What a qt
What a qt
Who? Me?
>that DMR
>that CZ
New fav
Yes :3
Don't call me cute. I'm handsome.
fuck jewbisoft for removing iq's ass
not gonna lie this is one of the best FPS i've played in years, but it can be frustrating as fuck when i'm playing shitty or the enemy team is... good
hi handsome
Don't reply to me ever again.
Stop posting cat on Sup Forums.
Sjw garbage
Do you think dokkaebi has done facial surgery?
>deviantart design
>tumblr hair
>korean (plastic face)
I guess you are talking about the other op in the pic, the one wearing the uniform from Taiwan special forces but who needs to fact check anything about this game anymore now that the fan artists are running the show
>Cute girls = sjw garbage
eh? what?
It's to see the anti-sjw crowd this days.
They scream "Sjw! sjw!" at everything they don't like or whenever a video-game introduces a female character. it's really sad and pathetic
I installed this and have never played it but I'm already dreading having to learn peaks on all these maps. How many maps are in rotation in ranked?
It's sad so see the anti-sjw crowd this days.
They scream "Sjw! sjw!" at everything they don't like or whenever a video-game introduces a female character. it's really sad and pathetic
Just see people like this
there are 12 female characters and 24 male characters in this game
if nothing else she gets good fanart
literally bred for combat
>western tumblrshit
She's actually passable without those fucking glasses.
your opinion is irrelevant
You mean:
>Oh shit his argument is correct, so i must find a way to ignore his argument and claim everything he says is invalid because he has a username!
>game ships with operators with goofy sci-fi gadgets like miniaturized EMPs and handheld cluster munition dispensers
But of course only now is realistic design an issue
It's fine if a certain character design doesn jive with your tastes but don't act like R6S hasn't been an abridgement of reality from the get-go
>"Competitive" Shooter
>Grind based progression that can be circumvented with microtransactions
Just buy the complete edition, you will have all characters within a week.
And btw, look at other competitive games this days, don't tell me rainbow six siege is the only one with DLC
People have been complaining about realism being dead when Skull Face the Sound Mage was added in year 1 season 3, but at the very least Cav wasn't a self insert of someone from the design team like Gookaebi
So I just bought this in the sale. What's the best way to learn the game and the different characters? Just play and have the team shout at me the right way?
found the absolute retard who bought the starter edition even though everyone in the world said it was a scam and the first thing listed on the R6 general is "DONT FUCKING BUY STARTER YOU DENSE FUCK"
You can get two Operators that are in the meta for attack and defense just by clearing Situations (which you should be doing regardless if you spent a fortune unlocking everything). If you're fast enough you won't ever get them nipped away from you on Operator select.
Situations give you a basic sense of the utility of standard operators and terrorist hunt is good practice.
Don't bring a shotgun to terrorist hunt tho, they don't do damage to the suicide bombers.
It's not goofy, its just not 100% realistic. there is nothing wrong with a video game being not 100% realistic mate
>using the word gook
It's like you are not even trying to hide what an asshole you are
Also calling Cav a "sound mage" is a huge exaggeration.
>It's like you are not even trying to hide what an asshole you are
Hey buddy, I think you've got the site, the Resetera's two blocks down
Nah, your opinion is just shit
How Do I into this game? I tried it on consoles over a year ago and couldn't figure out what the fuck was going on because 80% of the time my team was accidentally destroying the shit we were supposed to be defending. I'm currently waiting for it to finish downloading on Steam since I decided to buy it due to the sale.
A lot has changed since you last played it. Basically trial and error is the best way to learn how to play. Situations and terrorist hunt are good practice for learning the utility of each operator. You are going to get a lot of spergs losing their shit at you in real matches but it's like CSGO where it would happen even when you are winning so ignore their autism.
Also map knowledge and headphones are your greatest allies in the game.
Map knowledge. I don't usually advocate for YT vids but watch a few top players like Macie Jay so you can get a grasp on common and useful angles, learn how the audio in this game works too and you'll have a massive advantage (these two alone will probably propel you to upper gold to be honest). Use drones and cams, save your starter drone if the objective and the enemy team has been ID'd, stick with a teammate if you're attacking but try not to have every five of you pushing from the same angle.
You'll find that attacking seems borderline impossible at first, especially if you go no ranked. Best advice is to be aggresive and efficient with your time: for example, if you're planning on breaching from above, you should have that shit on lockdown while you still have a minute left, newbies tend to run the clock without noticing constantly.
Literally fuck off back to plebbit tripfag
Siege is fucking trash
I started only fairly recently and I'm actually pretty surprised the playerbase is somewhat patient, at least compared to other shooters. I haven't been kicked or bitched at once.
-Wow user you made such a strong argument. you really showed me, how will i ever recover?
Go back to your plebbit tripfaggot
>Make a shooter that tries to be authentic with their characters and gadgets etc.
>Kawaii Korean cutie with meme gadgets
I thought green haired rebellious younger sister syndrome Ela was bad,
>year 3 DLC announced
>can still die without seeing your opponent
>killcam will show him looking at you for a full second like some slow witted retard
>hit detection still an absolute joke
Really how did they fuck it up so bad
>tripfaggots thinks his opinion matters
crab is better
This existed for literally years mate. you are not even being original
>tripfaggot getting defensive
Can you fucking subhumans fuck off to wherever Lanced Jack went and never return?
fuck off gook
No jack, you are the cancer
Good goyim
Be sure to buy the same dlc every year.
I will post my wife wherever I want
>gook female soldiers that actually fight
they don't exist, they don't do shit, not a damn thing
>gook female soldiers that are actually cute
rare, extremely rare
Well it is just a game anyway
You can get enough renown to buy the new Ops that come out every season through perfectly regular play, as in, an hour or two a day. I'm kind of dreading a renown nerf in the near future because this shit is so easy to stock up, I suppose skins are making them enough money, for now.
How can one be sluttier than monkey
No idea how snake does it
Hour or two? It would take you about a month to unlock a single DLC op if you plan an hour or two of casual 10-15 minute match. And considering the last season gave us 3 ops, you can do the math yourself. Operation lasts for 3 months, so by the end of the operation you'll hopefully unlock all the ops that people with season pass had from the get go and then you'll have to grind again to unlock the new ones in the new operation.
So you either need to have a shitton of renown by grinding like crazy or just buy the season pass if you want to make the most of the game, gameplay wise.
Siege started gaining traction during Skull Rain and Weeb Storm or whatever it was called, both of which added hideous-looking females to the game.
the reason why I stopped playing siege was, because it's extremly lengthy to unlock new oper8tors
>Weeb Storm
Red Crow
I literally never play Casual so fuck if I know how much renown that drops, but ranked + weekly challenges + daily challenges (also I've heard duplicates from the Alpha Packs give you renown but I've never gotten one or if I did I didn't even notice because I don't use cosmetics) drop enough renown to get by.
If you're starting the grind from scratch then sure, you have a point, but if you already have everything and just need to buy new Ops as they come then you literally don't have to waste a penny as long as you still enjoy the game.
Casual drops anything between 100 and 500, IIRC.
Fuck off with your shitty waifus