>live forever
>powerful magic users
>best archers
>high dex, int and wis
>in tune with nature
Why would anybody pick humans or angry manlets over elves, Sup Forums?
>live forever
>powerful magic users
>best archers
>high dex, int and wis
>in tune with nature
Why would anybody pick humans or angry manlets over elves, Sup Forums?
power fantasy faggots
>live forever
>stop enjoying anything because you end up doing everything there is to do
>morality means nothing
>picking elves
You and I can never be friends OP.
You're describing humans that live forever, not elves.
Why would elves, the dirty knife eared pricks be any different?
>filthy knife eared savage
> resistant to fire
> stronger than humans
> can dig at amazing speeds
> cold blood
> natural-born lizard killer
> 2 meters tall
> armor ? that's for fags, I have scales
why would you ever choose something over lizards ?
Elves exist to be tamed by orc cock.
post more cute elf girls
Kobolds > everything else
>Filthy knife ears
You know, guys, it would do you good to learn a few new ways to insult Elves. Like Keebler, or Keeb for short. You know, like the cute little Elves that bake cookies in trees. Or how about Dandelion Eaters? That's pretty fruity.
that's not a cute elf girl
>putting time into being creative with elf insults
They don't deserve the time spent on them
Lizardfolk in plate armor is an aesthetic I really want more of, though.
t. pointy eared git
>live forever
>clearly the greatest race
>losing overall because they don't breed enough
elves = whites
Now this I can dig.
>live just long enough to have children, watch them grow up and have children of their own
>adept at using magic, but only through hard work and dozens of years spent studying
>some are beautiful, others are rugged, but each is unique in their own way rather than conforming to one standard
>balanced stats
>understand that nature is meant to ultimately be preserved, but able to provide resources to better the lives of your kin
Why would anybody pick anything other than human?
>Why would anybody pick humans or angry manlets over elves, Sup Forums?
I'm a heterosexual male for one thing
Elven women are prime wife material, user.
The common misconception is that Elven women are sluts, as their long lifespans confer long periods of time they can devote to dating and casual encounters. In nature, however, the opposite is seen; long-lived races tend towards monogamy, while those short-lived seek as many partners as possible until death.
I bet those filthy Goblins are behind the low Elf birth-rate, probably telling them not to have too many Elflets due to the impact it'll have on Azeroth. Next thing you know the Goblin run press will be calling for Elves to open their hearts and their lands to an endless tide of Orcish "refugees".
So if Goblins are kikes, what are Gnomes?
mega kikes
goblins are italians, gnomes are jews
>not wearing armor
I'm a human irl so I just pick human
I do find something pleasant about the idea of having a blood elf demon hunter as a waifu. Something about soothing her shattered heart.
Also horn tugging blowjobs woo woo!
3 is best armor
Ringmail is not armor
At least I don't walk onto battlefields with 40lbs of metal rings that don't block arrows or swords
Why is cold blooded a good thing. You need to sit in the sun or next to a fire all day
metal rings block anything because straight lines have hard times going into open holes
>live forever
>never accomplish anything
>breed like once every 50 years
Elves are fucking shit.
Sour grapes. Crusader LARPers are fucking pathetic.
>live forever
Until they meet a dwarf
How do they even fight with these helmets?
Just because you live in a treehouse doesn't mean you're "in tune with nature".
Elves just throw their sparkly glittershit everywhere and oh gee the entire forest is now chernobyl glowy trees, 4 different species of magic-addled freak animals that the elves are directly responsible for, and deers. Just one kind of deer. Everywhere.
What happened to all the autochthonous species you goddamn deerfuckers? THIS IS NOT A HEALTHY ECOSYSTEM
Goblins are Jews
Gnomes are fapbait
No love from Eru Illuvatar
I want to breed gnomes and goblins.
Humans are usually the weakest race, but it makes it more satisfying beating everyone else because you're the underdog.
>powerful industry
>drive to survive and expand
>most widespread race, can travel anywhere and be welcome
>sexually compatible with every race
>richest, rules the waves
>able to do anything, never pigeonholed
>better at 80% of everything than everyone else
>everyone speaks your language
Face it, ningen are the best race to actually be
Elves have very low sexual drive to balance out their longevity meaning that if you ever settle with an elf she'll probably only put out once in your entire life time.
my attempt.
but you posted a pic of elves, who did nothing wrong
Good. Good. All this anti-Elfness in this thread. Keep it up humoys, we'll just get more shekels from your elf loving governments anyway!
Pretty sure that is not an elf. Also confusing elves with jews will always be the most retarded thing.
because humans are never those things you wrote in green.
Because Dwarves are logically superior?
Don't think it's said what it is.
Post the manga and the name of the character and we find out.
Muh silmarils.
Dude doesn't have a name. He's just some dude for the sake of it, the evil brown-noser.
Shinju no Nectar anyway. Or 'Isekai Where I Get Super Powers From Breast Milk: The Manga'.
>Also confusing elves with jews will always be the most retarded thing.
Have you not seen that latest Will Smith movie on netflix? Thats literally what they are.
>Shinju no Nectar
Ah, alright, he's actually an elf then. Though still not a jew. I also found another thread where you posted this exact same text. Please don't try to force some epic new meme, it's dumb.
Oh wow, netflix made a movie, that confirms that the most aryan fantasy race based on nordic myths is actually full on hebrew.
>no metal false teeth
1. I'm not trying to force an epic new meme
2. Autism searching fucking images.
Looks like a Gremlin.
So, what race which bonus?
Is humans have CHR bonus (they are core of every big town) or elves (they are sticks)?
Nah, gimme that full plate.
>56% brain
confirms that you're literally the only one who doesn't seem to think so.
You are damn right user, back then when I watched the LotR movies in the theater everyone was just annoyed by these hook-noses jew-elves and their constant hand-rubbing while oppressing the poor orcs!
Elves are for fragile soyboys
True men always choose dorfs. Dunmers are the only non shit elves.
where is this from?
ravandil's quest
do they not breed because they don't have sex, or because elven women only have their period only once every 50 years?
True man don't play video games
What a shitty bump for a shitty thread. Tolkiens elves give some of their power to their children, so at some point they just can't conceive or otherwise literally cease to exist. Eldar are somewhat doing fine, it's only Craftworld Eldar that need soul stones for every newborn. In Warhammer fantasy it's only Asur whose numbers are dwindling with no good explanation. I honestly can't think of anything else, it's barely adressed or elves actually have normal families. It's mostly just a meme.
there is as many high elves as plot requires
>it's an elfshitter pretends to be tough episode
Aren't elves busy dying out for being cucks in literally every setting?
>inb4 NTR is a fetish for thinking elves
So are dwarves, but you are not seeing anyone doing false-flagging bait threads to shitpost about them.
lizardbros are too under represented in vidya, shame
And no progress
did they ever explain in legion why the fuck every demon hunter has horns? its implied in tft illidan got them through consuming the skull of guldan
Stay mad. Humans and Dwarves.
We are the real master race.
Please stop false-flagging.
No wonder nobody on this board shitposts about dwarves.
>Live short enough to allow for evolution / adapting
>Live long enough to preserve and pass on knowledge
>Awesome regeneration abilities
>High stamina
>High int
>Become the apex predator of every environment they are placed in, regardless of technology level.
>All competitors are either genocided or bred into slavery
Why would anyone not pick human? We are a perfect balance of what works in nature.
>Brainlets think aggression/hatred aren't bonuses
What the fuck are you on about?