Spearaboos BTFO

>every total war game ever
>swordsmen destroy spearmen

It's over, Sup Forums.

Swords > Spears.

Your pic will prove you otherwise cunt.

Spearmen destroy cavalry.

swords literally never existed throughout history and it's something dungeon and dragons nerds made up

spears at the corner of the map on defensive is insta win



>total war
>real life


You literally can't even call this trolling.

t. DnD dork

>the most realistic warfare simulator in the history of PC games


>walled city
>4 units of pikes
>one at each entrance to the city square
Molon Labe Romaioi cunts.

>frontal cavalry charge into packed formation


>game has established rock-paper-scissors approach to combat
>download a mod to flesh some concepts out
>now there's 40 variants of swordsmen who are total ass against anything except the one class they're designed to counter

The only game where this is 100% true is Shogun 2 because of the rock paper scissors balancing system.

In other games its not a fair comparison because historically swords aren't given to peasants so most match ups are between poorly trained spear equipped militia/levies/tribal bands versus military elite equipped with swords.


Total War is one step away from Command and Conquer combat. It's my favourite series but it's not realistic.

dumbass, next you'll say cs go is also realistic

the truth is not a troll

those are pikes retard
pikes > all

pikes are spears autismo

there is a distinct difference between pikes and spears in RTW though desu

are you 12?

Is a square of pikes undefeatable?


>lots of light infantry
>also pikes but in a denser formation

shoot it with arrows

horse archers

you wait they get cramps

Sword+Shield > Spear+Shield > Spear > Sword

also pike =/= spear

>swordfags and spearniggers arguing which is superior
that's cute

>carrying about warfare pre-fire arms
New Napoleonic Warfare game when

This. It's a game (ironically) based on Warhammer and Nobunaga's Ambition. With the combat coming strictly from the former.

>not posting the most alpha archers to exist

>implying its a good thing to waste armour on peasants who'll get cut down once the REAL army retreats

What is your opinion of europa barbarorum?

>the most retarded time period in warfare


>new CA history title is in a era they've never done before

And gay uniforms

The uniforms back then were the best to ever exist.

That's pike and shot

I never got around to playing it, so I can't comment on it.
Most people agree Shogun 2 is, if not the best, at least very high tier when it comes to Total War games. Having well defined units and roles makes sure there is no historical accuracy to speak of but historical battles were not fun or engaging to begin with so it's not really a bad thing. As I understand it, EB sets out to change this which I don't see much of a reason for.

I'm gonna have to stop you there homo

>total war: modern warfare

>stand in a line and shoot

It was literally the most effective way to concentrate a high volume of fire on a target unit with the technology at the time, not to mention necessary for engaging in melee which was still extremely commonplace.

>Posts homo in homo suit
>calls others homo

You have pike and shot even in the Medieval 2 demo, let alone the full game.
Likewise, pike and shot is the bread and butter of the Empire in Warhammer.

They didn't implement either decently so I wouldn't expect any developments going that way.

Sounds stupid and gay, why didn't they dig trenches and get some real cover?

Where they fucking stupid? Napoleonic tactics were a fucking joke. Ineffectual and utterly brain-dead.

Longbowmen were /fit/ as fuck, if you gave them a sword they'd slice through plate like butter







because trenches made you stay only one place while the enemy army flanked around to burn your cities and rape your women you stupid fucking moron

>total war featured on the history channel
>determine the throwing axe is the best weapon of the time because of in game stats

>Try to flank you
>You shoot them to ribbons because they're walking around in the open with no cover
>They can't return fire because you're in a trench
Whoa... they didn't think that one through did they?

*goes to your city 2 miles away*
Psssh.. Nothing personnel..

Flank as in not on the field, as in just walk outside of shooting distance around your stupid little fortification
Napoleon era armies weren't nearly large enough to support and mantain a country Border Wide trench or fortifications like in WW1 and WW2
Just shut the fuck up

>why didn't they dig trenches

In some cases they did, but given reload time you need to be several ranks deep to maintain constant fire which means you need an absurdly wide trench, add to that that you can't move forward even a few paces and are thus blinded after the first couple of volleys anyway because smokeless powder hasn't been invented yet, add to that you can't move a few paces back either, so anyone who wants to negate your cover by simply charging you will do exactly that, and they'll succeed because your weapons are smooth bore single shot firearms as opposed to the rifled machine guns that actually proved effective in trench warfare.

>why didn't they dig trenches
Trenches really aren't that good by themselves when it comes to defensive positions. It's when you combine them with barbed wire, machineguns, and radios that can call for artillery that they become ludicrously effective meat grinders.

>They get shot to ribbons at the trench two miles away instead
>Numbers thinned from hit and run tactics before you get a chance to set up your lines
>Totally exhausted when you get there
Shiiiieeet, want to try that again genius? Maybe don't walk around in the open this time.

Based on the picture I would assume these are sarissa.

>muh English yew carved 1000 times

>trenches materialize because I say so
We're done


>Not defending with the spear, then charging with the sword

He ignored the part about no one having the population to dig in across a whole front and is imagining WW1 with muskets

Congratulations you just invented bronze age warfare.

>Armies can teleport around unmolested because I say so
You're a joke.

There's no point in digging trenches when your range is just 50 meters, your weapons fire one shot every minute at best and you are left half blinded when you fire because of the smoke so you're liable to get rushed by the enemy without being able to retreat. You need smokeless rifles, automatic guns and barbed wire to make trench warfare.

