Videogames can't be ar-

>Videogames can't be ar-


Even if they could the prospect of them being art invites in undesirables. Why would anyone who actually likes games want them to be considered art?

The butchered English translation certainly is not art.

They were art since the 80s.
Some like Moondust were even frequently put into art exhibitions.

>I need to validate my hobbies by calling them art
Guys is fapping to scat porn - art? Just asking for a friend


>using the void for shitpositing

It's a russian game therefore it is utter shit.

The Void is one of few games where I would say that the difficulty is detrimental to the experience, and it certainly isn't helped by the mechanics being so poorly explained.


Just get good, dipshit. The plot becomes meaningless if the struggle of escaping limbo is diminished into an interactive movie.

True but still I think the game is an utter masterpiece. I managed to do another playthrough using the original version with a friend who speaks Russian, and he was translating it as we went. It was genuinely quite profound and moving. We've done that with Pathologic as well. They're two of my very favorite games, and some of the most poignant works of art to me personally, and I work in a museum with a background in art history so I feel I have a good handle on artistic works. Excellent games, I can't wait for the Pathologic remake.

Thr plot would make no sense without the difficulty and you are not meat to make it to the end your first playthrough.
Also the game isn't even as hard as it should be, colors are bugged and should have negative effects.

>implying the void isn't entry level philosophy
You work there as a janitor, don't you

>git gud
>When the game doesn't even tell you how shit works and straight up instructs you wrong in how to maintain the garden, leaving you only able to progress through either looking up guides or trial and error until you figure out how to not run out of colour and die
There is a middle ground.

If the game were only a philosophical treatise or thesis, then sure, but it's not just that and besides many of the most poignant works of art to me aren't massively deep philosophical works anyway. Pic related, it's a portrait of the personality of the artist's lover who died in WWI. He opted to paint the essence of his lover and not just his face, so it's all the things that made up his identity, personality, his joys and hobbies, his passions, vices, etc. A work of art can be moving and profound both through simplicity and complexity, they have little bearing on emotional weight if the execution is solid, and the execution in The Void is superb.

>being a numale gaymur who needs everything spoonfed
git gud

>wow, I might need to actually play the game to learn how to improve

>The game being poorly translated and telling you how things work wrong is good because it makes it harder

I don't really have a problem with video games being considered art, but I don't want that to happen while people still consider video games as being a single community.
Where it stands right now, there are tons of different types of video games for different playstyles and desires, that each have wildly different things that are considered good or bad by their fanbases. These fanbases are often entirely seperate from eachother in opinion, so there's no good way to make a 'generally good' video game.
I don't have a care in the world if some people consider some games as art, but I'd bet money on if that trend happens it'll effect video games as a whole, and I'd really rather not see that happen unless we reach a time where people realize that the 'video game community' is more like a large series of very remotely connected tribes.

Never ceases to amaze me how user manages to make a quip that's right on the mark with these faggots. Just play the fucking game dipshit, it's not hard to use your brain AND enjoy the artistic experience at the same time. Hell, without the difficulty it wouldn't have the same feeling to it you clueless fuck

So what, you might make a mistake and need to reload? You're literally complaining that the game isn't straightforward enough to be assured completion on the first try, what a petulant criticism.

Also, if you put the minimum amount of effort instead of being a whiny asshole you would know they even have a mod that makes the gameplay easier on their forums

>art invites in undesirables
It's still a game, it's hard and frustrating to learn it's systems
the tumblr MUH art crowd just want their games to be non-games

No, I'm complaining that the game barely tells you the minimum amount of information you need to be able to beat the game, and that part of what it does tell you is wrong, which not only makes things harder than they should be, it also makes it difficult to know why you're not succeeding or how to do better, because you have been misinformed from the outset.

Who gives a flying fuck about "art". Just play games if you like games. Same for movies and paintings and all the other shit

Anyone who cares about playing more interesting games than the latest iteration of mario, you philistine

But to be fair, Odyssey was superb though and for completely different reasons than games like The Void.

t. brainlet

The translation is fine, fuck off.

Well some characters straight up lie to you, some times out of self interest and sometimes out of ignorance, Death is the only character that helps you selflessly, and you fell for their lies you fucking idiot. You were trying to play The Void and got played instead.

