I liked Nier for the story

>I liked Nier for the story

Other urls found in this thread:


Christ i thought she was taking a giant ogre shit

>not scat
Yeah, fuck you.

I honestly thought that was shit

androids don't poop

They clearly shit full tools.

Yeah, nier story was pretty cool. Whats your point, user?

That's why it's so arousing. Impossible things.

this had to be done on purpose, goddamn


Scat is disgusting yet I'm still oddly disappointed.


I play Yoko Taro games for the story
Drakengard 2 is his best game by far

Taro had no involvement with DD2
it was also generic anime trash

That would be the best way to oil up though


You're cute user

But I do.
Weiss best book.

DD2 is still irredeemable garbage though

recommend me some good scat doujins bros

>very deep and unique story spread across 6 games, books and even a theatrical play.
>engrossing gameplay that features something from just about every genre from VN to bullethell
>extremely well composed OST in every game
>comfy environments
>despite all this, people only care about 2B's ass
Really makes you think, huh

Drakengard 2 is the peak of Yoko Taro's brilliance
One day you'll understand

because their god, Taro "just likes cute girls", so they hone in on that as justification.

the ass is just too good

why does this happen?

You are legitimately and literally a fucking retard if your mind jumped immediately to this.


They should've advertised 9S as the main character from the getgo tbqhf.

fuck that faggot

why would you do this on new years day



The new year is of to a good start

not even 3 hours into 2018 and I got memed already

please don't do this

Why don't they have an artificial poop machine inside them?

I saw a little thumbnail of a bare ass with brown stuff beneath it, fuck off.

He's more interesting (even before going psycho) than 2B who does jack fucking shit before dying and is as likable as a frozen hot pocket, yet still somehow attracts a fanbase of ironic weebtards with chronic masturbation problems.

This is not how I wanted to start the new year.

You are actually a retard if it didn't.

There is a 99% the artist did this on purpose too. Or he is just an idiot.

i know right? what kind of faggot thinks that way when her delicious feet are in the picture