What a time to experience gaming

What a time to experience gaming...

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wtf Japan

Now THIS is the direction I want gaming to go

>make senran kagura with better combat
>make it so fucking easy that even my punk ass can breeze through the hardest difficulty

Right i remember this show.
It was absolute garbage and tried to stay entirely afloat with girl on girl action which wasnt done overly well.

I'm a Senran Kagura fag and I found Soul Eater to be ok but I even I find Valkyrie Drive retarded.

idk about "better," my dude. Valkyrie Drive seemed to incorporate so many combat features that it just became a chore. I'd rather stick to Senran and its launch-->follow-up air raid, than: launch--> follow-up launch--> another special launch--> another super special launch--> then some other bullshit special move. Simply put, VD combat was just.. not fun.


>VD combat was just.. not fun.
That's because it wasn't challenging. The combat itself was good, but the AI is so completely braindead that all the cool moves it added serve no purpose.

Lesbians powered by orgasms? Is it bullshitting? Even if not I doubt much if anything is shown or it'd get an AO rating.

Weaponized cutie lesbians sounds rad, though.

Valkyrie Drive's basically a slightly better Senran Kagura. Has a dodge/"witch time" mechanic that acts like a budget Bayonetta and you can actually juggle enemies with aerial rave options via the Phantom mechanic, of which exploiting it actually gives you a temporary attack boost that grows based on how many you pull off and your ability to maintain combos. Otherwise, it's basically Senran Kagura. I'd like to see this get a bit more depth personally, it's got some okay ideas but it seems content to just be a slightly better SK.

Game's been out for a while now.

But this game is literally years old
They even had an anime that even had nips

"Better than SK" means better than Estival Versus or better than Shinovi Versus?

You wouldn't know that's how it works if the box didn't tell you. It shows practically nothing. You might see one grab the other's boob. The two main characters are sisters though, so this adds some... interesting subtext.

Woah, they are already making a sequel to Xenoblade 2.

What a time to be alive.

It would be better than both but it's far too easy.

Sometimes I wonder why only Japan understand what the world really needs. The rest of the world should just fucking follow suit.

Both, though to be fair it's a bit easier than EV and a bit slower than SV. Still, I prefer the 3DS games to those personally.

Man if they went all out showing stuff I'd be all over some cute lesbian incest game if it was fun.

I felt SV was bullshit with the INSTACOMBOBREAKER for both you and enemies. and it was infinitely spammable too so that neither you nor your opponent would have a good time.

That makes no fucking sense. Just finished xb2 tonight, youre reaching.

You tried though. (you) I guess.

That's Estival Versus, though. (If you're talking about the wake-up reversals and wall reversals)

How did this guy become a meme, i watch his channel and didnt know people meme him. does he browse Sup Forums?

The Versus games in general have their issues. I though SV was extremely easy and the content was repetitive thanks to the bloated campaigns. EV, meanwhile, had better pacing and campaign difficulty but couldn't settle on a tone for its story to save its life and, while it does introduce some good ideas, fucks up the fundamentals of what SV's combat did correctly by making things slower and weighter with no extra feedback to make the attacks feel any stronger. Especially made heavy hitters like Yozakura and Hanabi a real drag to play as.

no SK had basically slams that took precedent over everything. I basically had to play the campaign by using hit and run tactics because of how bad the ai abused the slams.

The only hard thing about SK was my dick.

DC's the one where slams are abusable as fuck but that game (as well as EV) have serious issues with superarmor. To my knowledge SV didn't have that issue for most of its enemies, though it's been a long time (like since it was the newest entry in the series) that I even touched it.

Sore pussy

The anime shows you what actually happens. But yeah, Weaponized Lesbians is one of the greatest things to exist. I really want another game but using the cast of Mermaid since they were just all around better than Bhikunni's cast.


Weebs will buy any piece of shit these days

Youtube algorithms. Never heard of him before, don't really like MREs or military stuff one day he just appeared in suggested videos so I started watching. He's entertaining and really handsome (no homo) so I kept watching.

Not sure if unpopular opinion but I still feel to this day that Burst had the best gameplay of all SKs. it was fun fast sidescrolling beatem up, very combo and launch focused, and sometimes had brutal challening difficulty like those fucking crossbow maids. It had a right amount of variety in playstyles and the ninja arts were all able to be used fluidly at anytime anyplace (i.e. in the air) with your combos. I miss Burst. SV/EV with its dynasty warriors like action combat just wasn't the same.

Yuri is fucking boring garbage and the world understands that, only Japan doesn't.

Yes mermaids cast was great compared to bhikuni

Oh, and another thing about Bhikkhuni - its story is half as interesting as a SK game and yet it has twice the dialogue. The heart events are also so vapid as to make even shinobi girl heart stories look like masterpieces. So yeah, the action part is better but holy shit, the VN parts are dreadful. Well, unless you like things like moving the camera and touching the screen to make the girls jiggle. That's an "improvement" for the VN parts, I suppose.

Burst is definitely the most well balanced game in the series and its only real crippling flaw is the poor framerate. Burst getting a faithful remake in the DC engine would probably be this series' conceivable high point.

Perfect reacting for Akko, but her thoughts are like 'aww yiss this blond bitch is mine'

You sir have excellent taste.

Don't impose your shit taste as fact.





Mana a shit. I'm glad Vitagen bullies her.

Agreed, she's a good girl.

This game is quite fun.

