Just downloaded this.
What am i in for?
Why do the default controls suck so much dick?
Just downloaded this.
What am i in for?
Why do the default controls suck so much dick?
Other urls found in this thread:
Pick either rifles or pistol skill to focus on.
Pistols are better early game, rifles mid/end game.
Heavy/Lowtech/Demolition are practically useless - heavy weapons can be used if you know where to get ammo but you won't so ignore them, lowtech is honestly useless - a hit of the baton between the shoulder blades from behind is what knocks people out, other than the prod but sticking with the prod takes up ammo. Demolitions might be worth taking it too trained if you get blown up a lot by explosives on walls
Envionmental Training, Swimming and Medicine are almost useless. Outside of a rebreather, ET has no uses. And even then, you don't need it. Swimming can be taken to trained if you wish. above that is not needed but for the most part, rebreathers will be around longer swimming areas. Medicine is useless, just use medbots.
Electronics/Lockpicking should be taken to trained. Same with computer. Computer doesn't need to be upgraded past that, just log out then wait for the timer to go back up so you can hack again.
Electronics/Lockpicking can be taken to trained early on and only upgrade when you think it's worth it (ie when you want to use less lockpicks/multitools)
Also computer hacking tends to get you the codes as does exploring so you can avoid using some tools that way.
And remember: stick with the pro
Is there a fix for the keybinds?
I want to have quick save/load on the F keys but for some reason the game doesn't let me do that.
Also, the scope in on the damn brackets, which doesn't even work in my case, not sure if it's because of the language of my KB
JC Dies
Joseph Manderly is your father
Tracer Tong is a Double Agent for Unatco
Hell's Kitchen is a computer simulation running inside Daedelus's mind
Adam Jensen is the final boss
Gunther wanted orange, but it gave him lemon-lime
Should be able to do it in the keybinds menu?
Or if not, the ini file in the directory itself
Dammit spoilers user
Just go with the prod and batton. Don't forget to check out the TNM
If you end up not liking it that means you have shit taste in vidya and it cannot be argued otherwise.
Identify yourself with the passphrase "ironcock"
The reason the default controls are so bad is because back then there wasn't a standard. They can be easily changed to your liking in the settings...
Make sure you're using Deus Exe and Kentie's DX10 renderer to play in modern resolutions.
Best game ever. Cherish your first playthrough.
You're in for the greatest flawed game ever. The shooting's shit, the stealth's shit, the RPG mechanics are clunky as fuck and yet it's one of the greatest games ever. You can build any character you want and experience and experience a completely different game.
Ignore this guys advice, pick whatever skills you want. Just know that there are only so many points you can get in the game, at most you will be able to master maybe 2 or 3 skills at most and that's only if you've explored everywhere, have done all the sidequests and have only spent points on those 2 or 3 skills. It's quite possible to splurge all your points into everything, resulting in a character that's a jack-of-all-trades, master-of-none deal. That's less fun in DX than really concentrating on maybe 1 or 2 skills and using them throughout. Also, don't get swimming.
...just rebind the controls?
>Kentie's DX10 renderer
Thank god
I could see literally nothing, the brightness was unbearably low, and no 1080p support
been playing the GMDX mod. some thoughts on it:
>removing a bunch of lockpicks and multitools from the game to make it more difficult is stupid
>the nerd and worm additions (taken from the newer games?) are stupid
>stamina kinda blows
>AI is pretty good now
>guns sound great and are fun to fire
I started playing this two days ago and I fucking love it. Gotta get used to the game for a couple of hours though.
Protip: hacking skills. Lots of extra lore and codes for progress to be found.
I am too late to recommend swimming?
Does Deus Ex run nicely under Wine?
>Gunther wanted orange, but it gave him lemon-lime
That honestly pissed me off the most.
>Is there a fix for the keybinds?
First time playing PC games?
Kill me, Pete.
Download GMDX mod and you're fine.
The GEP gun is the most silent takedown