Post em
Sup Forums humor thread
Isn't this from reddit?
>Sup Forums humor thread
>post some shit from Twitter
This is animal torture.
a birds feather is connected by a bone system, ripping out feathers hurts them a lot i've been told
The manager at my gamestop has that ponytail. He also doesn't ask me if I want to sign up for bullshit anymore, thank Christ.
Of course plucking feathers hurt, you needed to be told that?
Do I have feathers you dumb bitch?
anything outside of your own existence is speculative or "learned" through observation
I like the soy memes
Ah even worse, you think you're smart. Your life will be a roller coaster user, sorry.
Yeah, plucking feathers is inhumane, decapitating and eating them isn't. Dumbass hippie
How would you know
>being a soyboy
causing needless harm to livestock is stupid as fuck
prove me wrong?
no real response because youre butthurt obviously
reminder that's it's easier to reverse google search than to post on Sup Forums. so what's your excuse?
what was the best/worst game message you ever received?
>no real response
I never receive messages in game.
Except about my voice.
Look up Turkens. Chicken breed that usually comes without feathers on the neck.
Fucking weebass ignorant pieces of shit. Don't know your livestock.
what movie
This one is great
I can't imagine being this insecure about anything.
that's a pretty ironic post
No need to sign your own post, sweety.
if i wanted humour i'd ask for your one rep max
Just an innocuous implication that one is insecure about Reddit makes for a thoroughly assblasted reaction.
Even the simplest pronunciation of the first syllable of the word "Reddit" triggers an intense ass clench in the average Sup Forums user. Imagine if we could harness the power of such collective insecurity, it would be enough to power New York City for 80 years.
You're trying way too hard.
>3 sentences
>trying too hard
>being this delusional
Booty. Blasted.
There is a reason that every other board calls this place Sup Forumseddit
what a faggot slut
terminator genisys
i wonder why the mods have not banned you yet man i made something similar and got banned