Can someone please tell me the appeal of Persona games...

Can someone please tell me the appeal of Persona games? Persona 5 was my first one and holy fuck I have to force myself to play this.

Every single battle goes like this:

>oh a new enemy
>*uses random attack*
>oh that's not effective
>*uses another random attack*
>that's not effective either*
>*uses another random attack*
>there we go, that's effective
>*pummels the enemy down with that element until it's dead*

and with bosses, just throw in some buffs/debuffs and whatever predictable gimmick the boss uses

Seriously why do people like this piece of shit series so much? Fucking POKEMON has a more complex battle system. I could forgive the boring combat if the dungeons and story were good, but the dungeons are linear and boring and the story is just a 60 hour long anime.

What am I missing here?

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Easy mode.

of course you wouldn't have fun not playing hard mode. Dumb furry

I play on the hardest difficulty, the DLC one.

Wait, are you saying this game is supposed to be challenging?

stop lying charizard-buttfucker

Did a furry bully you into tears or something? Why are you taking it out on me?

Maybe you like Persona 3 more? It's definitely a more demanding and challenging game compared to Persona 5 in comparison.

Persona is a game people play for the experience as a whole. The gameplay is part of that, but not the only thing.

You didnt play on impossible and beat it in 60 hours. I doubt you did either even separately

It's because the games are based on the simple idea of progression.

The battles are the same. The story and characters are bland. However, the game's designed to give you really play into your sense of progression.

Every day, you do something and you play through those days with each date moving forward. Social links rank up. Levelling up even one level is rewarded through being able to unlock new Persona to fuse.

For some people, that's enough. That you know you're getting somewhere, getting better, moving forward. Even if you didn't do jack shit on a day, you feel like you progressed because the day moved anyways.

The style and music are great as well.

I haven't beat. I'm still in the fourth dungeon because I have to force myself to keep playing after months of dropping it.

Gameplay is not the strongest fort of persona mate
If you want pure gameplay just go SMT instead

I never felt like I was progressing. This game feels like fucking groundhog day. I wake up, go to school, answer the teacher's stupid question, go back to town, do some stupid activity that requires no input from me, then go to bed. Repeat that 15 times until the next linear dungeon.

100% agreed

the waifus are good

gameplay is second rate to that

>a 60 hour long anime
That is the exact appeal of Persona games.

then why not just give me a comfy 25 episode anime series instead of forcing me to trudge through shitty dungeons

You're playing on the worst difficulty then, it isn't necessarily harder because it makes super effective attacks do 3x the amount of damage (both for you and the enemies) while the normal hard difficulty encourages you to try other strategies, merciless also reduces exp gain, I would recommend switching from merciless to hard.

Not him but they are, later this year.

>thinking for even a moment that anyone would believe such a blatant lie

There is an anime soon, some people just prefer to play RPGs designed like this.

The confidants require input, I hope you weren't skipping them because they're the most important thing to do.

Oh thank god. I'll just wait for this then.

It's only shitty because you're on a shitty difficulty setting.

Which difficulty setting gives the combat more depth?

>the appeal of Persona games?

Atlus is the only people producing proper JRPG's in the current year

Square has been reduced to making QTE movies

I guess I'll give Pokemon credit where it's due, but I prefer Persona over Pokemon

to be honest, and don't get triggered, but XBC2 was the superior 2017 JRPG

Hard, Merciless makes the game easier in a way that just makes it more boring.

>What am I missing here?
A brain. And good taste.
Now fuck off.

The combat is so unstimulating that my brain gets bored.

>good taste
Not an argument. Defend your pile of shit or fuck off.

Fucking FPS games are more intersting than this!

stop playing on easy you fuck

>Fucking POKEMON has a more complex battle system.
Correct me if I'm wrong but pokemon is 1v1, you have only 4 skills and you can't slaugher pokemons to fuse them and make them stronger or give them other skills.

Pokemon combat has stage hazards, stage buffs, turn-counter moves, and so forth. Moves in persona are either attacks, buffs/debuffs, or heals. There's hardly any depth.

You could just tarukaja/charge + swift strike instead. Save some time.

>Can someone please tell me the appeal of Persona games?
Let's retards live a high school life they never could experience. Persona fails as a JRPG. It's just an overrated dating sim. Play Xenoblade Chronicles 2 if you want an actual JRPG.

