Everyone forgot about this game's existence

>Everyone forgot about this game's existence
>No one cares about Dishonored anymore
>Arkane is about to die
It hurts, bro. It was so fun, too.

They should have tried making good games.

>Arkane will now be working on supporting Bethesda studios with their shit open world games instead of developing anything of their own, assuming they don't get outright liquidated

I wonder what did it.

Dishonored was cringey soyboy steampunk garbage, fuck off.

Maybe they should make another Arx Fatalis style game then.


I actually really enjoyed Dishonored + expacs and even Dishonored 2, but I didn't pick up Death of the Outsider because the premise just seemed so fucking stupid to me.

>>Arkane is about to die
prove it
until i see the budge of D2 and prey vs what they made i refuse to believe this

>replace your masked bad ass male protag with an unattractive KANGZ negress
>why does no one like muh sequel

Really makes you think.

Dishonored 1 was an amazing game that I played through several times. Dishonored 2 just lacked a certain spark. I think the levels were too big and unfocused and the story just didn't have quite the same level of hook to it to get me invested. I dunno... I just got bored after a few hours and didn't go back.


I'm glad I don't suffer from this advanced form of faggotry that I stop enjoying a good first person game because the protagonist is a nigger. You poor miserable cunts.

The comments in here are cancerous garbage. People are pretending the game forces some kind of social justice message because of a black female protagonist when the protagonist's race and gender is not even mentioned or hinted at here, it literally doesn't matter.

Billy Lurk is a great character with good development who's been in the franchise since the first DLC. Anyone bitching about this is beyond retarted or hasn't even played the game.

The same will be true for Wolfenstein II

I want an actual Thief successor. I liked Dishonored but it had a lot of problems and while I was kind of excited for Dishonored 2 I skipped it because it was basically broken on PC at launch. And apparently while it fixed some issues it still kept plenty of the first game's flaws. Didn't even look twice at Prey because of the above.

>ask why no one plays or gives a shit
>get a real answer
>don't like the answer
>get mad at the people who won't play the game you like because they don't like niggers

If it doesn't matter then don't change it.

>ask why no one plays or gives a shit



i think the character is a tad too powerful and the executions and combat isn't polished and doesn't carry weight
i want a game that feels more challenging

Sup Forumstards are so embarrassing
Take your pills

Back to Knife of Dunwall

Besides Arkane what other devs will go under in 2018?

I'll risk here.
These games give you freedom to kill the target like you want, like Hitman? If so, It will be the first game of thee year for me.

They do give you a lot of freedom, but there isn't a big variety of environmental kills like Hitman post Contracts has. You can't drop chandeliers and have them smoke themselves to death or something like that. The freedom is more in how to creatively use your supernatural powers to fuck shit up.

I love Dishonored 1 and 2, but even I haven't played the newest one.

Not only did I have limited funds, but the entire idea sounds fucking dumb and completely off the feel of the first two.

>We're gonna kill a god!!!

Completely fucking shit. Ill buy and play it when its like 10 dollars. Hopefully they make a third Dishonored before they die.

It was the perfect setup tho, since they had done it in D2.

On the other hand, since they went full retard on the storytelling in D2, it probably would not have been a good idea

You can generally chose a non lethal way or kill them using weaponry, powers, a combination of those.

In the first game, you could for instance kill a target by locking him in the sauna and upping the temperature. Or just shoot him. Or kill him with a sword. Or setup a situation where his own guard shoots him. Or have him sent for slave labor in a mine.

But user I've been playing it the last few days. I'm just starting the bank heist mission.


Exactly how I felt

Or if you absolutely insisted doing it that way, why not play as some member of the religious fanatics? Why Daud and Billie?? They gained a lot from the Outsider and both of them are supposed to be retired

Whole thing feels like a cashgrab

Thank you user, I think I can see what you are talking about. Even so, it's freedom compared to other games, right? Sorry if I am being dense.

>In the first game, you could for instance kill a target by locking him in the sauna and upping the temperature. Or just shoot him. Or kill him with a sword. Or setup a situation where his own guard shoots him. Or have him sent for slave labor in a mine.

Thank you anons, will be the first game of the year for me.

The bank heist might be the best mission in the entire series, in my opinion.

>Even so, it's freedom compared to other games, right?
Absolutely. It doesn't reach that Hitman Blood Money/™ but it shits over 99% of every other game you can think of.

