Filename Thread


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what show? is this that dragon quest parody show?


>the rules
No webms.

Every time







HOLY FUCK that guy's got huge balls for that. Anyone know why it doesn't stick to his hands?

I assume he wrote out several lists of equations beforehand to mathematically prove the safety of this technique?

Wow such an amazing thing what anime is this Sup Forums wow amazing they TOTALLY absolutely actually kill her and/or make any of this have a lasting effect on her and DEFINITELY don't retcon it all literally within the next episode and even fix her completely severed nerves that they outright say they can't fix. PLEASE WHAT ANIME SAUCE PLEASE


Holy shit my dad owned a copy of this lol.

If you believe something strongly enough then it becomes true. Guy believed that he would be fine.

Works with super cold cryo liquids too, but only for seconds at a time.

Essentially, compared to the immensely hot molten magma, his hand is relatively freezing. So a "mini atmosphere" created by extreme temp differences acts as a sort of shielding from the magma. It is hitting that shield and not making contact with his hand.

WARNING though, it lasts only for a few milliseconds at a time and if he timed it wrong his hand would literally explode. Some dude committed suicide by jumping in a magma vat and he blew up/incinerated

molten metal isn't a sticky substance, so it doesn't have time to burn his hand before it falls off again

I believed I wouldn't disappoint my parents in college but here I am taking first year for the third time. Fucking maths any webms?

You need to believe harder.

For reals though, just study and talk with lecturers. If you do the coursework and understand what you're doing the exam will just be an extension of that. If you don't understand the coursework try and book time with the lecturer and go through it with them. They're there to help you.




It's not that I'm dumb or have ADD, but the mere thought of beginning to study puts me in a bad mood. What do?

Literally any drag scene in any cartoon goes with that filename

The suicide via molten magma was on /gif/ for a while, but I didn't save it. He just jumped in like it was no big deal.

Wow thanks friend, that shit's cool. That guy's still got balls of steel, I wouldn't do that shit

Look at the wikipedia article, there's a video demonstrating it

>not rule of rose


fucking kill yourselves, retards. He is invincible that's why
>hurr look at this weekee page
no wonder Sup Forums is a fucking shithole

look out brothers we've got filthy xeno greenskins in this thread

>muh balls
Stop saying that like it's a testiment to his courage. Rather, it is up there with russian roulette.

I never thought of it that way



where is this wikipedia article?




Maybe you need a break from study? Have you taken any sort of break from education?
Go and find shitty work for a year or whatever, see how shit it is to work retail or manual labour, but enjoy the year with no real responsibility and then go to uni next year.

Don't worry about being older than other students, you just need to be in the right headspace.

Otherwise, look into why study puts you in a bad mood, is it pressure from your parents who tell you to stop wasting time and study? Is it that you hate the class and the work? Find the cause and try to fix the source of the problem.
If your parents are getting on your back about it, tell them you're an adult now and you don't need to be told when to do work. Tell them that the pressure is causing you to fail where you would be succeeding and keep reminding them to let you live your life and do it your own way.

You got this user, go earn that stupid piece of paper and make some bank.

i heard it

Just fucking love this web, thank you desu


you gotta have balls to play russian roulette too, not saying it's fucking retarded, but you gotta be stupidly brave for that sorta shit.

shit, ignore

I thought there would be a vid demonstrating the effects of molten metal on various objects.

You set your class schedule to have hour to two hour long periods between classes, so you'll have no choice but to study or do work.

It's the saving logo. don't you recognise it?

It date from older time, it represent one of those old Macintosh computer. Clicking on it menat you were saving your work on your mac.

Back then it was still revolutionary to be able to save file on your ram.





Every day of every week is spent in stressing out and I just half ass studying as well as education....
I've been dreaming for years of either going into the military (airforce POG) or an internship at an electronics repair shop.
You're bringing good insight but I do not know how an employer will look at me with a straight face if he sees my autobiography.
Classes are tightly packed and scheduled just like high school. Good idea though.


very accurate.



10/10 right here user

I'll never understand people having intimate arguments with their family members publicly on social media.

haven't posted this one in a while

I wish they'd go nuts like that with the skins
They'd be raking in money hand over fist if they added most skins to that game.
Fucking gloves go for 200$+

This filename is useful in non-filename threads





but they did the complete opposite of ignoring him

OK, let's go over it.
Being fully aware that I'll be awarded with 'first faggot of 2018 Sup Forums trophy" I'm asking for a title of the movie from which OP picture is

pls no bully
i have a fucking killer hangover

I agree but I can very likely see this being a 'last attempt' kinda thing.

He's probably already tried everything else he can think of - also old people don't really understand how the internet works, he wouldn't even think to worry about who could see the post

>video games

Just this one time, because it's good.
YĆ«sha Yoshihiko, TV


>real life has short timed buffs


it's not from a movie, rephrase your question

>never heard of dunning-kruger effect
Do you only play single player games because competition scares you?

>real life has iframes





The point is that even if you ignore a tripfag, others won't, so no matter what you do they still get the attention they seek
I support trump
inb4 autism mod deletes
though he may only delete hillary posts







>mfw there's a hole in my bucket