Hollow Knight

What are your thoughts on this game?

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Love it and I hope Team Cherry keeps making games.

Its shilled to hell and back

World design and story were 10/10. Gameplay was fun but I'm not a huge metroidvania fan so maybe it was just fake fun.

>fake fun
What does that mean? Fake fun as in what you experience in MMOs?

I'm waiting for the switch version to try it

Really confused on how to avoid damage and what I'm meant to be doing whatsoever. Do I just try and jump? Walk backwards slowly?

The Radiance did nothing wrong

too grindy and backtracky
i love the difficulty tho.

When do you have to grind? I just beat the game and never did, but I haven't gotten to the postgame content so maybe there?


shill thread



The dash should've been a starting mechanic. Traversing the world is kind of awful before you get that and other upgrades.

The rewards for some 'challenge' sections were underwhelming. It was unclear if you were sequence breaking or legitimately proceeding at times. Checkpoints are a mixed bag with some making sense and others being bullshit. You should not take damage from a hit only to be thrown into spikes that do a further damage.

Really wish the story wasn't just Dark Souls, but it is blatantly aping it, so, oh well.

Cute game, though. I never beat the final, final boss but was able to overcome literally everything else, even the spirit bosses.

The game doesn't give you any i-frames on being hit, so literally you just jump or try your best to position well. It's kind of a joke, because it makes most boss sequences reward just kind of standing in place and letting the boss come to you and then jumping over them and attacking downward, or, pacing a little out of their range and hitting them from there. Feels very cheesy.

I'm only 5 hours in but I enjoy the amount of secrets they put in so far, like traveling back to the beginning and unlocking a whole new area. Though some of the environment designs are kinda samey or too cluttered. I do like the movement options though, feels very smooth, just unlocked wall jump and I love the flexibility it gives you, like a better smoother megaman x wall jump.

>The game doesn't give you any i-frames on being hit

The fuck? Of course it does. There's even a charm to extend your i-frames.

There's a couple of powerful endgame charms that cost an absurd amount of Geo, but they're meant to be a money sink so its fine.

Did you beat the Nightmare King?

Did they? I recall being hit and immediately falling/flying into spikes, which would hit you for even more damage. Maybe you did get i-frames but they didn't apply to spikes?

Regardless, most of the bosses are a joke. If you get to them too early, they are HP sponges and their limited moveset becomes apparent. If you get there too late, you just thrash them. There's a few bad offenders the game likes to make you fight multiple times that require little strategy as far as your movement goes and, with the right charm setup, you can just dps-race a good deal of even the 'hard' bosses.

I played through the entire game before any of the DLC was released, so no.

I'm curious how it is with the DLC. I also heard there were some changes, especially with sequence breaking in parts like the white palace or whatever it's called.

So I've just gotta awkwardly jump around? Like I've just come across this big bug(?) with a hammer that I cannot kill at all, it's swing far exceeds my jump height so I can't attack from behind and standing in front leaves zero openings to attack.
I just don't get what I'm supposed to do in this game.

Bought it yesterday, only just got the dash-cloak however. I really enjoy the game so far, I'm having a hard time seeing why so many of you faggots are crying "SHILL, SHILL!" over and over

The game is good, but the worst offending thing it does is that it never really trusts you the player at all and everything is hard locked away. Compare that to Super Metroid where very few things are hard locked and most are just soft locked away. It's sad so many games try to ape the great one but fails to grasp what made it soo good.

>big bug(?) with a hammer
The one with a big mace or a big club? Either way, you don't avoid everything by jumping. You can move back and stuff you know

> Maybe you did get i-frames but they didn't apply to spikes?

That's exactly it. Spikes are meant to be kind of like spikes in a Megaman game, only less punishing since they only take one heart. They don't want you cheesing the game by damage boosting through them on a full life bar, that's why if you hit one you get reset back to a checkpoint based on the last platform you were on. Better than dying and getting reset back to a bench IMO.

>hard and soft locked
what does this mean

It's really hard to handle some of the bosses and even hard enemies early in the game because you don't have access to your whole moveset. You get a dash fairly early, so I'd suggest trying to just progress through the main game until then.

Before that point, though, you just need to do one of two things when it comes to enemies like that. Either hit and run by getting in, attacking a few times, then running/jumping away when the enemy retaliates, or
Hit a few times, then jump over their head while attacking downward, which will hit them for more damage and pop you up higher, allowing you to vault over them. This strategy is generally more useful, but can be hard to get the hang of because messing it up means you fall onto the enemy.

