Lithtech engine

>lithtech engine

Why didn't you guys tell me this??

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Tell you what? That they made a good game using it?

Why don't feminazis ever mention Cate Archer

Feminazis don't play games user. They skim though wikipedia+TVTropes and whine from the sliver of info they got from there.

don't they get THEIR info on vidya from feminazis and their ilk anyway? where does the misinformation chain start?

this game was good

It was amazing, so was the sequel. The third game sucked balls, though.

Impossible to play the game legally so the only people who remember it played it when it came out.

RPS which iirc is one of those sites Sup Forums moans about has wrote a fair bit praising it though

For anyone who hasn't played this, fill yer boots.


What about it?

It used to be a pretty decent site, before their most interesting guy left and they hired a bunch of new folk.

australians shitposting falseflags on Sup Forums

Is this an obscure series now? It was in every magazine back then,

been playing through the first game lately, it's not great.

>comedy falls flat
>gunplay serviceable at best
>stealth blows
>loud alarms that don't stop until you beat the level
>training section after every mission
>3 menu screens after each death gets annoying fast

literally the only notable thing about this game is its setting.

Less obscure, more forgotten.

that sounds like bullshit but i'll believe it

Yeah, i especially like the part about the editoriat crying that blizzard's PR chief blacklisted them for their degeneracy.

Nice miner botnet virus.

kek putting him on the spot. shit this is almost like real journalism, no wonder Sup Forums hates it

this the stealth fucking sucks, definitely not a viable playstyle

Lithtech Engine is absolute dogshit, it's a miracle anything good came from it.

>putting him on the spot
More like talking about stupid retarded shit and him just going ``I have to go''.

>actually defending this crap
i dont blame the guy for wanting to get the fuck out of there, journalist went in with a mission to make him look bad, he's lucky he didn't get punched in the throat

did blizzard ever come out and say anything after this interview?

>why did you put hot gurls in game?
>because I want it
Sounds pretty based I think. Is that suppose to make him look bad?

no obviously not but the person interviewing him for was trying to make him look bad because of it

they hired a lot of soyboys (at least one of them represents them on resetera "chmpocalypse" is his name) and of course they ruined Overwatch.

>guy wants to talk about a videogame
>thread devolves into 'muh sjws'
As per usual.

>and of course they ruined Overwatch

That """journo""" is absolute retard then. I don't play blizshits, but I'm glad blizzard aren't pure cuck.

>they ruined Overwatch
More like, they made overwatch. LOL.

that interview is like from 2-3 years im sure something has changed at blizzard since they made a whole big deal about tracer being gay

Blizzard bans people in Overwatch for using emotes that they purchased.

I hope chink outlawing """degeneracy""" contents someday. It would be interesting how these sjws will react.

Why do you """""""""""""type""""""""""""" like you're a 14 """"""""""""year"""""""""" """""""""""""""old""""""""""""""

>game has a female protagonist
i dont think a third game is possible with all these man children

I'm on phone.

>Mfw lithtech in mad Max and shadow middle Earth games
Hnng mad Max 2 when?

Mobile posters fuck off

She's one of few female protagonists that man children wouldn't object to.

So what?

>mfw can't access my memes repository for more eloquent shitpost

would fags get mad because she's sexy tho? hopefully they find out who owns the rights and make a 3rd game someday

>looks shady
>actually several major normalfag sites like RPS and fucking gamespot have articles about this even with a link and all
huh interesting, I'll try it out

Fags are too busy looking at other fags. Plus, she's sexy, but she's not sexy in a way that would make people mad. But I will be mad if you don't post more of her

if only she wore the suit in 2,

Wow, this is uncanny after all this photoshop.


Holly smokes, this just looks too good

nolfrevival is fine. you could burn cd copies of nolf 1 and 2 and give it away in the streets for free if you wanted. nobody knows who even legitimately owns the game so there's no one to contest ip ownership, its abandonware.

