Eurogamer GOTY

Eurogamer's GOTY:

50. Golf Story
49. Gorogoa
48. Stories Untold
47. Persona 5
46. XCOM 2: War of the Chosen
45. Yakuza 0
44. Polybius
43. PES 2018
42. Star Trek: Bridge Crew
41. Pyre
40. Sniper Elite 4
39. Lawbreakers
38. Call of Duty: WW2
37. Everything
36. Nier: Automata
35. Nioh
34. Observer
33. Last Day of June
32. Fortnite
31. Horizon: Zero Dawn
30. FIFA 18
29. Sundered
28. Little Nightmares
27. Sonic Mania
26. Mass Effect: Andromeda
25. For Honor
24. Puyo Puyo Tetris
23. Assassin's Creed Origins
22. Tacoma
21. Gran Turismo Sport
20. Wolfenstein 2
19. Rime
18. Uncharted: The Lost Legacy
17. Splatoon 2
16. Life is Strange: Before the Storm
15. Torment: Tides of Numenera
14. Resident Evil 7
13. Night in the Woods
12. Prey
11. Divinity: Original Sin 2
10. Total War: Warhammer 2
9. Hellblade
8. Nex Machina
7. Destiny 2
6. Arms
5. Mario + Rabbids: Kingdom Battle
4. PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds
3. Super Mario Odyssey
2. What Remains of Edith Finch
1. The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild

Yes they really put Mass Effect Androgyny above Nier

That's the readers' top 50, the staff's is much worse.

No that is the staff's choice.

Reader's choice had Nier at #5

Activision has 100% paid for Destiny 2 to get such high ratings from every website. The game is a boring slog filled with relentless abusive microtransactions.

It may be a walking sim, but What Remains of Edith Finch was actually pretty goddamn interesting. Not top 5 interesting, but I could see it being top 15-20. I don't think I saw a single thread on Sup Forums about it though.


Oh, you're right. Yeah, the staff's list is pretty much "I'm too old for video games" soydad list, so games that are easy to digest are up there. That and their voting system among staff was kind of shit. I prefer the way dualshockers did it, you had individual, shorter GOTY lists.

You'd think that, but an absurd amount of people bought the game and still countless people play it because of sunk cost fallacy or because "it's fun with friends" and they think it'll get better.

Top20 is pure pleb

>when DF is pulling more subscribers than EuroGamer main branch
I can imagine the staff meetings.

what is DF

>39. Lawbreakers

>47. Persona 5
Stopped reading there

>yakuza 0 over War of the Chosen

Already trash.

Digital Foundry.
They are part of euro gamer as focus on benchmarks and vidya tech analysis but their youtube channel has more subs than euro gamer main channel which is aimed toward the normie crowd.

>Autistamata at 36
Yeah, that's about as high as that should go.

>41. Pyre
This is how you know the list is bullshit.
It's probably based on how much money they get from each dev/publisher

>Pity poor Cliff Bleszinski. Okay, so he's probably not that poor and still rolls up to work in a Ferrari, but Lawbreakers deserved a better fate than the one it's currently enduring. See through the generic artwork and you'll be met with one of 2017's very best shooters, one that's inventive and full of boisterous energy. It's brilliant, in short, and if there's any justice it'll end up finding its audience.

Deliciously Flat.
It's a reference to superior flat chested girls.


DF top 5 list. The first one I've seen without BotW

5. Nier: Automata
4. Cuphead
3. Super Mario Odyssey
2. Prey
1. Sonic Mania

This, it should've been much higher.

Thats the list of John Linneman and not the DF official list.

>37. Everything

>xcom 2 that low
Stopped reading there

>Apparently Cow of Duty World whore 2 is better than
>Xcom 2: WoT, Persona 5, Pyre, Ruiner......

Is funny thought that Everything is better than Cod.

Good list imo

i'm worried

>What Remains of Edith Finch
What the fuck is this and why do I keep seeing it everywhere?

>Digital Foundry's GOTY was Sonic Mania
The Patrician choice.


What is wrong with this place? What does this even mean?


>35. Nioh

Absolute fucking bullshit. Pleb-tier nigger cunt fuck of a list.

People in their thirties acting like they're in their 20s, with the latter based on a false interpretation of what's hip gained through social media and trends. The hipsters of yesterday who grew up. Chic dilettantes.

In this case, it's people who aren't as passionate about gaming, and have other responsibilities to boot. They might have the mind to appreciate the work put into a game, but will generally get along with shorter games, or games with short-term rewards.

There is a movie called The Comedy.
I recommend you watch it,it sums up the current social landscape quite well.


I'd rather get that bitching glass set than a memebox

The only reason why I would consider Xbone is backward emulation and piracy.

Better than being in your twenties and acting like you're in your teens like the manchildren of Sup Forums. What's wrong with people growing up and gaining appreciation for different kinds of video games?

>When I was a child, I used to speak like a child, think like a child, reason like a child; when I became a man, I did away with childish things.
As you grow older once supposed to become wiser and see through the veils of creation.
These people are nurtured since day one to be spineless creatures that dont know their ass from elbow.

Go suck a fat cock you pseud, employed adults who have responsibilities but still try to find the time to enjoy video games outside of those are infinitely less childish than the Sup Forumsirgin neckbeards who shirk from such responsibilities and retreat into their fantasy worlds where they can be 13 forever. As if anyone who ever unironically used the word "soydad" could possibly know anything about the world that can't be found either in his basement or on Sup Forums.

>Go suck a fat cock you pseud
You sure showed me.

>47. Persona 5
Stopped reading there

>Better than being in your twenties and acting like you're in your teens
No? I'm sure you're proud of writing that zany comeback but it's pretty much the same problem with different results and in a different age group.

>What's wrong with people growing up and gaining appreciation for different kinds of video games?
It's less gaining appreciation and more about losing appreciation. You can pretty this kind of thinking with ribbons and bows but at the end of the day these people are jaded and they no longer hold the same enthusiasm for the same range of games they once did, and the hobby becomes more of a habit than a passion (case in point how they continue to fire up Destiny 2 in spite of writing almost nothing positive about it).

I'm sorry adulthood sucked the soul out of you too, user, so much so that your envious of and angry towards others who survived growing up.

Is that good or bad?
Persona always looked like weeb game to me.

>No? I'm sure you're proud of writing that zany comeback but it's pretty much the same problem with different results and in a different age group.
So not the same problem then. Fact is the difference between teens and twenties are a lot bigger than those between twenties and thirties.
>You can pretty this kind of thinking with ribbons and bows but at the end of the day these people are jaded and they no longer hold the same enthusiasm for the same range of games they once did, and the hobby becomes more of a habit than a passion
Are you sure you're not just projecting? How often do I read on this very board that video games all suck now or that only a narrow range of video games are acceptable?

>P5 47
>Nier 36
>Sonic Mania 27

>Lawbreakers 39, above P5
>Mass Effect: Andromeda 26, above P5, Nier and Sonic Mania

I mean, the list isn't good in most places, but holy shit, this is awful.

>FIFA 18 (and not just because its a sport game, fifa 18 is the worst fifa in a while)
>Fortnite (dead until they had to copy pubg to be relevant)

the reader's top 50 is way better retard

It is the same problem. Just take your medicine and read again. The core issue is a lack of maturity in both age groups.

>Are you sure you're not just projecting?
Nope. I enjoy a lot of different games, sorry. Pretty much the only genres I steer clear of are time sink strategies, MOBAs and to a lesser degree racing games. Your argument basically boils down because group A is shit, that makes group B's shit justifiable. It's a logical fallacy.