It's 2018 and I want to play an MMO because I'm a fat idiot with no life and no friends

It's 2018 and I want to play an MMO because I'm a fat idiot with no life and no friends.

What should I play?

Is EVE dying? Is BDO dying? Is WoW still a pile of shit?

pic unrelated

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MMO Thread?
MMO Thread.

What are you looking for in a new game OP?

What are some lewd MMO's

A stable population, which isn't going to collapse in a year, a decent community, for it not to look like a piece of shit from 15 years ago, and for it to actually require brain cells to play.

I'm considering BDO, but I'm concerned about the money pit Korean aspects.

EVE just looks like it is dying. Google 'eve dying 2017' and it's just pages and pages of reporting on the collapsing population.

WoW is WoW. I don't know. It's there. Legion is okay, but it's the same ancient game.

ESO seems like fun, but isn't the population in the shitter?

Also, good idea.

MMO 2018 thread.

BDO is shit

I was thinking of getting into FFXIV and I read I can be a chef. Is that still possible? I wanna be a White Mage Chef or something

Where are all of the cool fresh 2018 mmos

I actually just started playing ESO. Made a Dunmer and Bosmer
So far the starting area is full of players and the chat is active too

You can be a White Mage and Chef on the same character, but you can't cross the streams


ESO is ok, but it's a bit boring. Very little reason to group up.

There's no sub now right? How does that affect me?

Oh I guess I'll find out exactly what I can do when I start in a couple days.

No BDO love in this thread?

Don't bother, it's slow as fuck, story is tied to progression and not good until the first expansion, and all the races are "humans but different"

BDO is shit

It looks like the sub just gives you all DLC and some cash shop currency

Why? The combat looks fun as fuck.

You can be every class on a single character. Crafters (like the chef) have their own system that works almost like turn-based combat, even though it isn't presented that way.

The director of the game also confirmed earlier today that there will be changes made to improve leveling crafters/gatherers in patch 4.2 at the end of January, so you might want to wait for that since leveling them is slow as shit right now.

It's a nice enough combat system, but no engaging fights to use it on

all gameplay is back-to-front mob grinding

>wow a shit
>Eve a shit
>Gw2 a shit
>Ff civ a shit
>Eso a shit
Seriously the fuck happened to the genre. Nobody tries anything new and just copies Wow

Grinding doesn't bother me. Is the cash shop much of a problem?

XIV and ESO are ok.

XIV doesn't suck me in like MMOs did in the past, but I still enjoy my time whenever I resub

ESO wasn't for me, but I could see people getting into it.

user I don't think you understand

there's nothing to grind towards. It's all grinding, and not even grinding that takes advantage of the combat system. Just pick one attack and spam it for literal hours on end

What is ESO even like? Skyrim online? or is it more like wow or ffxivs system

that depends are you happy with not ever really getting anywhere gear wise?

>Skyrim online
a bit, yeah

more focused character development, though

Okay, so what I'm getting from you guys is that even masturbating to BDO waifus doesn't compensate for the pointless grind.

Does ESO still run like dog shit?

Not that I'm aware of but I have a decent rig so YMMV

BDO is depressing and there's a reason that only alcoholics play it. There's no point to the grind, no fun, masturbating to waifus isn't worth the suffering.

Does Bethesda release population numbers for ESO? Is it healthy? I don't want to pump 500 hours into a game that will be dead in 12 months.

It plays a lot better than Skyrim but it still definitely plays like Skyrim. You attack with your mouse and you have abilities on hotkeys. It's less trivial due to better encounter mechanics and more impactful build choices, but it's still definitely Skyrim combat.

ESO does more right than it does wrong, but the few missteps it has makes it unplayable for me. It's a real shame because I really want to stress that it does a lot right.

well it doesn't really encourage group play so you probably wouldn't notice either way, but they just released an expansion last year, so it must doing at least ok

From my understanding it's the third biggest MMO on the market and stable if not growing.

Just play Bonetown, you can smoke crack in it

Tera is decently fun gameplay but I have no idea on the current status of the game and community, FF14 is enjoyable from what I've heard

FF14 looks okay, but I don't want to pay another fucking monthly sub unless I absolutely have to.


It's depressing that half of the list is "it's dying but it's not dead yet so we put it in our top 10"

If you have to buy it, doesn't it come with at least one month paid? If you don't have to buy, isn't one month paid enough to decide whether you want to keep playing?

there's an unlimited trial up to level 35