Sans undertale

sans undertale

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Fucking kill it





where is this from?
what am i looking at here?

I want source aswell.

What in the fuck

but why ?

Probably Sims 3 or 4.
Modded characters can look very grotesque.

Where did you find this thing? Is there a download for the model?

somebody get this model in VRchat

Mod her next



Reminds me of the Newborn in Alien Resurrection.

>reverse image search only brings up a few random tumblr blogs and these threads
Looks like I'll have to go through 30 pages of horseshit to find out where this came from.

Why user? Fucking why?

You're not revolver ocelot.

Someone please get Geralt

looks like the spitter from l4d

Oh god this is physically painful to look at.

Ah, you were at my side all along.

Jesus what the fuck is that

sounds like complete shit lmao



Even more why.

So beautiful.

stare at the image while playing this

I knew that those teeth reminded me of something

It looks like Baby Sinclair from Dinosaurs got possessed.

Someone played waaay to much Amnesia while they were pregnant.

Found it. It was made by some guy called pissfreak.

Holy fuck I feel sorry for that girl but she's scary as fuck, holy shit that's silent hill tier scary. I hope she's also retarded because otherwise her life will probably be a living hell with a normal brain and that face, but then again the freakishly deformed people end up having better lives than me after all, even though I have nothing wrong with me other than being a manlet with mild autism.

>google pic
>this shows up

Holy fucking hell it's more horrifying in motion. Give this girl a career in horror movies


Damn, this is one of the reasons why I'm atheist.

How the fuck can you even begin to explain this, christfags?

Oh god.


i kinda stopped cringing at disabled people like this from over exposure to them on youtube

i just try to not give them any pity, cause i think pitying people is kinda disrespectful now.

so ya im better than you all :^)

Uhh the devil. Sins of our fathers...crap i dunno

Lord works in mysterious ways ;)

It's all part of the grand scheme my dude!

stop trying to delegitimize withholding of pity you fucking asshole

I feel so bad for her but this is too much, there's no way this wouldn't have shown up when ultrasounding the pregnant mother, why the fuck wasn't she aborted? I imagine living like that as an adult would be literally a living hell.

I wouldn't be surprised if the parents are christfags who wouldn't abort their horrifyingly deformed daughter because muh god, and because apparently condemning a new life to decades of living hell is not a sin but aborting a fetus is and god doesn't want that.

Shit happens. It would make no sense at all for God to make sure everyone was happy and healthy without any defects or disabilities. There would be no purpose or meaning to life.

looks like a transformation from Parasite Eve
except it's stuck

God confirmed evil and taking pleasure in the suffering of us lowly humans through horribly tests of faith to random unfortunate people.

People still believe in a god while this thing exists.

That's very horrifying because we are really sensitive to faces, but I've seen much worse than that tbqh.

I've heard of people who were totally normal before getting hit with meningitis which led to necrosis and they became quad-amputees for life out of the blue, or shit that doesn't even give you a chance from birth (and if it does give you a chance enjoy living in hell for the rest of your short life) like harlequin fetus syndrome, btw your brain is still fully functional if you get that so you get the full effect of it, including knowing you will die before 30.

Is this a meme ?

God gave us the tools to fix this, or at least prevent it.
But we won't do that because we think he wouldn't want that.
>tfw you're god and your creation gets it all wrong

From what I can tell based on twitter, the girl seems pretty happy. Can you say the same for yourself?

That pale skin is pretty nice though.

(You) confirmed misunderstanding
Wouldn't even call it a test of faith. It just is what it is. I would imagine how people deal with it is what is most important. Love and compassion versus hate and fear.

>white people

Same goes for most kids in that age.

You have to wonder how she is going to live through her adult life.

I was happy also when I was coddled by my parents that shit don't last forever

I'm pretty sure some richfag who """sinned""" his entire life is much happier that a random girl who wasn't even given a chance and will be forced to live with various types of disabilities before dying young.

