Why aren't you playing video games right now?

Why aren't you playing video games right now?

I'm far too depressed.

I played The Witcher 3 earlier, that game has too many quests and the world is too big, it's daunting and I feel I will never finish the game.

I’m not some dumb popsicle like you.

Both of these.
I'd like to start playing Heroes of the Storm ranked but I feel unmotivated to do so. I'm not sure how to find the motivation.

I finished 3 levels of Alien Isolation.
Currently at the 7th mission.
That is all I can stand for today

I'm about to play 4p coop Vermintide.

I postpone practicing at fighting games because I want to rest. But I cannot play anything else either because I would feel bad that I'm skipping practice.

So now I'm just browsing this hellhole of misery.

I am. I'm playing the dlc of Horizon Zero Dawn and I'm loving every second of it. Going through on Ultra Hard NG+ as well.

post more cute frogs

it's 5 am and i shouldn't even be up

Post more Froppy

Do you level too quickly too? I like to do all sidequests and contracts but by the time I do the mainstory I'm usually 3-4 level over it.

I'm playing rimworld right now, asian frog girl

About to jam some MHXX, probably try and solo some G rank deviants but I doubt I'll kill any

I want to fuck that Japanese frog


I would play her game all night long.

My reflexes have decayed something severe over the past decade and I rarely play vidya these days. It's just not much fun. I feel ashamed for wasting time whenever I do.

I'll see the new communities of people who're so passionate about all the new vidya, cosplaying as characters I don't even recognize, and I'll envy them. Sure, they're not cool, but they're passionate about something, and they've got people to share that passion with. I just can't adore anything as much as I used to when I was younger. You know you're old when the only shit you can get genuinely excited about is ytmnd/flash animation references and other nostalgia trips.

>I am. I'm playing the dlc of Horizon Zero Dawn and I'm loving every second of it. Going through on Ultra Hard NG+ as well.

I just started Vanilla Horizon on Hard and I'm taking a break after playing for 6 hours straight. I find myself doing the side missions but had to stop myself so that I don't end up too OP and breeze through the main missions.

Yep, I am over leveled, my issue is that I get tired of the game at around the same spot everytime, I do the side quests(ignore races, fight club and gwent), I do monster hunts and such, but now I am thinkin maybe I should avoid those quests because the sheer number, if I do that then maybe I will finish the damn game one day, but then if I do that I will be missing out on half the damn game.

They really did it with this game, it's just too big for me.

bf said toodle oodle oo buddy boy on new years eve and now im single and sad ;(

I wish I could meet Thom Yorke but he'd probably be a dick and it would just make me feel bad.

>My reflexes have decayed something severe over the past decade
I think I'm going through the same thing. I was never good. Not even close. But I was never this terrible at FPS games...

How old are you?

Waiting for my Generation Kill torrent to finish. Might play Rising Storm 2 with my brother and his mates later

>My reflexes have decayed something severe over the past decade
Did you play music games heavily? I ask this because I feel like playing games like guitar hero and rock band fucked with my eyesight over time, maybe i'm crazy but I used to get blurred vision for a little while after long sessions of GH games. I don't play them anymore but I still get the blurred vision sometimes, or maybe it's just me getting old, I am 37 now.

he'd probly suck yur dick bro. dude cant get enough cock

Did you make it and get a gf?


Real question, why is frog girl so popular ?


fucking my girlfriend

Fucking disgusting. It's hilarious that these inferior beings try this hard to gain attention, they'll never be 2D

>Did I make it?
Well, I am still alive, so I guess so lol.

>Get a Gf?
I had one at the time I was guitar heroing, lasted about 10 years, got tired of being responsible for another's happiness and not really knowing if she was even happy or not, it was stressful, so we broke it off, we are still friends though. I don't like relationships, so I am single now and prefer it that way.

I want to play Guitar Hero but all that shit is in my closet, they need to make a remastered collection or something for the current consoles so I don't have to drag all that shit out.

>buy game for $1.49 with wallet funds
>boot up game
>unreal engine popup saying I should run the game at 'very low'
>hit ok
>several minutes of loading screen
>hit play
>several minutes of loading screen
>forgettable introductory story cutscene
>several minutes of loading screen
>certain effects are sheer white and unpleasant against everything else
>navigate to the options
>brightness doesn't do shit to fix the issue
>graphical settings are VERY LOW, LOW, MEDIUM, HIGH, and VERY HIGH
>graphics card is trying its very best with a very loud WHIRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR
>close the game


Ironic weebs will give them attention

I honestly really want a gf

I'll also settle for a faggy femboy cock-loving slut bf

I made it through about a dozen chapters, does the manga ever get better and does she turn up more often?

> “settle” for something better

What do you think it's like to fuck a frog?

Kind of.

Women usually have slightly fewer mental issues is all

Because I'm winding down for bed.

Do you think she'd let you do her if you paid enough?