There's literally NOTHING wrong with pirating games. It increases their success. ALWAYS

there's literally NOTHING wrong with pirating games. It increases their success. ALWAYS

It works something like this:
You pirate a game, its good, you talk to your 3-5 friends about it.
They pirate it, they talk to 3 more friends each. This spreads out in a web.
Eventually, after it spreads to 20-30 people, one of them likes it so much he gives the developer money.
Dev gets money. Repeat cycle ad infinitum.

This works both for sales and patreon-esque subscription models. Exposure equals income, plain and simple. The more people who are playing your game, the more money you make, regardless of how they got it. You WANT as many people as possible to play your game by any means, including pirating. Especially pirating.

Have you any idea what kind of karma monies come to devs that encourage people to pirate their game? It's a quick path to internet fame if the game is halfway decent.

You should never feel guilty about pirating a game. But if you do, tell your friends about that game. Or tell some strangers on the internet. You telling three people about a game that you pirated, helps more than you buying that game.

I hate this character so much

I hate op so much


>wanting a guy to be a girl this bad


queers should be fucking euthanised

kissing cute boys is NOT gay

I want to kiss deep inside his butt with my rock hard cock

This is wrong, user.
And I don't want to be right.




God damn I hate that I love Astolfo, but he's such a bro.

still makes me erect

How are traps so best bros?

Fuck you

>have trap gf(male)
>play vidya and cuddle with him
>every once in a while you fuck his cute butt while he wears girly dresses
none of my ex-gfs ever even played video games, women really need to step it up

wtf i'm not gay now?

Does anyone wanna be my faggot bf who always remembers to swallow

God, now Sup Forums is not only infested by normfags but actual faggots. Go back to resetera will you?

Idk those Nintendo guys seem like they take enough soy to not make it gay.

>It increases their success. ALWAYS

Do you have any actual evidence of this or are you just making shit up?

Evidence on the ALWAYS part because you seemed to emphasise that.

reminder that nintendo soyboys give the best head

Could've just removed the dick instead of adding melons and ruining it.

So you’re telling me to go to nintendo threads if I want my own personal femboy

>Sup Forums
>ever not being gay as fuck

I would be willing to bet that Sup Forums and Sup Forums as a whole has more or as many LGBT people as actual Social justiice circles. Of the 50 or so people i've met through Sup Forums to play vidya with or various shit, less then 5 have not been either bisexual, outright gay, or trans

Attention to all of the trap posters using anime and gay ERP as a Trojan horse for autogynephilia:

Stop cruising for attention and using Sup Forums as a basis for gooning your permanently flaccid cock. You are 10 times worse than furries. You lost to sissy hypno and s-stuttering. You fucked up. You are infertile. Your life will end at 30. Half of the political spectrum wants to kill you. Guys will leave you for a biological woman because you can't have kids.

Nobody wants to read ERP. Nobody thinks girl (male), feminine penis, s-s-stuttering, or any of your shitty memes are funny. Nobody wants to be reminded you exist.

You are AIDS and your culture is predatory. A nontrivial number of you freaks are moral lepers who get off on convincing seventeen year old weebs that if they don't take HRT they will spend the rest of their lives alone. Transitioning is not a solution to social isolation and pornography addiction, the five or ten years of free attention and affection before your looks fade don't make up for everything that comes after that.

Make a tumblr and peddle your trash there


>Tfw tofu makes you gay

i must admit i tried to emulate persona 5, and it worked kinda shitty, but the music was so good i bought it on ps4(although it was on sale)

I dunno user, I definitely enjoy reading it

You are the cancer, user

It ain’t my fault what I get off to

I can tell you started browsing this board after 2014, Sup Forums has always been gay as fuck

This excites my TG fetish. I love seeing traps as actually female, especially with huge tits.

stop being autism

I can tell you started browsing this board after 2010, Sup Forums has always been a fag-free zone

Speaking as someone who has been part of a team that has shipped an indie title, and had his game pirated, no OP, you are incorrect. No developer wants his game pirated, and every game developer hates pirates.
Piracy is only good for the developer if piracy results in net sales for the game, which is almost a statistical impossibility. No amount of potential exposure-bucks will pay for the development of the next game. Pirates are not any more good willed towards a game than any other part of the public, and do not shape public perception of a game in any noticeable way - save maybe on the subject of a game's DRM methods.
If pirates do recommend games to friends, it seems to be to other friends who also pirate, as you describe. If pirates do not enjoy a game, they do not recommend it to friends, and have in effect, simply stolen a sale from the developer because their game did not meet some arbitrary quality threshold for recommendation - wither that's 10/10, 9/10, or 5/10.
While it is a game developer's job to make a good game you would want to recommend, it is the customer's job to take some personal fucking responsibility, inform themselves on their purchases, and pay for the products they play - wither they end up ultimately enjoying it or not. That's all so that money can go back into making the next game, making it better than the last.
The only cleanly justifiable scenario for piracy, is a situation in which you cannot under any circumstances contribute to the profit of the product.

Also, traps are cancer and ruin every thread.

Thanks for making my day, user.

>Want to start another pirate debate thread
>Posts Astolfo of all things
>Thread of course derails to traps
What were you trying to accomplish, OP?

Usually better to start them at around 12

I prefer the opposite 2bh


Asolfo's true form

I buy games I pirate if they meet my 10/10 threshold, make better games, make me think at the end "damn I want to pay them for this" and you'll get my money

>pirate debate thread
OP knew exactly what he was doing. It's a shitpost thread through and through, merely multifaceted.