It's especially infuriating to an atheist like me thinking that according to your fucktarded christfag dogma, if said richfags truly repents will go to heaven, while that girl may go to hell if she ends up becoming frustrated at life and kills herself.

Do you think that's fair, nigger? A fucking test should be fair, and it seems to me that nothing is fair in this gay earth.

Her purpose is to make normies feel better about themselves.

I really hope that girl is too retarded to understand how hellish her existence must be.

God it makes me feel awful that she's in such a situation. Fuck everything.

It will probably be harder since people will probably become more judgmental of her, but one can still live a happy life even when one doesn't match the standard of physical beauty and has a disability.

She perfectly normal mentally. Imagine how terrible it would be for her when she grows up.

Isn't she dead now?

>using your horrifically disfigured and disabled child to claim that a tax bill is suddenly an attack on people with disabilities
I'm fucking astonished

reminder that she lost sight on her right eye

I don't know, but either way it's terrible.

Being ugly is one thing, that hellish face is going to alienate her from most people. I won't deny that she could live a happy live thereafter, but I also don't want deny the possibility that things could go really wrong in her social life.

Jesus christ
I don't want to sound like Sup Forums but why didn't the parents abort/euthanize?

People saying "you are so beautiful omg" to people with disabilities like that make me PLATINUM mad for some reason I've not yet been able to discern.

Read the comments if you dare.

>I don't want to sound like Sup Forums but
wow could you be any more of a fucking nazi

I don't have a strong enough grasp on the english language to emote the way I feel right now

I googled and it seems she has Rett Syndrome, I'm too lazy to google more but from what I can tell that's like invalidating super autism, so she is not fully aware of her situation and will never be.

It's probably because her parents are Sup Forums christfag brainlets that she wasn't aborted.

I-I'm sorry I have failed you user

it isnt 2008 anymore being an athiest isnt cool

her parents are hardcore democrats and probably would be against aborting autistic and deformed people but pro aborting otherwise perfectly healthy children. fucking faggot do your research. and google ohio.

her parents are not christfags. they hate trump. shut the fuck up and stop being so edgy for once in your life.

fuck Sup Forums i sincerely hope you all die and decay in the ground for 100 years because god and hell isnt real



Holy shit

>it isnt 2008 anymore being an athiest isnt cool
being a christcuck isnt either


Yeah, she's got a fucking long face, but she isn't too bad on the eyes at least but christ why do people have to post "ur bootiful" on shit like this? Do they just want to feel good about themselves?

Is it bad if I think that she should be euthanized? Living like that must be literal hell.

>wanting to keep that thing alive
nigger just put it out of its misery. Why do people think other people like that would be happier to live a full life???


>check mom's twitter
>anti-drumpf roastie
>replies are mostly other "revolutionaries" saying YAAAAAAS QUEEN SLAY EM

cool, i didnt say it was. stay mad, faggot. no one fucking like athiests anymore. they havent since like 2013 for fucks sake. why is the board trapped in the past?

I wish I could live life in 2020 like you, user.

She can shitpost on Sup Forums just like all of us AND she has a loving family

look at the people in this thread, they’re literally the “revolutionaries” or whatever youre complaining about except edgier because they can say “LOL ABORT IT” anonymously on Sup Forums

well little did they know no one fucking liked Sup Forums when it started and nobody does now and Sup Forums itself shouldve been aborted back in ‘09

delet this


why did one turn into a cute bunny while the other melted into a weird blobby thing?

If God says don't steal and people steal, what changes about your logic then? God created Adam and Eve, the heaven and earth and everything in it in 6 days. He didn't make your sandwich and he didn't cause you to choke on it.

You blame God but refuse the truth. Good job.

Whatever, if that's the case, the parents are definitely bluepilled brainlets, on the same league as christfags. Not that much of a difference between the two categories of retards. Anyone with an IQ over 85 would have aborted that poor child.