What does Sup Forums thinks of this guy?

What does Sup Forums thinks of this guy?

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SJW libcuck soyboy.


I fucking hate his guts.
I hate hia voice.
I hate his topics.
I hate his uploads to Game Theory channel
I wish he at least stopped sharing his shit content on GT's channel.

>willfully watching GT
Do humanity a favor and euthanize yourself


He is pretty good but needs to stop posting on that trash Game Theorist channel.

posts shit on a shit channel
not surprising

Gaijin Goombah here!

It has come to my attention that many users of this board are interested in girls who play video games but fail to get to know them. Well, this is your lucky day! I have a guide on how to get a gamer girlfriend just for you guys and I don't mean the attention whoring gamr grrrls either, I mean girls who actually are true hardcore gamers just like you guys are!

Gaijin Goombah somehow manages to be even bigger cancer than other e-celebs. Why are you fags so obsessed about these faggots again?


This did not age well.

Are they still married?

I actually like DSP.

You ever if the pastors who have to do this shit ever get the urge to tell the guy to run, or are they too jaded?

He's a faggot.

The guy doing the ceremony doesn't give a fuck. He says his spiel, and immediately after the wedding gets his paycheck and fucks off. Probably thinks they're a bunch of faggoty nerds.

Robe too baggy, sword has a pixel blade, shoes too thick and not secure on feet, lensless glasses, untrimmed eyebrows, head looks like a stump-dick
-10/10 would not even read duel request letter

Today I will remind them.

His ninja friend is woke now. Same for lonely goomba.

was that guy that got btfo by kamiya

Don't even get me started. All his videos boil down to "DID YOU KNOW THING FROM GAME WAS INSPIRED BY THING FROM REEEAL LIFE?", complete with a giant clickb8 title and thumbnail like Majora's Mask is RACIST!?!?!

>roleplays as a wannabe weaboo samurai of the far east
>somehow gets triggered by KanColle's nationalism
Is he the original ironic weeb?

Not the original, just another in a sea of many. I swear if people could actually read Japanese and saw even part of the stuff that doesn't get translated we'd see SJWs posting 24/7 about how racist Japan is.

what you think of Austin he seems pretty cool.

looks like a ballsack with glasses also calling yourself gaijin is just painfully unfunny

I have no idea who you are talking about, but if it is that fucking autistic fucker that does the science videos then I hate him and am glad I unsubbed from this channel back when it started to become the FNAF channel



you forgot "numale"

What do you mean? they now know that hes autistic?



Already happening buddy. The japs are getting a lot of shit for a recent comedy sketch where a nip comedian did nigger face makeup. The nips don't care but twitter and huffpo are freaking out.

I don't know what their relation is, I just know where I've seen them tells me they're not of the same mind as his.

What does Sup Forums think of this guy?

>Says hi then gets right to the point
>if its his opinion on something he says so before the entire thing so you can close it if you want
>actually excited about the thing he's talking about
>says if he might be wrong and corrects himself if he is
>filmed himself doing embarrassing stuff in real life with the horse x monhun crossover
He's a cool dude

They will be turned like the rest of the world

You just know Yusuke will pushed so fucking hard by their media to show Japan always used to be black and their country is a country of immigrants

Lol nips don't care and the Japanese are resilient fuckers. Never underestimate Asian autism.

What does Sup Forums think of this guy?


You could have said the same about America, Rhodesia and South Africa just one decade before their fall

If ten years ago someone told you 40% of Russia will be muslim, would you have believed them? Because now they are

Unfunny and boring


I actually like some of his content explaining how cultural differences contribute to things in games, and pointing out things I missed in them because they only made sense in jap culture.

Pity he has to be a fucking preachy faggot about it though. And I really hate his fucking strawman segments.

Annoying fuck that needs to end his content.

>his video titles are concise and to the point with relevant thumbnails for ease of access to his videos
>the guides are very helpful, and if I already know the subject of the video, he still provides helpful and relevant points that I still find interesting
>down to earth guy that's the complete opposite archetype of the "GET 1.000.000 MONIES IN 2 MINUTES!?" [that then spend 8 minutes on fluff on a vid that can be done in less than 2 minutes so they can get to the 10 minute mark to get more ad revenue]

I like this guy, would play vidya with him.

I loved his videos before they just became "hahaha truxxton lmao vectrex buy my shit"

>nigger countries
>resilient to change

>South Africa and Rhodesia
>nigger countries
See how easy it is, when you control media and education?