never mind that snow queen wasnt even accessible on the ps1 version

Reiji may be broken beyond reason but Elly is just a constant delight

Well again that's a localization issue rather than a GAME issue. to be more than a little blunt Im surprised Atlus even brought the game over at all.

How bad is the time limit in the Snow Queen route? I hear you've got to set up a lot of stuff to beat all the dungeons in time.
I despise time limits like that and don't want to use a guide.

it was the first localized smt game, right?

I would settle for just having a story that doesn't involve personas in some parallel world and having the npcs realize there's some weird shit going on. I liked how nonchalant P2 was about monsters and cults in the streets and reading all the weird shit random people were going through as a result of the rumors.

eriko is cute


You have 3 hours in each tower, the timer stops any time you're not dungeon crawling, meaning in combat, cutscene, or dialog rooms. Its very managable assuming you can follow the map and avoid getting too lost. You just can't waste a lot of time grinding.

Uh, meant to say: In a gameplay sense yes. In a personal sense, it has my favourite cast of characters with Eternal Punishment not far behind. It handled the motley crew aspect so well that P3's put to shame.

Yes. I don't think we got another one till Revelations The Demon Slayer.

Even another group like Strega would be appreciated. Just something to lessen the divide between the worlds. 5's villains where a decent idea but we needed to see more of the Black Mask, maybe fight him a couple times early on.

It wasn't necessarily saying the game needed social links between the dungeons but just something to break them up a bit. It's pretty draining fighting your way through one of them and then having to immediately go into another one. I understand what you are saying about the sense of urgency but I feel like there should be ups and downs not just constant pressure. That way when a big moment does hit it feels more significant. Like it P4 when Nanako gets taken into the TV and suddenly it feels like shit got real. I really like many things in the original Persona especially the story and atmosphere but it can really be a chore to play at times.

Does the timer tick while in the menu changing equipment and such? And is it a game over if I fail or just no good ending?
Is it also pathetically easy on the boss front like SEBEC with Agi level spells being enough to get to the Snow Queen?

I really don't like time limits, it's the only reason I haven't done that route yet.

Considering I got into SMT and atlus in general because of SJ and EO, I feel right at home with the dungeon crawling. The encounters are a bit too frequent but I'm lmaoing at all the babbies that hate it because it's nothing but dungeon crawling, the social sims in 3 and up are all fucking half baked shit anyway, you have shit dungeons and shit everything else, only 5 did they get somewhat better but not till the last 2 actual dungeons of the game

No. It's the worst of a series of terrible to mediocre games.

Well I think 2 helped fix a lot of that by removing world map battles and having a lot more places where you could just shop or relax more. The thing to remember is that P1 is only a slightly more introductory SMT and the nature of the setting didn't really allow that chance to breath. You and your school where trapped in a literal nightmare dimension, it should to an extent feel draining and oppressive.

4 was just to casual about everything. You spend more time frolicking at the beach or playing games than fighting demons so even when something happens to Nanako it feels a bit to little too late. Especially when even then you can drag your feet and by then the whole dungeon dive thing is routine.

>Chie's P4G voice


English or Japanese?


>tfw the original script of P4 was pretty grim
>Yosuke was the killer and only did it because Yu as the new kid in town just steals his spot and does everything better
>He was your gay option for romance and in a great twist it would be revealed he did it only to hurt you with the revelation because he hates your guts
>nop out of the window because a qt boi like him cant be a cold killed

I wish they didnt back down on that idea. One of my favorite moments in EP is how Ulala is the reason why you have the JOKER on your ass, and how she fucking hates you for rubbing how cool and perfect you are all the time why she gets abused everytime she tries to find someone special.


>Rise's P4DAN voice

>P4 better than literally any other game in the series

Being in the menu stops it, the timer stops any time you're not actually in the dungeon in first person.
You just get a game over if you run out of time. There's also bad ending you can unlock by picking the wrong choices in the dungeons, which is really easy to do, I'd recommend to use a guide; its short compared to the main game but you can still easily fuck up hours worth of work by just choosing something wrong or doing a dungeon out of the recommended order.

> how Ulala is the reason why you have the JOKER on your ass, and how she fucking hates you

Most believable woman in the series. Backstabs her best friend just because she has no luck with men.

Gotta give credit to Tadashi, he seems like a man whose writing came from personal experience rather than emulating his superiors.

Actually more on the Nanako subject I think a big problem with P4 in general is just how the party never really seems to "LOOSE." Not that I think the game needs to be grim dark or do the DESU thing where people can croak. But I think it's important for the party to face hardship during the quest and hit walls that they need to overcome. Everything just goes too well for them to the point where it's all sunshine and roses. There's no sacrifice or growth.

P1 has the party constantly playing catch up or something new and crazy taking them by surprise.

the Twoloogy is nothing but suffering where the party has to give up their memories and friendship and everything is maybe sort of their fault in the first place.

3 has Door kun and a good chunk of the party members suffering the loss of someone important to them one way or another and being forced to overcome sorrow.

Even 5 has the party get played hard with the whole McDonalds fiasco backing them into a corner.

But 4 what's the worst that happens? A couple people the player doesn't care about die? You could probably make a case for Saki senpai but Yosuke seems pretty quick to get over that one and forget about it and then what? A teacher nobody liked gets killed by a kid who showed up once 30 hours prior who himself goes catatonic.