The point of the close ran formations was first line fires -> second line advances -> second line fires ->third line advances -> third line fires -> maybe the first line finished reloading and can fire again. Replace next line advancing with prior army reatreating if necessary.

A good way to see this is to read the manga Gunka no Baltzar which is about the transition between napoleonic armies to ww1 era.

RTW2 triarii wreck everything afaik. Pikes in RTW destroy swords.

You couldn't do guerrilla warfare hit-and-run with Napoleonic muskets. They had a shocking misfire rate, ass-long reload time and were horribly inaccurate. They HAD to be used in big blocks of men to be effective.

Yeah no, we're talking about real life here not anime kid.

Eeuropa barbarorum 1 and 2 does not have dedciated swordsmen, instead they are heavily armored heavy shock infantry that fire javelins and then charge.

I think this is probably true for most of ancient warfare, but it probably changed in middle-ages because only nobles and rich people had swords and the rest had spears or bows.

This isn't related to the thread itself, but I wanted to say how much I hate stock photo sites and wish they'd die in a fire for charging money for images of centureis old woodcuts and manuscripts that have lapsed into the public domain already instead of just releasing them for free. If you have a physical work that's gone into the public domain, people should be able to request you, and you be legally obligated to provide scans/copies for the cost it will take you to produce them, like how FOIA requests work

I am hoping some of you anons share my fury in this given you are likely history buffs as well

>bowman the shit out of the spears

Why are you guys arguing with that brainlet?

How is it you people do this.

Do you really think you are that special? People even a thousand years ago were still just human like any one of us, they weren't mental handicaps. They were capable of thinking about this shit, they weren't technologically inferior to the modern day because they couldn't brain right.

Instead of thinking "I wonder why they didn't do this" and looking into it to see why they didn't, do you just assume you must be a military mastermind for coming up with the devilishly genius tactic of digging a hole?

>I'm a legitimate moron who really did believe that line infantry behaved the way they did out pure ignorance but now that I've realized how fucking dumb I am I'm going to pretend I was trolling all along

Christ, it's an anonymous image board. Just close the thread and pretend it didn't happen if you're too petty to concede.

>10 guys in the woods materialize outside camp and shoot their shots
>kill/wound maybe 3 guys
>burn food supplies
>rile up the entire camp
>totally fuck moral
>disperse back into the woods never to be seen again
How is walking around in the open waiting to get shot the better option again? Nepolonic tactics were entirely the result of mental retardation caused by all the lead in their wigs and kitchenware. No rational humans would engage in anything so ineffective and moronic.

>Realize you're wrong
>Get utterly blown the fuck out at every turn with simple logic
>Try to claim victory anyway
You're only digging yourself deeper.


I doubt they ever set up camp next to such terrain if they had the choice
>10 guys shoot, hit 3 enemies
You're still way overestimating musket accuracy and reliability

I hated shogun 2

>obvious choke points everywhere on a tiny map
>limited unit selection

It basically felt like a game of checkers, I was never worried if I would over-extend because I knew for sure if I hold X gap between these mountains and Y gap between those mountains nobody can come near me. Especially if I get a ninja early on, the game is too methodical, no question of anything going wrong

Well you do have big examples of guerrila warfare during napoleonic era, like the american war of independance. Considering guerrila warfare is a thing since at least the roman republic it's not a surprise really.

Yeah, have a great 2018 man.

I really hope you're baiting. I rarely post on this board but I really pity you user. I can't imagine being so stupid please be baiting, no one can be this retarded right?

Have you tried being diagnosed for anything autism related or down syndrome maybe? I know you may not think you have it but the results might surprise you. All the best user.

Japan did it better

*blocks your path*


>just more ad-hom and victory claiming
You really don't like losing arguments user.

He's probably one of the guys that DICE cited as "believing WWI was fought with muskets" when claiming how much they cared about the historical accuracy of BF1.

That makes me pretty mad. I'm also pretty mad that it takes fucking forever for things to be added to the public domain. "Death of the author +50-120 years" is completely bonkers, do the great-great-great-great-grandchildren of the author really deserve to benefit from the work of a guy they literally never met?


>Alexander's army defeats the Sacred Band.

forget the sword vs spear crap, I have a better argument: overarm vs underarm

The worst part is even fucking museums do this, they have super high res scans of old books and manuscripts and painttings and shit but won't let you download them. I think some countries even allow super old shit to be given a new copyright JUST for muesuusms to give them a exclusive way to monetize them just to incenvitize people to see the works in person

it's fucking insanity

>do the great-great-great-great-grandchildren of the author really deserve to benefit from the work of a guy they literally never met?

Yes, you communist.

>museums holding up the information super highway in desperate bid to remain relevant

Not surprising.

Fuck sword and spear, polearm is king

Don't worry just like printed media, shopping malls, cable TV, and rental chains museums are dying and won't make it into the next century.

spears are for horse tho.

If you're looking for a book and you know the title check the library of congress, you can usually get pretty decent scans

We need museums though to actually store the items to begin with and to digitize them

Yeah, and hell of a job they're doing. I can't wait for them to die. The actual artifact isn't necessary once it's been adequately digitized. Historicity and an expensive and superfluous meme.

WHOA that big one is over 200 centuries long

Are we going to take this settlement for the
T R I B E?