ethnically diverse women are just as capable as white males so apologize
Ethnically diverse women are just as capable as white males so apologize
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>ethnically diverse women are just as capable as white males so apologize
I'm confused, why did you post a picture of a man then?
She's dutch yo
What's Sup Forums's issue with this game? I need a quick run down
I am glad that I am abovee soyboys and forever virgins and can apreciate a game for what it is..
it's a great game, it just gets ruined by whatever female developer they had in charge, forced diversity throughout the game and a main story revolving around feminism
Textbook soyboy virgin response
This! Preach! If you don't find aloy beautiful you're a misogynostic alt-right hitler youth who wants to genocide strong womyxn.
Takes one to know one.
Enjoy your SOYLENT sissy.
They could have made her at least remotely attractive. Just saiyan.
Horizon isnt a game, its an SJW political message. Just avoid it like the plague.
kys leave this shit in 2017
>forced diversity throughout the game and a main story revolving around feminism
Not how I perceived it I suppose but I guess you could look at that way if you really tried..?
I'm all for against the erosion of western society from nu-age feminazis. The only time the game dipped into that kind of territory was with Elizabet and Ted.
If they wanted it to be an SJW message, why isn't Aloy black?
What message does shooting robot dinosaurs with magical electricity arrows embody?
Sorry that you're an uggo.
Sure, because people who haven't played the game and regurgitate wildly untrue hearsay are so credible.
It has legitimate feminist themes to it and the protagonist isn’t conventionally attractive. The game is fun and one of the better Ubishit style open world games and for the most part the feminist themes take a backseat to everything else and aren’t very intrusive, so the game actually being decent in spite of that really riles up some Sup Forumsfriends tired of the prevalence of social justice messages in video games in recent years.
Fake news. Try harder next time, cuck.
Aloy a cute!, her body would tease me a whole night!
Why is the tribe she's raised in so backwards technologically while she's up against robits? Are matriarchies incapable of progressing technologically?
Not as capable of being attractive
I've been waiting to test this, I bet it looks like crap though
>The only time the game dipped into that kind of territory was with Elizabet and Ted.
This. Ted just seemed to make bad decisions for absolutely no reason than it created conflict, and then went full retard with his MUH NOBLE SAVAGE BURY ALL HUMAN ACCOMPLISHMENT AND START AGAIN bullshit out of nowhere at the end, and given how he came across normally it seems like nothing but male arrogance. Weakest part of the lore and setup imo, but in the grand scheme of things it isn’t such a big deal.
Is there complete edition worth 45 buckaroos?
The videos do actually look fun and I never really pay attention to stroy in most games anyway
Yes they surely are.
But on the other hand, soy filled pampered white trust fund babies can't write good stories even if their lives depended on that, because they have the need to hammer down their primitive political views into everything and leave no space for actual good story telling.
For real? sony fanboys shoved this game down of the throat of Sup Forums for months and months and months, claiming that it is "the zelda killer" etc etc etc..
Too many arrogant threads about a game generally ends in hate towards the game.
This pretty much, Ted was a psychotic greedy asshole most probably wondering why no one had shot him yet. Poor writing on that part. I liked pretty much everything else to do with the game though, the combat, lore/world building, conflicts between tribes.
I wouldn't call it a Zelda killer, but it certainly has a lot more than Zelda does. I've played both now at about 40 hours each and I haven't got burnt out playing HZD as I did Zelda. Your definitely right about arrogant threads, I avoided them for the most part because I had no interest in the game until a couple of days ago.
bash the fash amirite fellow comrade?
I played up untill i unlocked the tier 1 ability to go slow-mode when you jump (In adition to the seperate focus mode bar) which ment every fight i could just bunny hop through and negate any challenge.
Not to mention playing in the higher dificulties just made enemies sponges.
Game looked pretty as sin, but thats about all it had going for it.
Fuck I'd hate to have that kind of mentality when playing games.
>Aloy's tribe is run by Ethically Diverse women
>They are the shitfucker backwards Tribe everyone else looks down on
There's nothing good or interesting about this game apart from the world/enemy design.
The combat becomes boring after a few encounters, the lore is pretty dumb and the rest is standard ubisoft formula.
It has a womyn protagonist and it isn't Japanese so ergo it's SJW
you idiots went an entire year hating this game fucking crazy
>women are so strong and capable they need to be constantly reminded and encouraged by the fact
ok pham, i believe you
>ethnically diverse
>clone of a white lady
Wasn't she originally supposed to be a cute brown girl with an actually pretty face?
There's literally a dude ready to post the same fucking youtube video, webms and pictures every time this game is mentioned
It's amazing how hardcore dudes on Sup Forums hate this game, especially after playing it two weeks ago and seeing it's okay
LMAO in reality they'll be just as reliable as a sloth!
Lol @ female power fantasy
>Not to mention playing in the higher dificulties just made enemies sponges.
I fucking hate that shit. What's even the incentive for going to the higher difficulties then?
In some games, higher difficulties meant enemies were more aggressive or you'd get different enemy placements or spawns.
I feel like Sup Forums's opinion of the game would be at least 35% better if they'd just kept that design.
Instead we got a ginger with a mullet who looks like she sticks her face in a beehive as part of her morning routine.
lol so the sjw shit was so bad they actually looked at it and said this is too much better make her white. Why couldnt it just be a white male like every other good game?