Why it wasn't GOTY?

why it wasn't GOTY?

Music was shit. Story was good though.

Because it's a kind of game that's out of style with the kiddos and journos at the moment. It's my GOTY so who cares.

it was released in December, therefore wasn't eligible for last years game awards. might get something next time though.

>music was shit
Are you fucking delusional

> Super Nintendo game is a pejorative

>Music was shit. Story was good though.
Unironically new and original

>that image
didnt journos say that same shit when xenoblade chronicles came out?
i remember seeing a lot of people saying shit like "love letter to a SNES rpg" or some shit along the lines of that.

The guy didn't mean it in a negative way.
Quite the opposite in fact

The anime shit was a pleb filter for journalists and normalfags

Because Dahlia triggered a lot of snowflakes.

Way more niche back then. And the gaming journo scene wasn't nearly as politically/SJW driven back then as it is now. Plus the less anime art-style probably helped.

Because it's just a really good game.

It's not a masterpiece like Breath Of The Wild or Mario Odyssey.

It was. Takahashi is basically the only one making actual big jrpg productions.

I agree 100% with that image. It reminds of that wonder I felt when I first played Chrono Trigger.

It's my personal GOTY and I played the shit out of it, but still has many annoying issues or piss-poor design decisions (partly due to game being rushed as fuck), e.g.

> one of the most important things, the map, is complete garbage, and the update didn't fix much
> the UI is trash to downright infuriating, e.g. the wait time for rolling a blade, which leads to the next issue:
> locking content behind the gatcha system was a mistake; all of them should have been acquirable via in game like sidequests or other stuff like Herald
> affinity chart/system - looking for specific monsters is a nightmare due to a lack of monsterpedia and the piss-poor map. Building up 9800 trust isn't much fun either when you have to feed 500+ items one at a time
> English dub has a piss-poor voice direction

Glitchy as fuck. Saying that, it hasn't crashed once since the latest patch but the framerate is still abysmal.

>start surveillance mercenary mission
>chapter 7
>can do fuck all for all that time
>locked into ??? time
It's a personal turmoil, but fuck me.

Honestly probably because it was just a stacked year. Everybody put out heavy hitters.


While this is stacked in the player's favor, I also think it's a little weird how easy it is to break some of the game's systems, farming money in particular is ridiculously easy and quick and it lets you cap development levels extremely early, buy endless amounts of items to cap affinity with Blades and so on. You couldn't cheese development level in the first Xenoblade like that.

The development system in 2 is poorly thought-out, given how you can cheese it with endless selling/reselling Gold Cylinders from a 5* town.

Gacha System, awful menu design choices, botched subs and performance issues.
Still good enough to keep my attention for 200 hours and a bunch of scenes made me tear up.

Why does everyone say this?

Nothing about it looked, played, or felt like an SNES RPG at all.

Even the story wasn't similar to any SNES RPG.

can someone explain to me the the difference between a gacha system and something like random drops in Diablo?

It was a waifufag game on a system for gays.

Its my GOTY along side with Steamworld dig 2.

Public perception and ignorance

It was a diet version of the original Xenoblade to fill the gap between Monolith's next game.

Why are the fans of this game always so bitter?

in diablo i can keep farming until i get the item i want.

in xenoblade i have to find rare core crystals before i can try for the item i want.

the system fro xenoblade feels like it was intended to be microtransaction based, but nintendo pulled it out after seeing the backlash that other games got.


JRPGs never win GOTY

What? The combat was more complex and the story was more developed than XBC1. How is that "diet"?

But Breath of the Wild won GOTY

BotW and Odyssey were just better produced games, but this is easily my favorite JRPG in a long time.

>action-adventure game wins GOTY

It was treading old ground, is what I meant.

They're focusing most of their effort on the new IP coming out, and it really shows.

Bingo. JRPGs never appeal to journalists and normies, the two biggest deciders of (((GOTY)))

If Kingdom Hearts and Xenoblade can be considered JRPGs, so can Breath of the Wild.

What the fuck are you talking about? XBC2 introduced many new mechanics since XBC1. How is that "treading old ground"?

BotW lacks stat building and character customization required to be considered a JRPG.

>Using the term normie

Get out newfag.

>terrible combat system
>awful graphics and performance issues
>UI doesn't make any fucking sense
>butchered translation
>tutorial after tutorial after tutorial
>level 90 mobs in level 10 area
>a fucking level 80 gorilla oneshots you from the other side of the map
>run away from an enemy, get hit, but you can't hit an enemy far away

Name 1 mechanic that was a real game changer.

>>level 90 mobs in level 10 area
>>a fucking level 80 gorilla oneshots you from the other side of the map
>>run away from an enemy, get hit, but you can't hit an enemy far away
How are any of these bad, you fucking casual?

uhhh gee, nigger, the fucking combo system?

But it's le comfy

it lets me feel like I really am a horny underage boy.

>defending trash game design
How does sucking dicks feel, you faggot?

>being angry about getting killed in one hit by stupid mobs makes you a casual

fuck off

>i keep getting BTFO therefore the game is shit
kek fucking casual

You mean the QTE thing?

BotW doesn't even have a main story...it's just a bland open world and then you go kill ganandorf. Not a JRPG by any stretch of the imagination.

Also, Kingdom Hearts and Xenoblade Chronicles 2 are both games with linear fucking storylines that are the main focus of the game, the total opposite of Breath of the Shit.

Oh goody, the holy autistic warrior of XCX is here, time to grab a snack

Yes. High level mobs are placed to keep you out of the area until you can handle them. nu-JRPGs just use straight up invisible walls to keep you away, which is much worse.

