It's 2018

>it's 2018
wtf Sup Forumsros 2014 and 2015 felt like yesterday

yesterday felt more like 2017 desu

>this game is over a decade old


it was released in November 2006

holy shit

halo is now as old as super mario bros when halo was new

Where are my sexy combat replicants?

>This movie is over 20 years old

The worst thing about getting older isn't that time keeps going by faster and faster, its that the time between good game releases seems to get longer and longer to compensate.

When I was a teenager there were so many amazing games coming out every month, but I couldn't afford to buy any of them (and I can barely afford to buy them now either thanks to scalpers and resellers), now I'm a middle aged manchild with plenty of disposable cash, but good games happen maybe two or three times a year

Just compare these pictures.
All I did was google "Games from x year"

and here is 2013-2016

>you played Tribes with Sup Forums 6 years ago

>its been 12 years since you last logged into Habbo hotel to grief people with other people on Sup Forums

>Gamergate was 4 years ago

Yeah except now I have a great job, get paid well and have my degree instead of doing jack shit and making minimum wage.

>people born in 2000 are now legal


>spacejam fag

You guys fucking need to stop sucking that movie's dick. Move on.

>mfw I actually got out of my parents basement and got my shit together and achieved all the things I thought would finally make me happy but I all I want to do is go back to being a degenerate

It's too late for me, Sup Forums. Enjoy it while it lasts.

>failing to an hero so hard you shoot out the backs of your eyes

Not cool. Von Bargen was great and anyone in his position would have done the same, sometimes it just doesn't work.

>"Don't forget, you're here forever!"
>heh yeah right
>9 years later

I really hope his last years were at least more comfortable, that's such a fucked up thing. I agree though I probably would have done the same in his position. It's such a fucking tragedy what happened.

>10 years for me
>almost 11

who gives a shit normalfag, back to twitter

>this console is 20 years old now

good damn it i feel old

I'm about to move into my own place but all I do is remote webdev so I get to remain living as if I were a NEET, just with a few hours of work a day from my own bed, and more room and privacy.

>When you have to scroll multiple times to find your birth year

Yesterday, all my troubles felt so far away.
Now it looks as though they're here to stay.
Oh I believe in yesterday.

Running 11 years here. It has indeed gotten worse.

You're mom lmao

The years already go by so fast and I'm only 23, it seems like a year is more like a week anymore compared to when I was a kid. I can't imagine how years can go by any faster but everyone older than me says it constantly gets faster and faster the older you get. Time scares the absolute unholy shit out of me. The thought of being plucked from nothing and forced down a linear path as I slowly whither and fall apart until I die and return to nothing after years of misery, aches, and the endless effects of aging is just about the most horrific fucking thing to me. I don't want to die but I don't want to grow old.

I admit, I'm a fucking newfag who came here in 2014. I can't believe what it feels like to you fags who came here pre-2010, it already feels like I've been here for ages. I love you fags.

It'll happen to you too, user.

I don't see the point in living past 60. The day when simple physical activities like jogging become herculean tasks is the day I kill myself.

now have this thought while triping balls on mushrooms. actually probably don't

Protip: It gets "faster" because your brain learns to phase out similar memories. The only way to make life slow down is to constantly expose yourself to new experiences.

>still not allowed on /vr/

If we're lucky, by the time we're 60 medical science will have advanced to the point where we can at least slow or reverse some of the effects of aging. I'm not sure I want to really live forever, but if I can stave off death for as long as possible from natural causes, that's preferable.

What? My grandfather still gos jogging each day and he's close to 80. In two months we will go ski together.

>hurr urr my grandpa is the one who jogs all the time
>all grandpas/grandmas at the age of 80 can jog just fine

the best thing to do which most of us will be doing is vidya at an old age

Underrated post

>Sup Forumsros

>this can't be real
>1985-2001: 16 years
>2001-2018: 17 years

what the fuck man

im shook.