You also get a long-range attack later that can help, so, again, just try your best to progress.

refunded that shit, glad I did

You mean the first boss? Sorry to say if you're having trouble with that then this game probably isn't for you.

Except, at least in the Megaman X games, if you took damage and were still in your i-frames (flashing), spikes wouldn't hurt you, allowing you to jump off of them as if they were terrain.

It's a bit frustrating, given that Hollow Knight has spikes everywhere in some stages and even has some boss fights (and the arena content) throw a bunch of spikes around for no reason other than to make hits punish you for two health, I guess.

I had to cheat to beat Radiance after 2 straight hours of trying. Didn't have any trouble in the white castle or whatever, but fuck that boss. Haven't played the DLC; is it good?

Couldn't get into it because of the aesthetic straight out of a Tim Burton quirky darkness starter pack.

As someone who got gud and can make any fight trivial, there's also plenty of ways to handicap yourself if you want to. It's harder when you're fully upgraded but it's still there. People can build themselves to beat bosses however they want

Also not sure how you can forget how I-frames work desu

>Cheating to beat Radiance
There are charm builds that cheese her so bad they're essentially cheating. You could have looked those up instead of actually cheating.

>Hard Lock
You can't get this item until a set point in the game. Hollow Knight does this by locking movement upgrades behind specific boss encounters, some of which you can't do until clearing other specific boss encounters

You can get access to whatever the upgrade/thing is at practically any time, you just need to know how or what to do.

It was alright. Borrows a bit heavily from Metroid and Dark Souls but there's no crime in that.

My one complaint if i were to have one is that the game is overall just far too easy. Too many enemies are weak to bouncing on their heads or baiting swings; maybe just a consequence of the limited combat system at all, but the game was a breezy cake-walk, Radiance included.

I haven't checked out the DLC-stuff, may at some point. Did a 100% playthrough when it launched. Pretty cute game. Not nearly as good as it's hyped to be.

If you've played Super Metroid you know that you get "trapped" in brinstar. A new player can't go up because he's not good enough to shoot and walljump to break the block above, ie a soft lock they player can traverse it if is good enough. A hard lock would be putting a door that requires the ice beam to open. But they didn't because they trusted the player. If you're good enough to get there without having X upgrade then you do so. A great example of this in Hollow Knight would be to put two flies where the shaman in the tent lives far away, but put them there to have trust in the player.

I did look up some builds that hose certain parts of the fight, but even with those, I guess I was too casual to beat the other parts

Get mad stay mad I guess. I wasn't willing to bother looking for charm loadouts or trying to eventually win after 2 fucking hours of attempts. I had no trouble with any other boss or any of the other hard parts, so why would I bother?

Again, how is the DLC?

I do recall using a charm to get i-frames so that I could beat one of the bosses by just swinging at it a ton.

I just misremembered if you did/didn't have any by default because spikes hurt you no matter what.


One of the two weapons, I don't recall. Didn't look metal at least.

>You can move back and stuff you know
I know, but he just repeatedly continues to attack and I can't seem to get in and out without getting hit due to how slow I am and how fast he attacks.
Not bashing the game mechanics here, just asking what they are.

So it's just a matter of the good stuff being locked behind progress? Thank you for the advice too.

It's just a random big ass bug without a healthbar, but I will get better.

Hollow Knight does have some of those moments. Though I don't know if they're intentional, and they're not real "sequence breaks". Like, you can bounce off enemies with down strikes to get to places you might normally need the super dash to get to.

Bait his attack then go in for a slash, it's pretty easy my dude

The DLC is harder than Radiance, so you probably shouldn't bother since you're such a little bitch.

Imagine being so pathetic you get mad at someone online for doing something you don't like.

Harder how?

That's a problem with most Metroidvania's, and I'd consider Hollow Knight one of the more difficult ones. For example, SotN's RPG mechanics makes it so you cannot die, and Super Metroid (and 2D Metroid in general) give you so much fucking health you can literally face take everything.

I liked it until I beat a dreamer 10 or so hours in and the game decided to start stuttering every minute, and even after an hour of searching through threads and asking people on Sup Forums and /vg/, I haven't found any way to stop it.

Currently re playing everything then doing the dlc's but I already have a save file which is 99%.

I currently fight shitbro, but dunno if I just open the old save and play from there

man I hate when I'm playing a game and I have fake fun

>It's just a random big ass bug without a healthbar, but I will get better.
Bosses don't have healthbars. But if you don't get a "boss encounter" mini cutscene then it's probably not the first boss. You might be dealing with that big ogre bug in the far right of the forgotten crossroads that's guarding a grub.