Not him, but the appeal is decision-making, SP management and autistically fusing ridiculously overpowered personas. SMT games are about preparation, making a team that can deal with anything that comes against it. And the encounters you fight play around with different immunities and gimmicks to throw your setup for a loop. I'm surprised you're at the 4th dungeon and haven't seen this, people usually have your opinion when they've only done the 1st dungeon where they don't really throw some unexpected stuff at you.

>stage hazards, stage buffs
flu, pollen, rain, hot
>turn-counter moves
there are counters in p5 too

What the hell am I preparing for exactly? Bosses I can understand, but basic monsters only require type coverage.

oh you mean like every single JRPG

I don't think you know what I'm talking about, it seems like your only experience with pokemon is pre-gen 4.

Nope. There are a handful of JRPGs I consider masterpieces.

I liked persona better when it was a smaller fanbase. Now you have retards waifuposting all day and angry reactionaries like you shitting on the game because of it. There really is more to it than a dating sim, most of your social city interactions aren't romantic and the gameplay loop and persona fusing can be very interesting. I do agree that Xenoblade has way better combat, but the blade system felt too constricting to the roles that each character was "supposed to have". Then again, they're fundamentally different games. I wouldn't compare them directly.

Too bad single player enemy ai barely even use those things.

Fluffy hair!

inquiry for examples of statement

Its not complex, its more about managing your time and SP versus hard engagements. The only hard turn based games I've ever played were various sRPGs. You will never hit the time limit on dungeons in any Persona, but if your too wasteful you get less time for other shit.

Yep, emerald to be precise. I'm too old for pokemon or nintendo handhelds in general nowadays.

A lot of basic monsters don't have a weakness dude, not sure if you forgot or just got lucky. They can also have high physical or high magical, be weak against a specific status effect, drain and heal the type of attack his companions are weak to, etc. You can be found without a way to hit an enemy effectively fairly easily, and then get fucked up if you don't cover your own weakness after seeing his type of attack. Then again, that was my experience with the game.

get the fuck out.

Chrono Trigger
Final Fantasy Tactics
Tactics Ogre
Mother 2
Legend of Dragoon

Have you tried Wizardry?

>but the blade system felt too constricting to the roles that each character was "supposed to have".
I've seen people do some stuff like tank Zeke and attack Nia but I haven't tried it myself

Are you autistic? The 3DS is one of the best video game systems period.

>Can someone please tell me the appeal of Persona games?
Social life sim where you get to pretend that you're cool and everyone loves you.

do people actually enjoy projecting themselves on fictional high schoolers?

>OP completely obliterating personababbies

I enjoy it that's why I play it
You don't enjoy it so don't play it
Its really simple. Why do you need to make sense of why people enjoy it? How will that change how you feel about it

Why do you think they allow you to name the protag?

for the (you)'s

They definitely work, yeah. Specially attack Nia with that ether stat. I just wish it made sense to mix and match more. Maybe a healing one on the DPS that grants lifesteal and reduces aggro on a special, or being able to sacrifice defenses berserker mode on a tank to do damage and draw even more aggro. It's still a super good system, I just wish it went even further with the customization. Also, single-character bonding feels bad to me, but I guess the gacha appeal would go away if it wasn't like that.

Imagine waking up one day, going down stairs, and you family is eating shit. Literally, there's a big plate of shit on the table and they're gulping down spoonfuls. You wonder why they're doing this, so you ask why. They say it's good, you just have to try it. After debating with yourself for a while, you take the plunge and scoop up some shit. You put it in your mouth and swallow. It tastes like shit and you throw up. Your family says to try it again, it gets better 5 scoops in. So you force down 5 more scoops and it still tastes like shit. You now have the burning question of "What do they taste that I don't?"

That's the situation I'm in, but replace shit with Persona 5.

Read the thread, people have actually tried to explain what they like about the series gameplay instead of dismissively shitposting like that. God forbid we let actual discussion happen on this miserable board.

The answer is still the same, mate. People have explained what they like about it. If you still don't see it, just give up. It's better that you leave it be like that, than becoming a shitposter and ruin other people's fun with it.

It's more about story and characters. Persona 4 had the best story and characters from all Persona games so far. P5 had fantastic music, style, visuals, but lacked fantastic story, bosses and many characters.