I still don't think it's a realistic grievance. The Void being obscured is part of why it's so good, and the game isn't that long - even if you get yourself into an unwinnable situation and have to start over from scratch and try different strategies I can't imagine it would be a disheartening enough experience to negatively affect your view of the game. There's always a balance to be struck between informing the player and maintaining the game's difficulty and charm, and I think with games like this you just have to accept you might have to restart several times until you learn enough to succeed.

Pathologic is similar, and that's a much longer game that does explain its mechanics.

The Void has a decent English translation but it's from the wrong version of the game, which has a completely different story than the original Russian version. I can't remember which language the second version was, Swedish or Polish I think?

What did you like the most about The Void? I'm a brainlet but I really loved the game because of the setting and plot, however, I didn't even get to see what was so deep and meaningful about let alone "understand" it.
I want to learn and appreciate it on a deeper level than I did before, and how others are claiming they did.

I am not talking about characters misleading you, idiot. I am talking about the game straight up lying to you, like the Donor glyph not being drawn the way the game shows you, or glyphs having totally different effects to what the game tells you they do.

Ok, but that's not MY waifu's essence

Why do people have so much trouble drawing glyphs? Forums are filled with that shit, honestly you get used to it after a couple hours but it is rather frustating to fuck up glyphs early game when wasting 50 color means game over.
I'm calling bullshit on the rest, glyphs did exactly what the description said for me.

There's nothing deep about it. It's a simple metaphor for the rampant poverty in russia and living in commie blocks.

I know Hollywood would make you think otherwise, but naked chicks, random colors and nonsense dialog doesn't make art

>Why do people have so much trouble drawing glyphs?
Because the game straight up tells you how to draw the Donor glyph wrong. Left is how the game shows you how to draw it, right is how it's supposed to actually be drawn. If you attempt to draw it the left way, which most people are obviously going to do, the game will refuse to accept it and you'll get the ever frustrating YOU SHOULD HAVE DRAWN THE DONOR GLYPH message.

Is this art?

What can I say? It works for me. It's just a lowercase alpha.
Also the game has like 30 glyphs and they work fine. You need to get the hang of it if you want to have a chance against any of the brothers.

Wasn't there also an issue with how big you have to draw it?
Like, you have to paint on the entire screen to make it register.

Are you incapable of recognising the left as a lowercase alpha? Even after trying it exactly a couple of times and failing?

How hard is it to save and practice? You can save whenever, too.

>Works on my machine :^)
Yes, I'm sure all the posts on the steam forums about the Donor glyph not registering are all from people who chose not to draw anything resembling the glyph on the left, and not people drawing the glyph the way the game told them to, which was wrong.

Yes, that's also true.

Are you incapable of telling that there is a clear difference between the way the left one is drawn and the way the right one is drawn, and that only one of them actually works?

>Internet forums are full of retards who gave up on literally the first glyph
I'm not surprised, it works for me and I finished the game. I've also killed all brothers but Whaler, you just don't know how to draw a lowercase alpha.

>Yes, I'm sure all the posts on the steam forums about the Donor glyph not registering are all from people who chose not to draw anything resembling the glyph on the left, and not people drawing the glyph the way the game told them to, which was wrong.
Now you're just citing straight-up retardation of dimwitted people. Just use whatever works, ok? There's no way you're not gonna get the glyph to cast after a few tries.

Why do you both insist on deflecting from the core issue that the way the game shows you how to draw the glyph is not how you are supposed to draw the glyph, and drawing the glyph the way the game shows you how to draw it will cause it to fail?

Never had trouble with the gesture recognition it's remarkably good compared to arx fatalis for example

Just fucking deal with it. I've been into gaming for too long to complain about tutorials not communicating with me to the very letter

I don't know, I guess after having seen the left I was sloppy enough actually drawing the glyph that the game accepted it. I'm sorry, user, I don't know what to say.

Because you are wrong and you have admitted to being incapable of drawing the very first glyph in the game.
I have literally no reason to care about anything you say because I know you are a shitter whos talking out of his ass.

>and you have admitted to being incapable of drawing the very first glyph in the game.
But I haven't admitted that at all, I am perfectly capable of drawing the Donor glyph, all it takes is to not draw it the way the game tells you to, and once you figure out the actual shape it wants there is no issue in drawing it consistently. The entire problem is that this glyph, and specifically this glyph, is incorrectly shown to you by the game, and for some reason you are defending this to the death.