If that's the one, then you don't need to beat it right away. I got wrecked and came back later once I knew how to play better, and when I had some movement upgrades, so you can try that.

Why is it shilling? Hollow Knight was a very successful game, it's only natural that it has a lot of fans.

It probably is easy, but I haven't worked out how to go about the fights in this yet.
I'm relatively new to this kind of thing, only ever played Castlevania and Super Metroid (though I don't remember it at all) in this vein of games.

Harder as in your baby ass wouldn't be able to beat it without cheating, so don't bother. Look it up on youtube.

Have you tried turning it off and on

Let me phrase it a different way: how is the DLC minus the "so super hard u casul lol shitter can't beat without HAX!!" bosses?

Really good.

Yeah. I'm not sure there's a solution which is why i don't really use it as a severe criticism. I just like challenge and games like Hollow Knight, while enjoyable and thematic, are difficult to stay engaged in when they're so easy breezy the whole way through.

Not sure what the fix is, as the overall game design and combat design is very simple and therefore limited in scope. How do you make something with very few mechanics/elements more difficult?

Hard to say

Huh, then have I even seen a boss yet? I don't know anymore.
I got locked in a room with little flying ranged bugs, but that's all I can remember.


You haven't faced a boss yet. IIRC bosses have a mini cutscene and then flash their name on the screen.

That's not really a boss i don't think, you ran into a mother birther fly. Mini-boss of sorts.

Yes you can, but like I said Hollow Knight locks too many things away until you have X item. Super Metroid does that with very few items because their level design is to tease the player by putting everything 1 block away or they simply require skill from the player to pull off. Take this small section here that I talked about. youtu.be/8WQl6TeB7qA?t=8m24s Instead of putting a new door that required the player to have the ice beam which requires a hoist of other items they just put a destroyable block there with a few enemies with a wall that you can easily wall jump. That's a perfect example of a soft lock because the player can traverse that with skill while a door that requires the ice beam would be a hard lock, ie you cannot pass until you've gotten item X because we don't trust you. Trust is everything in a good metroidvania.

Cool metroidvania game with great aesthetics and tricky boss fights that can feel like walls half the time unless you're really focused. City of Tears is the best area.

Damn never thought to pogo her.

*laughter stops*

I don't remember anything particularly special happening so far, so maybe I haven't.
Now I just feel bad. Oh well, I appreciate the help.

Fuck that section

My advice is to use the ground to figure out where to stand

Is this game easy as fuck or is it actually challenging?

I just bought it and I don't know what the fuck I'm supposed to do. I'm wondering if I should return it

Starts off disgustingly simple at first but the peaks in difficulty are a pretty rough challenge

Find maps and explore unmapped areas

The gameplay and exploration was what made it great. Art was nice too. The story was fine. Not very prominent. First metroidvania

Cute and fun game. Very handsome MC

Took me something like 4 hours to beat this fight. Jeez.

>they don't know

What kind of insect is the MC anyways?

Funny enough just beat it yesterday. Had only a few rare issues with the game. Overall a really enjoyable experience that I'd suggest to anyone.

A bunch of bugs are probably just made up designs

He isn't one I bet.

Oh boy I hope you don't mind not getting the true ending then unless you're willing to invest a couple dozen hours

>tfw voracious slug butt waifu

Is there any indication that there are humans that exist or is this some alternate Earth where the primary inhabitants are bugs?
I just started the game and just beat False Knight and got the energy blast spell from the shaman bug lady.

deserves more recognition than it currently has. Will probably earn its praise once it's released on Switch

No indication of humans

Switch when?

i wish i could mute the annoying sounds everythings gotta make

is there still DLC coming for this game or no? I wasn't paying attention to the kickstarter but I think some kind of Hornet mode was funded

This bapas my nadas

The fucking dream wheels killed the gsme for me. Fuck that.

This year in Spring, I think. Hopefully it doesn't have loading issues on the Switch.


What was this supposed to show, how bad you are?

very boring very slow very easy

Probably just wanted to show you can destroy the spikes in the Hornet fights, if you didn't notice.

Wow what an eye opener, surely nobody would think to try hitting those things.

Don't be so insecure, user. No one implied that

Is it really as good as people say it is? I've heard people say it's the best Metroidvania ever made, and many people made comparisons to Symphony of the Night and Super Metroid.

I have a hard time believing that to be true. Show me a fucking 10-minute video of the game reaching the brilliance of SM or SOTN.

Not even the best metroidvania of its year