Tribe led by "matriarchy" are portrayed as retarded savages and bigoted...

>tribe led by "matriarchy" are portrayed as retarded savages and bigoted, while tribes led by men are advanced and developed
>the bad guy is a nigger


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My real problem with the game was that after 2 hours I was already bored like hell. It wasn't interesting enough to keep me hooked.

Sylens did nothing wrong tho

Play in hard, casualfag.

I don't don't like ugly women, it's as simple as that. Also like most people I have open world fatigue.

>playing feminist propaganda

But you like ugly men?


>play in a mode that turns enemies into damage sponges and doesn't alter the AI in any way whatsoever

but it's not

OP isn't wrong
The only good people in game is the tribe led by a man and they are white
If only the game was better

It doesn't turn them into damage sponges it just makes their armor work. But I guess if using anything other than spamming damage arrows is your only understanding of combat mechanics, sure it turns them into sponges.

Just finished going through everything in the dlc on Ultra Hard mode on NG+ and had a fun time. The enemies in the dlc make anything you encounter in the main game piss easy. I enjoy mixing stealth and going ape shit although stealth is so much more valuable to me in UH mode. Also I've found myself switching armor sets frequently depending on what machine I have to fight and I like that.

The game flat out tells you in ultra hard mode that enemies are much more aggressive. How is that "no change in ai". They also are more keen to your whereabouts it seems than usual. I've also never felt like any enemy was a "sponge". They just don't die with 1 arrow now.

Black guy wasn't the bad guy. The bad guy was some unga bunga. The black guy was just out searching for knowledge and shit nigger

>the bad guy is a nigger
Actually there were 4 bad guys. Three of them were white and one black. First white guy brought upon apocalypse because he wanted money, second white bad guy programmed evil AI because he listened to metal, third white bad guy tried to conquer world because he thought evil AI was god, and the black bad guy helped evil AI create a religion because evil AI promised him knowledge.

However black bad guy is also the only one who genuinely didn't regret his evilness. Faro gravely regretted his mistake in creating the swarm, Travis's job was precisely to create AI evil enough to work as a correction method if humanity preservation system fucked up and it would clean thing up again, Helis was just a misguided caveman, but Sylens fully understood everything he did and he said in the end that he'll do it again if it'll gain him knowledge.


More like stop listening to retarded Sup Forums memes and think for yourself once.
Yeah, like that would ever happen.

I'm so glad I started playing on hard

Just got this for Christmas. Had a fucking Watcher somehow fall through the game world so I couldn't harvest the goodies.

Only complaint so far. That and how fucking slow you move when scanning.

At least it keeps people from having it on all the time like the dumbshits that did it in Bamham.

Horizon is extremely unremarkable and generic open world game. I was so bored with it. It's not a BAD game since combat works, it looks pretty at times and runs almost flawlessly. But it's not very fun to play, especially once you fight every robot type and know their weaknesses and strategy.



>runs almost flawlessly

at a silky smooth 25 frames per second... dayum this is next gen


>This piece of shit will win more awards than Nioh

nioh is trash
casual animation cancelling DMC garbage with no level design and like 6 enemies

It's almost like Sup Forums is retarded and don't play the games they complain about

>But it's not very fun to play

No open world game is fun to play. They're literally quantity over quality with no exception. I'm not surprised at all that it was so liked by open world fags, that's the kind of shit they like anyway.

>woman from New Tehran
>she is not zoroastrian, but a muslim

That made me feel pretty sad to be honest

>t.toaster jockey running all his shit on low struggling to maintain 15fps
envy is so ugly user

I can run any new release at 4k60fps. I could deal with only 1080p but honestly don't know how console plebs tolerate sub 30fps. It's fucking disgusting

That's funny because Nioh is also quite mediocre game.

Also her project being deleted and having no backup on an HDD is a big failure on her part.
There's a datalog where one guy gets 100 trucks of physical hentai and a woman wonders what they're going to use all that physical media for, while they're bunkered up.

lmao no you can't

No, YOU can't. I'm not poor like you

What part of this doesn't look smooth?

Give me a screenshot of you running something released in the past year at 4k/60fps

This game looks like it had so much potential. I want to play it for the robot dinosaur monster hunter esque fights but know that's probably less than 20% of the title, and the rest is probably filler shit talking to people ala mass effect.

even as "casual" as Nioh might be compared to other SoulBourne's still leagues more complex than this BotW Femi-nazi BS. Nioh's art design is better to boot.

at least it didn't turn me gay since im not posting 200+ reply threads every day about trap link and revali

Are you usually so retarded and not pick something because of reasons you made up in your head?

Looks good for a console game but that scene is also relatively stoic. Show combat.

>For a console game
You can't show me any other open world game that looks this good.

>that framerate on the dodge roll and tree destruction
Art style is personal preference (even though this game looks like Michael Bay's Transformers fucked the bad Far Cry game in the butt) but performance is what makes a game shine. I'll take Sleeping Dogs at 4k/100 FPS on PC over this any day/ every day

He revived the final dlc boss, retard.

but wypipo dressed a bit like tribes did. We need to talk about this

Weaponized linguistics.