I'm not the user you're talking to, but I will say keep in mind Dishonored works better as an action packed murder game rather than a stealth game like Hitman or Thief. When I first played Dishonored 1 at release I was disappointed since I was comparing it to Thief and playing completely non-lethal. Once I embraced murder I started enjoying the games immensely, and once I cranked the difficulty up and started playing it like a full on retarded murderer I enjoyed it even more.

Glad to hear it. The level design in Dishonored 2 and DotO is absolutely insane, so that's some high praise you're giving this map.

>>No one cares about Dishonored anymore

I watched a bunch of cutscenes for Dishonored 2 and there was literally not a single thing about it that I found aesthetically pleasing. Clothing, architecture, UI, weapons, accents, body shapes, faces, technology. All of it shit.

Prey and Dishonored 2 were amazing. Arkane is fine.

I just wasn't interested in anything related to Billie or Daud or the new Outsider. Passed hard on this one.

It looks really interesting and beautiful in its own way. The intended uglyness (in the faces, for example) adds to it.

>Arkane is fine
D2, DOTO and Prey all sold like shit. Arkane is very much not fine. I'd be surprised if they got the opportunity to release another single player game.

>Hopefully they make a third Dishonored before they die.
Arkane doesn't give a shit about Dishonored anymore considering they gave Dishonored 2 to their B team and fucked it over with their shitty idtech5 offshoot.

>Absolutely. It doesn't reach that Hitman Blood Money/™ but it shits over 99% of every other game you can think of.
Thank you again. I think I got it what you are talking about.

Fucking hell user, I did the right thing to ask in this thread, Thank you very much, I really thought it was a stealth game. I would play even so, just by the freedom that told me. You just turned the experience better.

Really, Thank you anons. glad I asked here, I was always scared of spoilers.'

To elaborate on what this user is saying, the game is relatively open in the options it offers, which means that its mechanics are broad rather than focused on one particular playstyle.
Stealth is based on line of sight, with a very limited sound aspect.
Combat is generally broader between straight up sword fights and magic powers. the first game is somewhat lopsided in the powers selection, albeit most powers can be used for non lethal gameplay.

The second game is more open ended on that front, but either way, it is best served by being played twice, following a given playstyle.
Also, while the first game will give you a superpower (Blink, a short range teleport) from the get go, the game can be completed essentially without powers at all. Blink must be used twice beyond its tutorial area at the start of the game.

The second game offers the choice to refuse powers altogether, making it somewhat more Thief like. But again, both playstyles are worth a playthrough, in any order.

I still don't know - is this a man or woman?

This keeps getting better and better.
So it has replayability?
Thank you for your time mate, I am sold. Going to buy the "trilogy" and give it a go.
Again, thank you all anons for the time to describe a thing and not just yell "WATCH A REVIEW";

Bioware after Anthem fails.

But damn will I be so sad if Arcane dies this year, they are probably my favorites gevs right now only because they made excellent hub games like Dishonored and Prey, they are flawed, but there's nothing like this in this generation.

First one was great, second one was cool, but who even fucking cares about Billie?

>here's a bunch of new powers and like two new levels
I'll get it if they give me those powers in the main game
Other wise what's the point

This. Game was great.
t. Actually played the game

>So it has replayability?
Basically each game has two endings, a "High chaos" and "Low chaos" ending. There can be some minor differences based on how you handled some quests/missions but the replayability comes more from if you want to play more of a sneaker or go for murder more. The two different endings aren't that drastically different, although some ambient dialog and missions change a little based on the chaos level of the world. Especially in the first game.

Really does sound like it should be a game you'll really enjoy though.

The writing took a nose-dive in D2 and it was already mediocre in the first game. DotO put the final nail in the coffin, regardless of who the main character was. Even if it were fucking Daud trying to kill the Outsider, it was still a narrative piece of shit.

That's always been the worst part of the series though. They've got some fun worldbuilding and the look of the games is absolutely fantastic, but the writing for all of them has been atrocious.

I don't give a fuck if she is kangz, is the gameplay good and the story good?


Who cares about anything? Game is fun and that's what matters.

The levels in the second game are not designed for speaking with rats. Sounds like a waste of resources to me.

>one power

>is the gameplay good

>and the story good?
Nope. Better than Dishonored 2, but that's not saying much.