If you get a random drop in Diablo that's for your role you can just put it in your shared stash and give it to a character that can use it.
If you get a rare tank blade on Nia you either have to use one of the 8 Overdrive Protocols you can get in an entire playthrough or make the character with the worst base HP into a tank.

Thanks for confirming you haven't played 2.

Did anybody ever defend this shit before Xenoblade got big?

Yes. The idea of having a big world to explore with dangerous high-level mobs is exciting.

Unless you drink soymilk and prefer everything on-rails.

>keep you out of an area
>the giant gorilla just walks around a random section of the first area hiding nothing


It is QTEs, no matter what you call it.

Other games give you the chance to run away without being one-shotted while being light years away, you turbo faggot

>clearly has a set path if you take 15 seconds out of your pathetic virgin life to observe your surroundings

so basically you're a turbocasual who's buttmad that based Gonzales fucked your shit

kek git gud nigger

Music was good, but not that good.
Gacha shit.
Blades themselves are a shit concept.
Field Skills are terrible.
Malos is a shit tier final boss.
They wanted the Xenoblade 1 world, but bigger yet failed to implement it properly.
Environment design falls apart after the first two titans and never recovers.
Translation is shit.
Awful character design.
Affinity trees.
Merc Mode.
Everything taking 5 times longer than it should. The game feels like it wants to waste your time.

>It's another weebblade fags spam threads because of their victim complex episode

You're game didn't win GOTY because it didn't deserve it.

selecting skills are just QTEs with unlimited time

I mean the system wasn't super well thought out but I unlocked all the unique rares faster than an ideal farming set in Diablo 2, solo. I still just don't see how it's any different without money involved involved

Still the best JRPG in years though.

Why do people think the story in this game was better than the first one?




It's still QTEs, and they were always in Xenoblade, except there's more than one button now.

>terrible combat system
>tutorial after tutorial after tutorial
Just gonna call you dumb.

Because the characters have more than 1 dimension and the interactions between them have more thought and effort put into it.

No one gives a fuck about the normalfaggot awards. It's bait to start a thread.

But Pyra’s ever expanding titties were too big

Persona 5 was 10 times better, and it's a weaker version of SMT.

>i think Xenoblade 2 hardcore

man, i sure love long fuckin fights where i just wait for the game to tell me to press a button.

Persona 5 is only good as a dating sim. The combat is so much worse than XBC2.

>nothing bad happens when you die, you just have to run back through the same area

i'd agree with you if there was a penalty for dying in game, instead the penalty for dying in this game is a loading screen and then having to run again.

hard enemies don't bother me, hard enemies placed in a starter area with no reason to be there bother me.

in dark souls, if you choose to fight the black knight in the undead settlement, you get a ring from the fight, and an actual challenge. in xenoblade, you get one shot, forced to sit through a loading screen, and then spawned back in town to try to run through the area again.

my main point was that the gorilla hides nothing, he obviously has a set path, but there is no game reason for the gorilla to be there.

he literally walks between the entrances to two higher level areas you don't need to visit yet.

sorry the games wasn't walk right to continue the entire time.

Just look at this faggotHe's literally crying that the game is too hard.

>Because the characters have more than 1 dimension and the interactions between them have more thought and effort put into it

How were the characters any better this time around?

Why does everything have so much fucking health? I'm at level 30, and it still takes like 20-30 seconds to kill a level 15 mob.

They were better written, and actually interact with more characters than just the main character.

>Persona 5 was 10 times better
not him, but lol, NO.

I played both games and XC2 is infinitely better than Persona 5 was. Persona 5 is generic japanese high school bullshit, literally "LOL PHANTOM THIEVES THOSE DUMB ADULTS THEY DON'T GET IT AMIRITE? GO TEENAGERS YAY!" XC2 actually told an interesting story, had great characters, a solid soundtrack, and all that jazz. It was a really great game, probably my favorite new game of the year.

A turn based game will always be better than a game where you wait for your commands to recharge so you can take out the next damage sponge.

t. yet another casual that doesn't understand how the combat system works

there is no difficulty in dying in one hit

No it won't. Turn based games are archaic as fuck and only kept alive because Fatlus is too scared to switch up the formula.

The funny thing is, you're not gonna tell me why you like it over Persona so much, you're just using buzzwords.

Explain how it works then, go on

yes there is. The difficulty is realizing you're too fucking weak to go to that area and you should revisit in the future.

That's how JRPGs should work.

Not him but I have over 200 hours in XBC2 and I still haven't beaten the art nigga's dungeon in Persona 5.

If playtime isn't explanation enough, idk what is.

if you want to kill shit fast you have to setup your party to do so. and there is no reason to be grinding mobs in this game. you have salvaging to quickly get all the money you could ever use and you have merc missions and side quests for extra gear and exp.

if you're the kind of person to get nostalgic for ps1/ps2 JRPGs, this game is for you.

Try to work on your reading comprehension because this post of yours was really embarrassing. I told you exactly why XC2 is better than P5, P5 is nothing more than a retarded middle school kid's power fantasy short story. That's it. It doesn't tell an interesting story, any dumb 13 year old kid could have written the plot for Persona 5. XC2 on the other hand has a unique and interesting setting, a great plot with tons of touching moments, etc. there's no comparison, really.

you combo by using specials with certain elements in a certain pattern which creates an elemental orb, stacking these orbs lets you do a party combo and breaking the orbs gives you damage buffs

that's just a basic version

>I barely even started P5, but I know my game is better because it just is

I understand if you have ADD and need something going on during battles at all times, but there's no need to criticize a good game because you're impatient.

Most of the interesting stuff happens in flashbacks, while the actual plot of the game is weak.
Character motivations also happen in flashbacks only and exist solely for the player. The characters never get to see them and never absorb or react to this information, which makes for a boring story.