What were this video game villain's motives?
What were this video game villain's motives?
He wanted to kill some sexy lady that ran around in a nighty stabbing people. That makes him a villain in my book.
Oy vey blaming the poor juice who dindu nuffin
He wanted to exterminate the Darcsens
Love for his country.
Holy fuck I actually played that game on the Xbox360. It's the first time I ever see it posted on Sup Forums.
Too bad the game was absolute shit.
Maxist Socialism can only work with robots/AIs, you can't dispute this, it would literally be the ideal political system for robots/AIs.
Jews are literally the spawn of primordial chaos, there is no other explanation for their inherent chaotic and destructive behaviour.
No they just have the biggest persecution complex in history because they've spent the last 3000 years being greedy parasites and somehow still haven't realized how shitty that is
Why would robots need a government? There would be no disputes requiring an entity with a monopoly of force to resolve.
>haven't realized
My point is that robots could make it work precisely because they literally would be equals and being all based on pure math and nothing else would mean their entire collective would be their government. An actual hive mind.
>kicked out of every board we've inhabited in history, aside from our own
>everyone else but poltrash are the problem
have fun with another year of deleted off-topic threads
Have you ever spoken to a jew? They legitimately believe they're helpless innocent victims of a hateful society as much as blacks think they're helpless innocent victims of the police when they get arrested for robbing a store
Would a jew reveal his hand like that?
Not all of them are Herbie Illuminatiberg, a lot of them are just normies that grow up being taught that they're part of a tiny subgroup of people that's been oppressed for thousands of years by the evil goyim
>Hitler created NSDAP
Robots could make any government "work". It would be a weird impersonation of a human society since they have no need for one.
Why would robots need a bureaucracy to determine the resources each individual would require? There'd be no need for any regulatory, legislative, judiciary or executive function in such a "society".
And what a pitch for communism that would make; it being successful only for a society that is incapable of producing any political dispute.
That user is stupid but let's be honest, NSDAP in the way its remembered was basically coined by Hitler who brought drastic changes to it. NSDAP were LITERALLYWHO nobodies before Hitler.
>And what a pitch for communism that would make; it being successful only for a society that is incapable of producing any political dispute.
I wasn't defending communism, THIS was literally my point. It's so shitty that it can't work outside of AI-based hive mind.
As for the resources, you could argue electricity, replacement parts for robots etc would need a governing body, one made out of all the robots/AIs in it could always without any bias and with mathematic precision decide which units need what.
nah. We always get new material to carry on
Sup Forums influenced Sup Forums not the other way around newfag
Angry at the Jews because one wouldn't let him in to art school and cucked his father (he was also black).
If there 2 million Germans in the rebellion it sounds like a very German rebellion
I think you're confusing operation and administration. Your robot society would behave more like a business or military unit; all actions pragmatic and tailored towards maximum efficiency. But, even then, the robots still don't require an administrative body to supervise, regulate or even organize into operational departments. They don't even require a basic hierarchy, any individual could run an entire department of "workers" but there would be no reason to since, as I said, there's no purpose for hierarchy or chains of command in this society. Essentially, a robot society would just be a self-sufficient factory, no higher purpose than that required.
I keep getting told to go back to Sup Forums even though I practically never go there.
What newfags like you don't realise is that countersemitism has long been part of Sup Forums and chan-culture. Every board including Sup Forums and Sup Forums evolved out of Sup Forums before there was even a Sup Forums. Countersemitism was a thing long before newfags like you showed up from somethingawful forums to try to "clean the place up". It wasn't Sup Forums that launched the Hitler Did Nothing Wrong campaign.
If anything Sup Forums has been infected by way too many neoconservative shills and is in love with "muh based rightwing Jews" and loves people like Milo.
Surely if 6 million jews were around Germany to die in (((gas chambers))), 2 million before then shouldn't be too hard to find?
>navy soldiers rise up
>pol pretends it was all the jews
I thought they were talking aobut the Sparakists rather than Baden port
5 star post user, especially the bit about nu/pol/ and cocksucking Milo the Faggot Jew.