And that world-building goes out the door without a competent writer behind the helm. The first game was bare-bones as far as its narrative goes, but it doesn't actively shit on anything it has presented. I don't want to be the guy that blames the SJWs, but splitting the campaign up into Corvo/Emily ruined it. Forsaking quality writing for the sake of inclusion and "brownie points" just shits all over any hopes of making a good sequel. They have the same spread of lines in so many places, too, it's not even funny. DotO, however, does shit the bed with its lore and world-building.

Anyone else find it nearly fucking impossible to play these games stealthy on very hard? The maps aren't designed for the enemies spotting your loose hair strand from a 20 story balcony at all.

Sup Forums is shitting on all the boards since last year. Nothing new.

Yeah, I think that git gud_______________________________

You are a Good goy

1v1 me in Dunwall, no powes, no whiskey and cigars later.

>game companies all over the place openly, unambiguously virtue signalling to the far left
>ugly as sin black female protagonist magically appears during this period
>it's totally irrational to think for a minute that these two things are related

If you don't want people to assume that the black female protagonist is there to push a left wing narrative of evil white male oppressors who need to be punished, then join us at getting angry at it so that it stops and we can move on.

By the way, it's never going to stop by catering to them. Just look at South Africa. And if you let this go on long enough, the opposition is going to turn from individualists who are fighting to keep their free, individualist culture where equality of opportunity is the core value to people who view it as foolish to have ever believed that such a thing as equality under the law and the disposal of in-group preference could ever work.

It must be awful to have a persecution complex like this. What makes you different from SJWs again?

>original game
>normal looking young black woman

>her own game
>ugly 50 year old crackwhore

Why did the developers make her so ugly? Do they think all blacks are this ugly?

>Do they think all blacks are this ugly?
Unironically yes. It's funny how leftists are more blatantly racist in public than fucking Sup Forumstards.

>Arkane is about to die

They signed their death sentence with Bethesda/Zenimax. Fuck them.

yeah we should just bend over and stop being so insecure

moot failing to delete Sup Forums for good was his final fuck up. Now we have to put up with subhuman mongrels like you.

That we're not pulling shit out of our asses.

A man (James Damore) just got fired at Google for daring to state scientific evidence that pointed to biological differences between men and women for the gender disparity in the STEM fields, as opposed to their theory of filthy bigoted men with unconscious bias (something which we can't measure) discriminating against women.
Affirmative action is there to discriminate against us in hiring practices. The only reason why it isn't harsher is because it's so unpopular. If they could go full South Africa, they would.
Dating on college campuses is an outright hazard for men thanks to the far left wing administrators, and this is flowing out into greater society. There is an active push to lower the standard for rape convictions to where a woman's word can ruin a man's life forever.
Black people are destroying the American economy with the welfare state (reparations? You've been living off of our dime for three generations now) and killing and robbing us and each other, and they insist without evidence ("the system", which basically means that boogie man that needs to exist in order for their narrative to make sense; they can never seem to point to this system's overseers, and the capitalists who are supposed to be these overseers all seem to be sucking them off) that their lazy and violent behavior is somehow our fault. That's largely because the Marxist pieces of shit in our intelligentsia and the left wing politicians who need their vote livestock keep telling them what they want to hear.

Meanwhile, in SJW land

>therefor, white men
>start with this assumption, work backwards to prove it (kinda like Christians and God being behind everything)

Of course, you're not going to read any of this, because you already have your biases, and this doesn't confirm them.

>play as an ugly negress in Not-Victorian England

Do devs want games to fail so they can diversity wank themselves into oblivion?

SJW snowflakes aren't on a mission to completely ruin all legacy boards on Sup Forums.

Amerimongrels aren't white.

i think the image shows that



Bethesda is the *only* triple A publisher releasing decent single player games on multiple platforms and yet they keep losing money on em.

Its bad. I fear for the future of gaming.

it was a good game shame that Sup Forums won't let us discuss it in peace
>inb4 muh pol boogyman

I love nazis

Agreed, they are amazing games. But they didn't sell well enough, and that is what is going to count in the end. It doesn't look good for them in the future.


first one was shit

what kind of idiot would think retarded political propaganda would make it any better

lol, fuck off

And what can we do about that?

