Which side were you in 2017 ?

which side were you in 2017 ?

Other urls found in this thread:


on the one who watched the shit flinging from afar


>weeb soy trash on both sides

OP confirmed numale.

Amazing how there isn't a single good game in that pic.

Neither. Every game in that image is shit.

forward slash

Didn't play any of these. Checkmate, cunt.

>sonic forces

What game is second right?

haha yeah video games are such garbage i dont play any video games either, haha man i'd stay and talk but i've gotta go pound my girlfriend and have some beer.

take it easy fellow men!

What is the game?

Doesn't like
video gaaames

a rose in twilight

Fragile redditor desu

Is that giant snake lady Toukiden 2?

>sonic forces
>knack 2

pirate r COOL


shadow of war, nioh and hellblade are the only good recognizable games on that list

Fuck off and parmesan'ed your bread you faggot weeb


I don't recognize a bunch of those games on the right. Titles, please?

Ew look at all that unfun gay shit on the right

Literally every single one of those games is unplayable shit garbage.

Please don’t tell me anyone actually enjoyed any of those games?

>most of the good games from the year are on the reddit side, only a couple are on the Sup Forums side
really bingles my bunghole

Reddit I guess, since I don't care about console weeb shit

What the fuck is up with that distribution? Seems to me like you're an actual redditor who is trying to fit in.

What's the game above Tekke 7 though? DDO?

Call of Oniichan: advanced imouto

both sides should be gassed


none of them, both sides are cuck shit

>he rather side with reddit just to avoid consolefags

>mostly kino PC and Switch titles
>mostly weeb trash, PS4 meme exclusives and SONIC FUCKING FORCES
If having good taste in vidya makes me a fragile redditor then somebody get me a gallon jug soylent.

>weeb games
neither. fuck both sides.

I played none of those games.

OP is a fag, as always