The true "hard mode" is Challenge Mode (Pro + Hell) and the last Survival Mode with 100 waves of monsters. Yes it's not hard as Ninja Gaiden tier, but still hard enough so you can't just spam your favorite attack to win.

Bth I really enjoy this game, it's has better gameplay than any "weeb action" games before (Senran, Neptunia spinoff, etc). Too bad the girls aren't popular enough to get attention from the weebs, so there is no sequel.

I wish they would just use that gameplay for SK.

That's utter nonsense!
Estival Versus is mechanically inferior to Shinovi Versus

Don't get get me wrong, I noticed all the improvements but making the game slower absolutely ruins everything! Go and play and Shinovi Versus and then play this. The difference is like night and day. I thought the transition from SK SV to EV would be smooth but I was sorely mistaken.

Fact: The gameplay is slow and unresponsive as fuck. You can press the guard button a million times and it won't respond instantly. All the characters are sluggish and some of them have been revamped very poorly. Shiki is fucking unplayable now.

Buffing up the mobs would have made sense if they didn't jack up the gameplay speed. You can see attacks coming a mile away but you're helpless because no matter how quick you press guard it won't succeed in time.

>inb4 git gud
I easily get A stars in all difficulties in both games but only waifu faggots can defend this crap. I can't believe they fucked up the fundamental aspect of the game that made it so enjoyable aside from "hur durr muh titties".

Why is it okay when Japan does it?

>stealing content from front page of /r/gaming


>knowing that
just as shameful

Would you say it's better than Croixleur Sigma or Mitsurugi Kamui Hikae? I've played a bit of the former and it seems like it just wants to be a solid budget action game revolving around building weapon/moveset combos, while I've not played the latter but it at least seemed to be a bit like a budget DMC, though I could be misunderstanding it.

>needs dicks to be excited
Why are you faggots such attentionwhores?

>Estival Versus is mechanically inferior to Shinovi Versus

I never asserted otherwise. I DID say that EV is a bit tougher and that its campaign was less bloated, but I also explicitly stated that it fucked up what SV did right with the combat because, well, it did.

cause everyone knows japan doesn't give a shit so however much the femnazis and SJWs complain nothing will change. Basically they get no response unlike when they do it to western games

What does that have to do with the fact that lesbians are okay when Japan does it but people here sperg out when the west does it?

I don't know about Croixleur game but have played Kamui Hikae.
This game has great combat system but very very lacking of contents to play. There's no dungeon, stage or anything to explore. I would say it's basically the weeb version of Bloody Palace (DMC4).
It has potential but never get enough attention. I consider it's too hard for casual weeb.

I'm not denying that bias exists, but it's fairly clear that Japanese fan service games do it for sex appeal as a pure entertainment direction. Western games generally do it for virtue signaling and/or make them less attractive because no one in the real world is as perfect as an ideal fantasy that fiction allows, so having it in fiction is bad.

because 3DPD is disgusting, do we really need to go over this again you giant fag ?

Musou will stay musou no matter the packaging. These games are all the same shit with no effort put into the gameplay, which is why they are so fucking boring.

This is the degeneration of action games, it has to stop but it won't because there are plenty of retards who buy them.

Versus SKs and VD aren't really full blown musous though, they occupy a weird space inbetween beat-em-ups, traditional action games, and musous, like it has elements of all of them without really being any of them.





I really want a sequel. Unlike the garbage anime this really had great characters and nice plot moment on top of nice PLOT moments.
It's also obvious the devs want to go full cuhrayzee on the gameplay, they should just fucking do it.

>since they were just all around better than Bhikunni's cast.
No, not even close

The anime actually had diversity of body types though, whereas the game is all samebody.

The bodies are similar but the girls do have different sizes don't they?

When is the next real yuri game coming out?

But the characters themselves and the writing was entirely garbage.

They do

Anime also had males raping the MC.

That game was trash. The only people that liked it were contrarian faggots that think Senran Kagura combat where you hold a button press is "deep". Also the fanservice was tame and the character design suffers from sameface.

Making the characters pretty/cute and actually likeable help.

> cuck /fit/ poster
wow, am I surprised

I could not last 10sec with a twins loli yuri game

The game had a terrible story, the first half of the game is that one retard reaffirming her motivation to fight in 20 minutes of text before each level.

How many anally blasted articles has this generated?

>really want some /ll/
>it's all just VNs
Give me an actual game already, you fucks!

Clay golems aren't 'male'.

>lesbian wants to fuck your wife without you present
>saying this is okay

No lolis, no buy.

A masterpiece compared to the anime trainwreck

I know thats what the OP game is about, but is that an actual promo image? Not shopped?

Man I was hoping Blades were going to be that in XB2.
No Nipples man, that's fucking stupid.

Lesbians are shit.
Fuck off.


Not shopped.
The publisher PCube are absolute madmen

someone post that chart.
You know the one.

funnily that's kind of how lots of anime used to be advertised, by companies like madmen.


I would claim Viola my waifu.

Truly the best drivu

They should be more subtle about it like this.


She's a dyke she doesn't give a shit you user.

This was the only good design and she had the best theme.

That's not subtle at all the fuck

Wow what cute waifus am I rite fellow gamers

This will make a fine addition to my Steam collection

*notices waifu* OwO what's this?

Honey, is this sexist? Yes, oh, sorry, I don't like it anymore

Anime cast
All of them memorable

Game cast
... one of them was fat?