>Transistor was released 4 years ago
Transistor was released 4 years ago
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Would have benefited from one or two more boss fights. The two that were there (not counting the shitty spine) were great. Last good game these guys released. Pyre was so tedious. Better luck on them next time.
And I still haven't played it yet despite it being one of the first games I got for my PS4. I should probably get around to that.
You won't.
This pretty much. I played it recently and was dissapointed at how short it was.
Anyone else find this game really boring? The combat got really tedious and slow and not challenging. It was a god send when I figured out an autoplay combination
Listen to the soundtrack at least
I got this shit on a steam sale once when I was hammered and played it for like 30 mins before dropping it, can't remember why
Is it worth picking back up?
You're probably right
I have a few times, it's pretty tight
Instantly forgotten when a far superior game was released.
Are you me?
I played this year, so fuck it.
Great game. But not even close to Bastion.
Pyre was way worse than Transistor.
>worse music
>worse gameplay
>worse artstyle
>worse romance
fuck you
Pyre isn't good?
I think the problem with that studio's game is that the gameplay is tedious and really forgettable
If they didn't have the music gimmick no one would remember those games
Sorry you like a bad game user.
This is really wrong.
>Time keeps on slipping
The most pleb opinion. Bastion is nothing compared to Transistor and Pyre.
>Weakest artstyle, most of the art is blurred in the background at all times and another huge portion is just tiles
>Numerous gameplay issues like the edge of the ground being unclear at time, The Kid getting a stupid amount of defensive options (dodge roll, shield, AND a parry/reflect) and each individual weapon only did like 1-2 moves at most.
It's got the best pacing and ending but that's all I'd put it first in over the other two these days.
You're a real fucking idiot if you think the football gameplay was anywhere near as good as transistors. Sure it was okay but it wasnt good.
Transistor>Pyre>Bastion in terms of combat systems but you were also implying Pyre was bad, user.
>"worse artstyle" even though transistor has same artstyle as pyre
what did he mean by this?
I said it was way worse, which it is.
>I think the problem with that studio's game is that the gameplay is tedious and really forgettable
Is it also lacking in soul and comfy user?
It's the overall better game even with the combat system being not as good as Transistors (but not nearly as much as you're making it out to be). Because Transistor mostly pulls ahead of Bastion on gameplay, side challenges, bosses, and new game+ and falls behind on things like Story, Length, pacing, ending. Pyre gets the story right like Bastion and the gameplay right like Transistor all in the same package.
They're different. Transistor was a cyberpunk oil painting. Almost art nouveau. Pyre was...fuck I dont even know what it was. Stylized and heavy use of color blocking?
It really doesnt. Pyres gameplay was dull as fuck and I loved its story way more. Sure pyre presented its better and had a much wider world but half the characters I wanted to smack around.
been meaning to play for 4 years now...
You want to give some specifics user? Or are you gonna continue this brainlet train of just saying nothing about the combat but "ids bed" over and over?
You can do a ton of a great, creative shit like passing the orb to an enemy to make them vulnerable, it rewards fast reaction times, especially with the power jumps and shots, there's a bunch of strategy like choosing your team or whether or not you try to pass the ball or dunk it and lose a team member for a round, the character building is good, the trinkets are fun and impact your character a good amount, you can feel a single point in any of the 4 stats, it's a fucking well made combat system and especially because of the high stakes they put on each match in the narrative and the fact that you can't replay matches elevates your enjoyment while you're playing even further.
Pyres combat system isn't quite the mariana trench of customization and depth that Transistors was but it's still up there with it and Pyre makes better use out of the combat overall.
music is fantastic but out of everything from supergiant i didnt want nba jam/oregon trail
no logan cunningham
what has happened?
>no logan cunningham
He's The Voice user, he's just that good, it sounds nothing alike
Easily my favorite one of the three.
>Skyrim was 10 years ago
I'm glad that they tried something different, but I feel Pyre felt short. They're good at doing music and art, but there was too much dialogue and relatively boring game play compared to their last productions.
I still have faith in them and will await their next game.
Not only did Pyre not get a single award but it didn't even eta spot on a sizzle reel...
Is Supergiant games dead forever?
Good to see your back, shitposterkun
It was in Sup Forums's top 20
Maybe my post came out like a shitpost but Pyre is my favorite Supergiant game. In my opinion:
Pyre > Transistor > Bastion
It just breaks my heart that Supergiant games actually makes their best game and yet it is apparently the least liked game.
That's fucked up. They have finally found a gameplay system that truly works with their engine and absolutely no one appreciates it...
>Destiny beat Transistor for best music
>MGR:R was released 20 years ago
What the fuck? I don't remember a single song in Destiny.
>PUBG was released a year ago.
time really flies brothers..