Having more people play the game means more people talking about the game which means more exposure in general. It's pretty basic fucking marketing.

It does kind of rely on piracy being difficult, or at least perceived as difficult. If piracy becomes completely accepted and mainstream then the increased exposure would be doing far less for you.

A pirated game doesn't equal a lost sale, faggot.

Most people who pirate never intended to buy the game in the first place, either because they are poor or because they didn't care enough to spend money on it.

A good game getting pirated means you have an extra person spreading the word about it, maybe even recommending it to friends who will actually buy it. Also, if the game has a component that won't function unless you have a valid copy you'll see pirates paying up.

>inb4 that stupid ans childish cake example

based pastaposter

pirate master race, cant wait for ps4 and switch piracy. Literally bought ps3 when 3.55 hacked firmware came out.

does this make me gay?

>Eventually, after it spreads to 20-30 people, one of them likes it so much he gives the developer money.

Or 20-30 people are forced to either buy it or not play it. If these are the only two options far more than 1 person out of 30 would buy it.

Pirating is stealing. If a product costs money and you don't pay for it, but are consuming it then you're stealing.

However I don't give a fuck. Do whatever you want just don't hide behind this vale that it isn't stealing or that it's somehow helping the industry. Just admit you're a broke piece of shit and enjoy your games.

is this thread about gays

wow, you hetfags sure get triggered easily. need a safe space, sweetie? a place without any of those scary LGBT people to hurt you?

Your entire argument falls apart as soon as a single person that could have bought the game doesn't because pirating was more convenient.

pot calling the kettle black

Well I mean that kinda explains why there was no mention of Takumi's mother in the whole series

I don't partake in the safe space idea though, I spend lots of time around known homophobes and transphobes, I just deal with it. Those people are the ones who need a safe space, all I'd like to do is be myself without people crying about it!

If he was going to buy the game then he would. Not a lost sale, most people who pirate wouldn't have spent money on it to begin with.

Besides, if the developer can't provide an incentive to buy a game beyond access to the product, they really aren't doing a good job.

And here you are, crying about it

>complaining against non-videogame shit means you want a safe space

Triggered pastaposter, have a pity (You)

I jerked off to fucking an anime girl in VR las night. I came a lot.

>I wasn't gonna buy it anyway!
He could have bought it. He didn't. He played it anyway. That's a lost sale.

Is that supposed to be a fang or some retarded excess lip tumour or something?

This is why I love VRchat

And a pirate might buy the game after pirating it if it was good, and wouldn't have bought it if he hadn't pirated it. I personally have bought a ton of games that I pirated first. It's more common for me to pirate a game before buying it than to buy one blind.

But bad games benefit less from piracy than good ones. The solution to that is to make good games.

Much better.

I pirated AHiT, factorio and redout (among many others) but those were so great I just had to own them.

If I buy a game and dislike it I feel bad, I bought disgaea without playing the demo (idiotic of me) and still regret it. I try everything first now.

it's a fleshfang
basically a teeth growing inside his lips

Traps are gay

Tfw no VRchat cute anime girl to put on a show for you while you fap and degrade her (him).

Not as gay as kissing girls.

triggered libcuck?
It's not a lost sale if purchasing it was never considered an option :^)


The cutest


Great, so then a developer has to only worry about making a 10/10 game to achieve a sale from you, personally.

As I said, exposure-bucks. A bunch of pirates telling other pirates that a game is good in the off chance one of them buys it is exactly as valuable as one person buying it.
Good will, sadly, doesn't get games made.

And yet like the entitled degenerate greedy poorfags they are- they can't show an ounce of personal responsibility. I don't know your cake example, but am I right to guess it's "have your cake and eat it too"? Because that's what it sounds like.
They can't help themselves but take a copy of the product with next to no risk on themselves whatsoever, and all the risk and expense on the developer (or publisher) who have invested time and money into the product with the intent of a sale. Most game developers, sad to say, make games as a career choice, not because they're patron saints making free art for the masses.

>you talk to your 3-5 friends about it.
Oh is this the LOL thread?

how'd that one make it past quality control lmao


You've constructed a mythical situation where pirates are only friends with pirates. This is ABSOLUTELY not true, and you have no factual backing to support it.

Trapfags are worse than furries and bronies.

Anime&trap site

if you really think so, i heard there are plenty of furries and bronies on reddit that you can be among

No, it's just an anime site, you subhuman.

>x is worse than shit
Every time you trap niggers prove you're mentally ill faggots.

>Just noticed the only people I've ever spoken to that enjoy those three things are women
Is finding that shit disgusting encoded in our male DNA or something? It's so vile I can't grasp how people can stomach it.

dude that pic is pretty fucking gay

Where do I find cute boys in the midwest?

I love cute little trap bulges like that, just makes me want to take off their panties with my teeth

You're one of those fags that thinks a "trap" is just a crossdressing twink and shouldn't actually be feminine, aren't you?

she's cute
even if she's a nigger

I dunno man, that sounds like a foredrawn conclusion. I think you really just want an excuse to call me a faggot.
There is nothing of value in the midwest.

I want to lick that body all over!

Sup Forums is a trap board, with a legendary trap get. Your butthurt won't ever change this fact.

I've already wasted my time and my bandwidth cap on giving you the HONOR of playing your game. You better knock it out of the fucking park for me to reward you with money.

That's because you're literally mentally ill, not surprising since you're a faggot and all. Can't believe you're unironically suggesting that if you rate something lower than shit then it means you like shit. And you're not the first faggot I've seen who is this retarded, it seems like a common thing among you lot.

>Astolfo is now a war criminal