>forcing yourself to play a game you don't like
Just drop it OP, no point in playing a game if you are not having fun.

i paid $60 for this shit

I'm playing on hard mode and I kind of agree with OP. Most first battles end up like that and the only difference between easy and hard is that every time you fail to ambush the enemy or finish them in the first round you risk getting oneshotted even by shit tier mobs if you're unlucky and they target Akira with the right element. I'm at the space station level and honestly wanting to downgrade to Easy, there isn't even any benefit from playing on hard, you don't get additional exp, more drops or even a fucking trophy.


It's a comfy game where I can waifu-fag, grind to get stronger, develop friendships, and develop my social skills. It's simple and fun.

It's about the narrative you dumb nigger

You probably liked Horizon Zero Awards

Then that's your loss. Sell it or give it to someone who will actually enjoy it

I like long anime

Kek, the game is discounted to 35€ on the euro PSN. I agree that the original price of this game (69.99999€ here) on launch was retarded but 35€ seems fine to me, the game is literally an upscaled PS3 port, these niggers didn't even bother making it 60fps or giving it antialiasing or supersampling (seriously, don't tell me the regular PS3 couldn't 30fps this game at 4k with no effort at all, shit like Uncharted 4 looks 10 times better and runs at the same framerate with better AA).

Anyway, I'm pretty sure you can still buy on other region's psn on the ps4, even though I never did it before because there has yet to be one decent deal on the american psn.

Play on hard not merciless you dumb cunt

>being a self inserting katana unsheating autismlord

This is either heavy bait or I just feel sad for you.

best timeline so far

I obviously meant the original PS4, even though I remember reading somewhere that some PS2 ports were at 4k native resolution or something like that on the PS3 already, such as Okami HD and probably something else. If they weren't lazy as fuck they could have rendered the game at 4k on the regular ps4 with no effort whatsoever. I wouldn't be surprised if an HD Remaster comes out soon, retailing for 69.999999999999999 again.

>tfw never liked combats in Persona games like OP, so I just fast skipped the dungeons, combat part with cheats all the time(not 5), and just did only Social stuff.

He's ragging on you because Akira was confirmed to be non-canon. I'm not sure why everybody considers the manga protag names to be canon.

>random crits
>two types of status effects
>three categories of moves
>stage hazards
Pokémon has a very complex battle sytem, the flaw is that it's not properly balanced and competitive is a mess.


Pick one

That's my point, retard. Pokemon isn't very complex, but it's still more complex than this shit.

Yes, have you been living under a rock and missed the thousands and thousands of romancized Japanese High Schooler products oversaturating the market?

Them sell that shit, your mistake for not being responsible with your money

I like your attitude!

I don't care, Akira-kun surely sounds more canon than Jamal-kun.

Persona 5 is a very generic JRPG. It’s a good one but it’s still generic.
It doesn’t help that it’s the worst written one.

Why don't they update the combat/monster system in SMT AND Persona?

Why does it have the be the same repetitive archaic system every game?

You're the retard that bought the game. Literally all your complaining about is the same shit in Pokemon. Both aren't that hard to grasp. If you don't like simple RPGs then don't buy them dumbass

Gameplay isn't the point, it's a waifu/social sim. Gameplay is just there so you can play with your favorite megatenmons

that's Ren-kun for you

Persona does get a bit complex especially when you're against very strong shadows who can literally oneshot you as soon as they get a turn, and the only way to do it is to gain baton passes or exploiting status effects while buffing your party.

>reading this thread

Now I'm fully convinced this game has the biggest defense force/damage control squad around Sup Forums
Maybe it's time to clean those cockroaches off my PS4 and give this shit a try

Not true in the battle tree the AI will exclusively make teams to counter yours and always read your inputs to respond with a counter!
/vp/ actually defends the battle frontier

Not even shitposting, I'd say that's the Persona series biggest appeal. The gameplay is the weakest part of Persona. It's battle system is just SMT lite and the dungeons have always been complete trash.

Again, you're explaining very basic shit that even pokemon has.

>Make a thread shitting on a game.
>Everyone calls you a fag.
>Act surprised when people defend a game they like.
You're a fag.
Sadly this, every Persona game becomes less JRPG and more visual novel dating sim with every entry. It gets worse all the time, it's disgusting.

Why do you have cockroaches in your house? What 3rd world shithole do you live in?

> It's battle system is just SMT lite
The battle system is barely different from any SMT game other than having actual graphics instead of being a first person dungeon crawler, though. Persona's problem is it stifles and snuffs out the fun gameplay by forcing you to spend your days pretending to be a teenager and make you care about pointless NPCs that have zero purpose in the plot.