25fps and the redditor who made them admit they're post processed to be more cinematic


>Person from a muslim country is muslim and looks muslim
Stop the fucking presses.

Why is this ALWAYS the go-to rebuttal with games that are boring as all hell?
It's the same thing with Last of Us, play on a higher difficulty, THEN the game is magically 10x better.

including muslims is now sjw propaganda?

Yes. Everyone in every game should be middle class white male, like me and everyone I know

Well in Last of Us difficulty restricts your supplies a fuckton compared to lower levels and yea, that significantly alters how you play. I went from Survivor+ to Easy to go through and grab any collectibles I missed and it was disgusting how much ammo and supplies you get. You can practically play the game COD style.

i can't tell if this is bait or someone deluded enough to actually think this way

Did you really think Sup Forums would honestly get informed about the game plot instead of cherrypicking images and taking them out of context? Boy you are dumb

Literally everything that doesn't revolve around white males and 10/10 women slobbering their dicks is SJW propaganda to Sup Forums these days.

Now its still the retarded gameplay loop of twanging arrows into machines 5ever but with the added bonus of them killing you in two hits.

That explains the rapefugee propaganda then. This game is a joke.

Of all the machines, I hate Scorchers and Longlegs the most.

>accept refugees
>society explodes
Is Horizon the most redpilled game of our era?

>They just don't die with 1 arrow now
Scouts do if you hit 'em in the eye, tho.
Still UH HZD is fun, AI is fucking nuts and stealth isn't that easy to use in that difficulty.

How much are they paying you?

Good boys, you'll get the prettiest rope

I miss Neogaf. It contained all the idiots.

Game sucks



Isnt this the scene where Aloy gets told matriarchy led to civilization to where they are right now?

Now imagine if dumblr goes down.

Don't marketing agencies/groups work on salary?

It works pretty well in the game, since it's a gobal catastrophe and they bring in the best of every single group of people on the planet to work on the project. I mean, the game has a fucking metalhead designing the AI god of death.

It's like TLJ, where women fuck up, but the narrative still celebrates them
It doesn't mean they are secretly redpilled, they are just that deluded

Just take a peek at Sup Forums

>but the narrative still celebrates them
But isnt Aloy despite being a girl gets treated like trash by everyone in the game?


These sentences are enough to turn me off from an entire game. I don't think the game is bad, at least it looks really good to me. But I definitely don't want to play it.

They were really hyping it up before release. It was supposed to be their darling. Then it comes out and people see that the matriarchy are a bunch of idiots who think a mountain gave birth to a child, and it all came tumbling down. Now all the SJWs just pan the game for appropriating Native American culture.

Will be ever be able to discuss this game without /vpol/ getting their panties on a twist?

All it takes for a game to be SJW is for it to have a female protagonist, a nigger character (regardless of the role they play), be developed by a western company and be exclusive to a Sony console.

How about trying somewhere else?, this marxist propaganda just doesn't belong here.

Your loss. I personally think it's better than BoTW.

>I need my safespace
damn Sup Forums became the same thing they hate yet they will never admit it

>playing ubishit games
Fuck off

Give me some real talk. I ignored this game for a while because of the procedurally generated world and the open world ubishit meme + terrible story cutscene leaks from launch. I enjoy breath of the wild a lot. I have a PS4 pro and I'm wondering if this is worth playing on my Sony 4k tv. I've seen reviewers like ACG and DF, people with decent taste, actually like it. Is it genuinely a good game? Are there any game reviews that genuinely point out what it does well?

Are you really basing purchasing decisions on quotes taken out of context by shitposters? In the 2nd one she's saying the place is run terribly.

Its pretty good yeah, but fighting human enemies sucks a lot, at least we don`t need to do that a whole lot.

I don't understand what's wrong with this.

It's all about context for me. I know how people are (developers) who live in specific places. Any progressiveness they display is more motivated by narcissism and necessity then anything else. I had an odd upbringing so I know most people don't think that way if they experience someone is seemingly displaying empathy. But there are always cues you can pick up on as to whether someone is genuine or fucking douche. Horizon only ticks off the progressive display boxes, so I know what the fuck is up even without a let's play.

Se looks so goofy.

You have to move the camera that slow to make it clear. Move it any faster and it looks like shit

>stealing Zelda memes
More like Horizon Zero Originality

It know you don't. It's sad, isn't it?

It's a guy who didnt grew up to be a hunter like the rest of the others and somehow this is bad in Sup Forumsirgin eyes because man are being portrayed as invincible juggernauts despite the fact FNV did the same thing years ago and everyone was fine with it

this is the most sjw game I have ever seen. it goes out of its way to always portray men as weaker and inferior to women. literally every single time. even throw aways lines from non important npcs are about how a wife easily defeated her husband in arm wrestling.
just goes to show how fragile femininity is