Support your local authorities when they make incursions into the ghettos

Stop buying shit from companies that support this crap

Present facts everywhere you see BLM/le wagegap/le peaceful rapefugees/etc retards

All of their shit can be easily disproved simply by looking at hard data

As far as direct impact on the arts are concerned, there's economic disincentive (this game's financial failure is a prime example), infiltration (which is what the SJWs always use), and creating our own cultural artifacts (games, for example). This might be the single most important step in turning this around. People behave according to cultural narratives, and the arts play a large role in the narrative.

Elsewhere, stop voting Democrat, and become active in making sure that your leading Republican candidates aren't RINOs like Bush, Nixon, etc. The Republicans and Democrats might both need to be replaced by new brands. Ideologically, the conservatives are hypocrites who hold dual positions on whether they like the state being used to enforce morality, and they need to be replaced by libertarians. Lastly, fucking argue.

>I'd be surprised if they got the opportunity to release another single player game.

Well considering that they're hiring for network engineers, I'm going to say no, at least not a pure singleplayer game

>hire tumblr fanfic writer to write a KANGZ nigger
>wonder why their shit doesn't sell
Someday, eventually, people will understand that virtue signalling liberals aren't the ones buying games/movies/shows etc

Until then, we'll see this pattern repeating every time a company decides to push their shit instead of focusing on making good games

Billie Lurk, and basically everyone in the series, has been pretty ugly looking since the very beginning. They didn't turn her ugly for an agenda, she has been that way literally since conception.

You people seem overly dramatic

They deserved it desu. Dishonored only had nice level design. The story was bullshit. The characters were mostly bullshit. The writers were fucking daft retards

Wouldn't be as horrible. Remember when people got excited thinking next TES would actually have good combat because Arkane was under Zenimax now?

You're just not dramatic enough

>I just wrote a wall of text, b-but you I-I know you won't r-read it b-because you're a S-SJW I just know it!
Are you gay?

Bullshit like the BLM riots were caused by this false narrative of black victimization. That's why they don't even try to help themselves; they've been told that it's not their fault, and that's what they believe. It's the same with female victimization and the single mom epidemic, and all of the well documented negative effects on children's development that this has. False rape allegations, too. It literally kills and ruins people.

Oh, but it gets worse. Empires don't collapse because there's some timer and they just fall in on themselves once the timer goes off. They collapse because of shit like deliberate currency devaluation to pay for government programs and letting foreign cultures (usually vastly inferior to what the empire was in its early stages) grow within their borders. Sound familiar?

You literally can't get bigger than defeating the victim complex of black people and women, and that means driving this narrative from the arts.

>Bullshit like the BLM riots were caused by this false narrative of black victimization.

Blacks are a minority but most of the crime is committed by them
Cops will, not so much from prejudice but from experience, be more on edge around black people
Goes for cops of all races
Due to this there is a higher number of black victimization from the police, so it's not false at all

>and the single mom epidemic

That's the man's choice and fault, the woman can't make him stay and be a father.

>False rape allegations, too. It literally kills and ruins people.

Does it really ruin regular folk? It impacts Hollywood starts of course because they're in the public eye. But regular Joe? Do go on

>(usually vastly inferior to what the empire was in its early stages) grow within their borders.

Ok, why and how will the American empire fall exactly?

I can't imagine anyone wanting to purchase this blindly with this fucking repulsive cover art

They are over-dramatic they believe in some sort of White Man holocaust or some crazy shit when there's just a bunch of loud mouth fuckheads (these "sjws") carrying on vocally thanks to the spread of the Net.

Problem is it gives these morons a place to yell too, and their "hard data" they love quoting so much is a few isolated incidents of mistreatment to white men which is 1 to 1 what these "sjws" complain about.

They are the exact same as their opponents and they don't even realise it. It's very fucking depressing to be honest.

t. sociologist

That's the thing, for example, can false rape allegations ruin a life? Of course, the system isn't perfect and innocent people will suffer sometimes

The thing is it something widespread and encouraged
Since Americans would rather be either red and blue and throw stones at each other, it's hard to get genuine truth out of it all

are you hurt faggot?

>loud mouth idiots crying muh Sup Forums
>trolls hungry for (You)s feeding their delusion for attention
>even louder Sup Forums crying

can't wait for Sup Forums to get out of this Sup Forums boogeyman phrase and strawman something else

>shit character no one (90% of audience) cared about
>gave her Raiden makeover like MGR for good measure
>dlc target is to kill fan favorite of the series

yeah I wonder why it sold like shit

kill yourself