Download the demo from PSN

>download the demo from PSN
>its in fucking 30fps

I guess they didnt want me to buy the game then? This shit is literally just a sign of lazy and incompetent retards. If battleshit (field and front) both run and look better than garbage like this, there is LITERALLY no excuse unless youre someone like fromsoft that managed to con their fanbase into giving them some leeway

Other urls found in this thread:

>buying a console

>playing on PS4
>bitching about framerates

If you really cared you'd have a decent PC.

>I guess they didnt want me to buy the game then?
wrong, snowflake
>This shit is literally just a sign of lazy and incompetent retards.
> If battleshit (field and front) both run and look better than garbage like this, there is LITERALLY no excuse
>no excuse unless youre someone like fromsoft that managed to con their fanbase into giving them some leeway
gossiping like a teenage girl

>durr le console meme :)

are you genuinely retarded? yes, consoles are supposed to be able to provide a good experience with a game, just as competent developers do. Games like MGSV are just as graphically advanced as prey yet its a fucking open world game running at locked 1080p 60fps. Stop being retarded mememasters and apologists acting like this is the norm or expected for consoles

>acting like this is the norm or expected for consoles
Where have you been the last 30 years buddy?

>acting like this is the norm or expected for consoles
name 10 AAA console titles that run at 1080p 60fps

Aside from the character models,most of MGS V looks like ass on console. It's also on 360 and ps3,and most of the open open world/sandbox is just barren fucking nothingness,so it's no surprise they managed to get it to run at 60fps.

it's been well documented this runs absolutely amazing on even shitty PCs.

Stop being a retard and get the PC one

If you care about framerate then why the fuck are you playing non exlcusives on a PS4?

>remastered ps3 games with variable 60fps

>***indicates the game is technically 60 FPS with variable frame rates
>most powerful console, evar

how fucking stupid are you?

>Be shitty cinematic linear last-gen "game"
>Get ported to the most powerful system
>Run at "nearly-locked 60fps"

I've seen a lot of shit on screen in MGSV and never seen the framerate drop.

The game has incredible optimization.

>He insulted my beloved Piss4 made by the beloved Sooonie
Faggot, it's embarrassing that they can't get their fucking last gen ports not running at rock solid 1080p/60fps.

You know what the Sony fags promised for the $599 PS3? 1080p 1080p 1080p. And now they can't get get their shit running at a stable frame rate on their system 1 generation later.

in other words, you genuinely are retarded on top of sounding like a 15 year old platform warrior

>He insulted my beloved Piss4 made by the beloved Sooonie

you insulted your own intelligence by being retarded enough to whine about remasters appearing on a list combining PS4 titles that run at X performance, let alone when they are explicitly in their own category on that list

>This shit is literally just a sign of lazy and incompetent retards.
No, you retard, it's literally just a sign of playing on a console.

is prey the best looking game ever made?

>a list combining PS4 titles that run at X performance
>lists games that don't run at X performance
>add an asterisk

I need 60 fps, because that extra millisecond totally matters with thumbstick autoaim

Unless you play fighting games or PC shooters framerate doesn't matter, but even then it should be 120/fps the least

can you give me a recap of what the game is like. I watched some videos and didn't really get it? Is it like deus ex?

it's like more rpg bioshock with puzzles

it's literally system shock 3

go back to memeddit

Please don't insult System Shock like that, I know you have shit taste and played only Arkane shit for casuals, but fucking stop

it's a shame you missed out on such a good game because Sup Forums told you it was bad

I have played it, and no, it's fucking sad to see some faggots say shit like you do
You're probably one of those people who praise Dishonored more and don't give a shit about LGS games at all, so whatever
Just fucking disgusting

bioshock aesthetic (lots of art deco) dishonored and deux ex (md and hr) style gameplay thats a little reminiscent of system shock. it was horribly and wrongfully advertised as some sort of dead space shooter game

i dont know what in the FUCK zenimax was thinking when they were marketing this game

Think of a game like Deus Ex, System Shock, Vampire Bloodlines. Now imagine it having bland atmosphere, enemies, story and characters. That's Prey. Infinity War is probably the only worse game in its genre out there.

but i didn't even like dishonored. guess you're just retarded then.

nu-Prey plays same, insecure dumb nigger

did you actually play the game?

Yes. Did you?

I'm the one you replied to. I kinda agree with the bland atmosphere part, people comparing this to bioshock but that oozes atmosphere.


>i didn't even like dishonored
then skip prey, its plays very much the same except less of a focus on climbing around looking for places to hide (since you can turn into inanimate objects instead)

the fonts in this game piss me off

i generally love art deco but something about the art direction in the game feels off to me

>something about the art direction in the game feels off to me
its the dishonored art style not lending itself very well to a futuristic space station.

i didn't like dishonored but i beat prey twice

Never saw anything under 60fps when I played Prey user.

>played on the best platform at max settings