Earth V2.18

Anyone else excited for the stuff that's gonna happen in this update? I've been collecting info and from what I've heard this is the stuff that's gonna gradually get added in no particular order

>Full merging of the Middle East and European servers, to increase the Euro servers' population (it's been waning in recent years from what I've heard) and also because the Middle east administrators cannot administrate shit
>Decreased amount of non-event PVP zones and PVP equipment in the North American Server
>No multi-server PVP events like we had in V1.939 but there will be continuations of some other PVP events and maybe even a new one
>Some "PVP-lite" events in the NA server like the "riots" we've been having in recent updates
>Increased development of the "Android" player race
>The Private "Antarctica" server will be (either permanently or temporarily) made public
>Player run corporations will be given more leeway
>New Moderators and Administrators will be implemented
>Another multi-server sports mini game competition (this one will be the winter games variety) is planned to be held
>Increased amount of security, especially in the NA and EU/ME servers done to hopefully reduce greifing.

What are everyone's hopes and dreams for Earth V2.18?

Does anyone think the creator (God) will visit the game again? Or has he moved on for good?

I hope admin come back and shut down the servers

I fucking hate this game, the way it's locks you into one character just to live all your life until you come back to reality is shit. I know it's fun to experience a full life in mere sleeping time but come on

>decide to roll a new character
>get RNG'd into the Africa sever
>have to deal with much more widespread disease and famine
>any loot drops you get are stolen by either the Warlord or Chinese factions

Why does this shitty fucking server even exist goddamn

If it wasn't for this game I never would have met you so that makes it all worth my while

When does this game actually get good? I’m like 20 years in and I’m not really into it.

Yeah, it's a load of bullshit in my opinion that you're not allowed to choose anything about your character, where they're dropped in, or even their name. I get the game is about making it through with what you've got, but still they could have at least given us some agency with our characters so that you dont' roll a shitty character in a shitty location

>will finally finish the school tutorial this year
>get the doctor class and plan on speccing into radiation
This year I'm buying ALL the cosmetic items.

It gets truly fun when you can stop grinding around level 65 and then you have free roam to do whatever you want and you can travel to different servers more easily.

Is there any way to regain skill points so I can spec into something else? My current int build only lasted up to level 22 and I'm tired of seeing cha based builds move faster up the profession tree.

>Switching from neet class to wagecuck class
Fucking expensive DLC ain't gonna buy itself I guess.

Unfortunately, the only ways to get more skill points (that I know of, anyway) are to do the college or trade school minigames that are pretty grindy and last for a few in-game years. Also you can build CHA pretty easily even as an INT build, there's a bunch of guides in the game that can show you how

>Specced into the wrong profession and now my build is completely not viable
Should I just give up on this character and start all over? I've heard some people say you could start all over after the Hangman's Knot quest but I've never heard from them again.

I want to fucking reroll. How the fuck was I supposed to know how important the first 18 levels were? I did just fine but if I went back with my current knowledge I would shit on this games progression system.

More interested in the upcoming Alien Invasion Raid.

I stuffed up. I lost the virgin debuff without realizing that it evolves into the Wizard buff. Any way to reload a save?

Heard from one of the devs that probably won't happen for a looooong time, if ever

I think my luck stat might be bugged.

That's difficulty curve for ya, level 20~30 are actually the most important levels tho.

Permanent buffs/debuffs are bullshit in this game user, sorry for your loss, at least you got the bragging rights buff now I guess.

I'm basically on cruise control at Level 27 at this point but I would like to take my economic skill knowledge to a new character.

So uhhhhhh what class should I pick? heal slut or merchant?

Fuck this pay to win bullshit
I hope in this update everybody bands together to petition the mods to end the whales

the first 18 levels are completely pointless. as long as you can speak the language of whatever country you spawned in, you can improve your math and science skills (basically the only 2 skills that matteR) at level 20+ at a popular grinding spot called "college". you have to pay to get access to the grind spots though depending on which country you spawned in.

>still can not get a human companion
Fuck, why did they make it so hard and RNG based?

Did you pick the jew race? If not, that'll be difficult.

Nigga, just send a friend request to all the characters of different gender, the worst that can happen is that they reject it and call you a casual.

>banned for spam

female human companions are in high demand. level 18-45 male players are all competing to find a female companion who is level 18-25. you're competing against players who have way better stats and gold than you.

basically your goal should be to find a female companion with the virgin buff who is around level 18-21 when you're level 25-29 and have maxed out your stats as much as you can. ideally you will be paying monthly upkeep on a player owned house at that point.

When is the mars server going live? Too many players on Earth right now making it hard to get into the leaderboards.

eh, i kind of get it.
think about it, if we were allowed to make our own characters, the japan server would be at maximum capacity with nothing but female characters.

>made my character a complete retard because the character creator gave me sliders for it
>have awful stats, need party members 24/7 to do any grinding, look retarded

Why didn't anyone tell me this shit was important? Everyone says I'm fine the way I am but I cannot do anything meaningful. My character hasn't even gotten past the tutorial skill sections and I'm level 24.

>He wants to get into the leaderboards
lol you gotta be in the best guilds, have maxed out CHA and INT, befriend the mods and admins and master your class just to TRY to get into the lowest rankings of the leaderboards.

Good fucking luck kiddo, but this is a p2w game so unless you also have masters with huge amounts of gold you ain't gonna make it.

Well, you can also try to implement a new feature but that is hard as fuck.

>his party didn't buy him XP boosts
Sucks to be you grindfags, watch me frag this charlie

>Still in wageslave class while training electronic bard and art skills on the side.

This is why you need a proper fucking tutorial saying what bullshit the "Dreams" aspiration is.

What is your current level? Just because you've still got a lot of options under lvl40. Which is where the game actually begins.

>Tfw my bis gf hasn't dropped

Good luck hope you get some good rolls

>game begins after you've gotten halfway through it
Who wants to but up with all that shit to get there, though?

Well if you can't think of anything good, One thing you can count on is the Videogame Tech to get more amazing.


The brazilian server is about to get quite fun.
Presidential elections but with everyone but the alt-naziest proven to have done all sorts of corrupt shit.


>what are your hopes for earth v2.18?
My character got stuck with the Depression status. Someone better exploit the leveling system to end game overs.

>man of the shad

>Shadilay kekman

God dammit you idiots dont get sidetracked

How do I get rid of the depression debuff? The stat penalty is way too big, specially since you can get it from pure rng