I could not for the life of me figure this game out. I couldn't even finish the 'tutorial'. Got stuck in some tree graveyard; I painted everything different colours but couldn't figure out where to go from then on. The other 'levels' I could go to had some hidden areas that were all seemingly empty, and there were some respawning flowers I could collect, I think, but nothing seem to add any kind of meaningful progression.

This was several years ago mind you. It was one of the first games I bought on Steam. There are probably community guides that explain everything now.

>all the EOPs in the thread

Ultimately, you decide what is art based on aesthetics, and any aesthetics can be art at a different moment... or you go by the meme that old thing commonly known is art... or say that what impacted you is art, another meme, but then what if you were impacted by naruto... so who knows what is art

You haven't even scratched the surface of how bullshit it is. You should have stuck around to see how it forces you to start over later :^)

Doesn't Void have an easy mode patch created by the devteam?
Just install that one if you find the game too frustrating.

>Doesn't Void have an easy mode patch
>created by the devteam?

Numales give up at the first sign of any challenge because to them the game is just another title to cross off on the steam backlog list

>making a shitposting thread with The Void

IPL threads have been dying really quickly lately, it's quite depressing. Maybe people have been busy, or the threads are up too early or too late or something.

Sup Forums's just changed, a lot. Anons who came here not that long ago don't really seem to care about anything else other than AAA games.

I don't really enjoy IPL games, they're too obtuse/difficult for me. Still, I try to bump the threads because they're some of the best on Sup Forums.

Sadness. Pic related describes every Pathologic thread.

>Sup Forums's just changed, a lot.
Yeah, it's really disheartening. I noticed new posters getting worse but apart from specific threads I love, like Pathologic threads, I don't spend much time on the board generally so I didn't take much notice. We were having great threads as little time ago as the start of last year, then all of a sudden I can't browse for a couple of months and when I come back I haven't seen a good thread for ages - even the ones I find in the archive don't last very long.
How depressing. Maybe this year will be different.

Thanks, user, we appreciate it. You can always give Pathologic another go if you want - the HD Rerelease has a great translation and surviving the game is more a matter of learning the game's systems and getting used to optimising your day than anything else. And there's usually anons on Sup Forums to explain things if you have questions, though sometimes it takes a few failed threads before you get a good response.

>all that resource management
>the brothers can just decide to go down and rape your patch of colours
Fuck this

Set traps or kill them.
Some gardens and mines don't have traps.

It just happened in the beginning before I had that. So I got fucked pretty early

I love the game conceptually but it's a kick in the dick to play. It makes looking at tiddies harder than IRL.

The audience is not what constitutes art.

Traps aren't a glyph, it's a structure inside certain rooms you have to fill with color to activate. It can repell a brother a few times. They are worth it and way cheaper than killing brothers, that costs like a thousand color and you need a variety of glyphs for each one.

My biggest gripe with the whole design was me having to literally plan out the playthrough and start over until I had new information where the sources of color were and the brothers' attack patterns were like

I just didn't feel like committing to something like that in an artsy story game.

Also, the only other game I ever played that had a system like that was an old strategy game from ubisoft called Theocracy. Always wanted to find out where that kind of design originated from

>We were having great threads as little time ago as the start of last year
It's a slow process that creeps up little by little. It's technically been fucked up for a few years now, it just started to rapidly grow with the huge influx of new people due to the election. There's still a chance that the majority of them will get bored and leave after a while, but the damage has already been done.

I bought this on steam a while ago but haven't replayed it yet. I hear they lowered the difficultly substantially. Any way to revert it back?

Color spawns are random, plant the colors you want more of.
If the game was easier it would undermine the narrative. Comparing The Void to shitty walking simulators is an insult.

Its almost like an rts game on a hard difficulty. The first play through you have no clue how the build tree works, which areas to explore, efficient resource collecting, efficient color usage, enemy attack patterns and timing. You learn those and get farther when you most certainly have to restart

You shouldn't kill enemies though. Thats a waste of color and it damages the realm.

You should try Theocracy to see just how similar these games are. Even has the same map thing with a bunch of tribes sending units along the paths. The exact same time compression system system and they add quests as time goes along. Automatic game over until a certain date is reached as well. The only difference is that you build armies instead of just accumlating resources