>you can play coop in the first game with a mod
>the second game can be cooped with a mod
>tfw cant find someone to play it with

>no one knows who owns the ip rights
>some companies can stop the re-release from happening for some bullshit
i dont get it desu

dude this game was rad. until you had to play on foot that shit was crazy

>hopefully they find out who owns the rights and make a 3rd game someday
Split between Activision (As the old Vivendi/Sierra published it before they merged) and WB games (As they own Monolith and the engine they were built on). Activision won't sell their portion and won't give a license to re-sell them. NightDive was trying for a long time but it was impossible, Even when they got assistance from Microsoft to try get it done . It's going to be stuck in rights hell.

so what would even happen if someone just made a new one? if no one owns it, no one can sue you for infringement

Do I need anything special to download this, or can I just click and be good to go? I've been a console guy but heard the PS2 port sucks.

probably get shut down just like other fan games

Why would you need an engine rights? You merely need the IP and any engine will do.

just install it and play, unless you want to try an play the multiplayer you need some extra shit like a mod and some people

>tfw Claw, Gruntz, and Get Medieval STILL haven't been re-released on GOG for modern computers

Any of the supposed rights holders could probably put a stop to it if they wanted to, but since it's so small potatoes and nobody remembers it except those who played it, it's not worth the effort.

I'm only planning on the single player. Thanks for the info.

It's KB+M, right? Does the game have any menu that tells you the controls, or was that mostly put in a manual?

If you have problems with an old game, just check pcgamingwiki

both games are pretty straight forward, move around and shoot. there's short tutorials in nolf1 that show you how to use new gadgets and you can pick out whatever guns and shit you want to take when you start a mission. stealth in nolf 1 is fairly basic there's no real stealth system until nolf 2 (which also introduces a skill system) but you dont have to use stealth at all and you can freely shoot everyone.

Who is the other character when cooping?

>pretty and traditionally feminine
>rich aristocratic white girl killing sandniggers her family probably colonized
>killed two women of color
>enjoyed hunting as a hobby
Cate is problematic.

But by whom? If no one owns it, no one is theory should care about it.

Does NOLF 2 feature a similar tutorial? Do any key functions get switched around in 2?

you both just be agents when cooping in 2, the guys with trench coats and fedoras

>some company tried to re-release it
>got shut down
>some fans try to release a fan game
>gonna get shutdown

sounds based, we need a woman like her in modern games

everything stays the same except for the stealth bits, its pretty easy to learn

>guys with trench coats
Wasted potential right there. It should have been Cate with her sister or something.

not really. nolf plays mostly the same except cate doesn't run nearly as fast, scrolling through items is a little different (it uses a grouping system similar to half life,) there's a basic skill system, and you can search and carry bodies. nolf 2 does reward exploration a lot more though, there's a lot of hilarious "intel" that gives you bonus skill points. the skill system is just stuff like bigger health and armor pools, search bodies faster, etc.

she has a sister?

NOLF 2 doesn't have a tutorial at all. Stealth is stat based and works in a weird way, you hide in designated hiding spots but you have to fill a meter before you actually become hidden, how fast that meter fills depends on your stealth skill. It's honestly pretty stupid. And you have to deal with non-stop enemy respawns for most of the game's levels.

Not much point. Not like there's anything specific that really needs continuing.

No, but they could have made it happen. Would have been much more fun playing with her sister. Or even her Mom


Yeah, what was up with Contract JACK anyway?

They tried to make a shooter with a bit more mass appeal and they ended up alienating their fans.

Cate has same voice actress as Bayonetta no?

why does 2 run like shit? where can i get contract jack since the revive doesnt have it?


I really want to replay this but it's a nightmare to run on modern PCs.

Cate Archer's character is an exaggeration of the feminist ideal from an earlier era: confident, competent, sexy, and in amazing shape. All of this makes her a target today, but luckily she is from an obscure, fairly difficult FPS that isn't available on Steam and has its own equivalent of the monorail sequence at the start. SJWs just ain't gonna play that.

>played 2 for less than 5 minutes

>Impossible to play the game legally
It isn't too hard to buy it on eBay.

pirates say the darnedest things


I largely agree with you, but
>comedy falls flat
But some of it works and it's pretty memorable. I can recall two dialogues right off the bat: "You look like you need a monkey" and "I thought you called me a Mormon."
>training section after every mission
Those were good.

Dunno but I like her


Say what? I played the GOG version just fine. All you need is some glide wrapper (dgVoodoo or nglide) and the game runs a okay.

>Wrong wa-ay, Miss Archer.

Cate Archers is the closest thing I have to a waifu and a shameless vidya fap. The games are pretty good too, really funny.

>kill the receptionist
>game over
>kill the woman in the office and the guy in restricted area
>a okay

this, she is pure and wife material, anyone know how to get a free cam mode so i can take pics of her ass? mpasscam isnt that good

why does she have so little porn/cosplay?


Monolith used to make good FPS. What do they do now?

Batman and LOTR

>The two best FPS games of 2000 both feature a british female spy protagonist

Coincidence, or just because of GoldenEye?

too pure for that shit

Someone does own it, they just can't be bothered to properly figure it out.