What does 2018 Sup Forums think of Cave Story?

What does 2018 Sup Forums think of Cave Story?

Why do you care what 2018 Sup Forums thinks?

Why do you care what Sup Forums thinks at all?

I love it but I've been here since 2007.

Amazing game made by just one guy. Proof that if you have talent and love what you do you can do masterpieces.

Should I play the free PC version or buy the "+" version on Switch?

What's the difference?

It's impressive work for a single person but it wouldn't have been as well received if it wasn't free. It's not much of a challenge except for the optional final dungeon.

Really enjoyed it. Kero Blaster was smooth to play but had none of the charm and visual polish of cave story. I was disappointed

The only true indie game, and the only good one too.

If the switch version is like the steam version, slightly updated sprites, remastered ost, and a handful of extra challenge maps.

Played through it many times on basically every version. Recently played through co-op on the switch version which was fun.

Masterpiece game.

I should give it another try, I never finished and looks good

>still never beaten the bloodstainef palace
Fuck me why must i be bad

It's one of those games that you play through like once every few months. The slowness of the grasslands and desert area really turns me off from playing the game multiple times at once.

cheese through the boss fight using the spikes that rise up

>The only true indie game, and the only good one too
What a weird comment to make.

I can't tell you yet. I'm still 2017 Sup Forums.

>It's not much of a challenge except for the optional final dungeon.
And fighting misery the doctor and that other final boss in a row.

I want to play this game, but I don't know which one is the definitive version.

Which port should I get? The Switch version?

Probably the best freeware game ever made, and spawned a whole bunch of shitty cash-ins like Undertale.

The only one I've heard people discourage others from playing in the 3DS one and not even by that much.

>the only one ive played
got it

Indie game is a mere commercial label and you know it.

Just play the free version and if you like it buy it on sale or something.

I really like that grasstown theme

Yeah really, that was pretty brutal.

This is one of those games where I came for the porn but stayed because it was good

The final dungeon was annoyingly hard and I never finished it

Favorite game. Not a fan of Nicalis milking it, but I appreciate the keychains, co-op, Wind Fortress and having a Cave Story rep in a fighting game. Still hoping Quote makes it in Blade Strangers as free DLC.

it's a fun little game and it's neat that one guy made it, but it doesn't hold a candle to similar games made by professionals decades before it


Hated it back in 2015, 2016, 2017 and will always stick to my objectively correct opinion that it's a piece of garbage people pretend to like because it's japanese.
Same goes for god hand

One of my favorite games of all time. I was playing it as the clock hit midnight for 2018. Done multiple runs, still never been able to S-Rank boss rush and bloodstained sanctuary though.