are you finally going to turn your life around and leave vidya behind this year Sup Forums?
Are you finally going to turn your life around and leave vidya behind this year Sup Forums?
>are you finally going to turn your life around
>and leave vidya behind
I don't even play video games
Certainly going to try (again)
Probably not but I might give up multiplayer games.
yes and no, vidya has got nothing to do with it
Not until I fucking play my 1000 hours of M&B Bannerlord.
I promised myself I'll finally take it easy on video games once I get my fill of that game.
What a huge mistake.
are other boards as ashamed of their hobbies as Sup Forums is?
happy new years user
and no, not really
gonna get fitter though
This year is the year I'm going to start playing video games.
honestly, if you're not playing with real-life friends alot, do this.
/vr/ is filled with adults and they share their hobbies openly and blogpost about their family life (married) all the fucking time
hell naw nigga
>go out to bar with best friend, his fiance and her chubby friend
>turns midnight
>she turns around to kiss me
>kiss her on the cheek
>”No, you dummy!”
>kiss her on cheek again
>”what are you doing user?”
>kiss her on the lips finally
I fucking hate this holiday
My life is together and I love video games I'm just trying to not visit Sup Forums so much.
But I've been here since 2009 so
Not leave vidya behind altogether, but fuck I need to balance my vidya time with other stuff. It's miserable just playing vidya all the time these days.
i'm going to keep losing weight and getting /fit/ so that i can CONTINUE doing what I do without the societal stigma. is 13 pounds since november good?
yes i will work for the jews and create more life so it can suffer also
Why are you kissing your best friend?
Any weight loss is good.
that's sexual harassment, you should file a police report on her.
Fuck off you cum bucket
does it sting?
>are you finally going to turn your life around
probably not
I'm gonna leave Sup Forums behind, not vidya. Been here more than a decade and its more than enough.
good luck
>as you are kissing her you catch a glimpse of your friend behind her
>you see a part of him die off
>2008 was 10 years ago
why do people pretend that Sup Forums is responsible for their social ineptitude
I have mostly left vidya behind but I still come here every day.
Yeah, I don't know. Neither Sup Forums nor Sup Forums are responsible for my autism. They're just the outlets I depend on because I have it.
What does turning your life around look like? Working and drinking?
lol nah
>he still has hope
Just leave it. Hope is for fags.
I finally got myself on the carrier path I wanted to get on in October, I just need to keep at it. You shouldn't stop vidya but you should be conscious that where you spend your time and energy will define you.
We're all going to make it
*sniffle* *snort*
I will
You don't have to leave it behind. What you do have to do is gain in discipline in a skill like art so you can make ez money from furfags. That's always been the name of the game you slack jawed faggots now stop sitting around and find your passion.
I'm gonna try and leave Sup Forums.
>implying anyone here actually plays video games
What you should have asked is this:
Are you finally going to turn your life around and leave Sup Forums behind this year? After all we all hate this fucking shithole but foe some reason are unable to leave it.
Why would I do that? I just bought a new desk, PC and monitor. Everything in moderation user
Will 2018 finally be the year feelsguy drops off Sup Forums forever?
why are you losers unable to demonstrate willpower for once and just leave?
Hope not. I want the crazy people at /r9k/ to keep coming up with new shit for him.
will 2018 finally be the year underage newfags fuck off forever?
not a fuckin argument
Same here. I haven't played anything since GTA:SA on PS2.
that's his name, friendo
>call him feelsguy
>get told to fuck off
>call him Wojak
>get told to fuck off
What the fuck was his problem?
I will stop playing so many games. But I will keep collecting pics of hot anime girls.
I always wonder about that, most people were born with their mental problems here
Sup Forums saved me from it
Why are (You) here?
I cant even imagine life without video games. How fucking boring that must be, poor normies.
Why would i want to give that up voluntarily?
The irony