Nanako dying may be too extreme, I don't think she should actually but I defiantly think if she was going to live it needed a better reason than LOL MAGIC. It completely undermines it's own impact with a nice little rainbow butterfly bow. My point is Teddy should fucking die in her place, given up his life for hers in an act of love because he learned what true humanity is all about. And also I hate him.

>having an opinion this worthless

It looks like you haven't conformed to patrician taste, user. Didn't you know that P4 is actual cancer that ruined SMT in its entirety? You literally can't enjoy a game from a franchise known for its gritty darkness that abandons that in favor of SOL teenage drama and lighthearted """comedy""". It's a betrayal of everything SMT should be, and you should off yourself if you disagree.

I'll be joining you in Sup Forums death tonight, user.

>Persona 1 is all about Jungian psychology, hence the name Persona in the first place
>as is Persona 2, incorporating his idea of the "negative persona" as a tangible threat
>Persona 3 is about the collective unconscious and adds social links to emphasize character development

>P4 and 5 have fuck all to do with psychology other than to use it as a vague placesetting for why the plot happens
>the only other psychological elements they use are blatantly rehashed and watered down from the previous games

I'm seriously disgusted by how P4 and P5 both use "humanity wants the world to end" as the final final villain's justification after P3 did it

Im not calling you a liar or anything but source? Because that sounds rad. Also considering what came with Goro later it sounds believable

I actually remember reading somewhere that Dojima was the killer. Which also would have been cool. A cop who becomes disillusioned after the death of his wife starts going Punisher on what he perceives as an impure society. Plus knowing you where living under his roof the whole time. spooky.

Thanks for the information, I will give it a shot and will reluctantly glimpse at a guide.

I don't even understand anything you just said
You're genuinely baffling me on a level I didn't believe possible
Like I can't even begin to fathom any possible angle you might be coming from because it's instantly contradicted in three different ways by your own words

I'll agree with that, I hated teddie as well. It would have been interesting if Nanako dying was the bad ending but you could save her some how and carry on towards the good ending.

it's not even just Jung. the historical, literary and mythological emphasis was much stronger. Taosim and Lovecraft playing especially huge roles

P3 took large chunks of its message from the Snow Queen Quest though. Right down to a major point being not to fear death.

I think he is shitting on P4, i don't know. Still, P4 is
a objectively better game than P1

I was being sarcastic, honestly. Persona 4 is actually my second favorite game ever, bested only by P3. Most of the criticisms launched at the game come from a perspective similar to the one I posted. Overly simplified and strawmanning, but it's the only reason I can think of for why anyone can hate P4 with such passion. I definitely have issues with P4's narrative, but I still adore the overall package.

3 >fuuka
4 >Naoto
5 >Makoto
This is fact

I'd take P1's dungeons over the randomly generated garbage in 3 and 4 (especially 4's)

i have created the ultimate abomination

P1's gameplay is turbo cancer, and over half of it's characters are barely characters

I'm a giant P1fag. The only thing I dislike about it is the battle system and even then I think it's better than the P2 duology's.

I say what I'm about to say without at all attempting to come off as condescending:
You should play any SMT game ever and realize why people who like SMT look down on Persona (given the lens of condescending fuckwit that all opinions must go through when they're held by someone on Sup Forums)

I personally am not that extreme about it, but here was genuinely my first experiences with SMT as a whole

>played P4 in high school and loved most of it
>had a friend who was into SMT
>he told me to play Nocturne
>I agreed
>about two hours into it I realized how little effort had been put into P4 in comparison
>every single game I've played in the franchise since has only increased this sentiment

I still love P3, and I enjoyed P5, but even just playing 1 and 2 there's so much more creative energy behind every single aspect.
P4 seriously comes off incredibly lazy and slapdash because all of its best elements are lifted from other games.

The combat is shallow and watered down from P3, the dungeon generation is worse, the theming is worse, the characters have weaker arcs, and all of it just feels like a strange imitation.
I still think it's an alright game, I don't hate it and I still have a lot of nostalgia for it, but even by the time I'd finished it I was sick of it, hence why I said "loved most of it."

Same here user, I wish half the material that got put out for it in the day was scanned.

Its from one interview when they said that Yosuke as the killer was set only to shock you because of all people in the game he couldnt be the killer and some info in the concept art.

>I actually remember reading somewhere that Dojima was the killer.

Yes, Dojima was also a candidate for the killed but they find it way too grim to make a hardworking father like him the killer so they redisign him to be more of a beat man trying hard on his work.

>Also considering what came with Goro later it sounds believable

You know I know alot of people hate him but I like Goro no for the "oh man what a sad life", "he is hot" but more for how nuts he is

>Had a clear chance to take his father in one hit but blow his cover and let Shido arm a plan to get rid of him
>Shido fucking turns him into a terrorist, A FUCKING TERRORIST. One thing that most P5 fans overlook
>he is so damn bend on revenge he doesnt mind at all killing just to get a chance to destroy Shido
>so fucking insecure he tries super hard to be better that Joker: for him they are the same but somehow Joker gets friend and a better and humble life while he rots in the shadows.

Plus both of his personas are spot on

>His Robin Hood is a fake, he is just what he wish people to see him but since all his public image its fake Robin Hood got no green color, the biggest trail of Robin Hood which represents loyalty and selfless
>Loki is a god of chaos and revenge but in the end they play him like a damn fiddle: much like Goro let himself be used instead of cleaning his past and leaving all behind for a better life

Different user here, but it's funny. P3 was my first SMT and I had that exact experience. The more I played the rest of the series and other Megami Tensei games, the more P3 retroactively became my least favourite.