"your choices matter"

>"your choices matter"
>they literally don't
What did they mean by this?

do choices matter in real life?

Not if you have tits or money.

you fell for the meme

any game that touts choices affecting storyline is a fucking fraud, retard

Daily reminder that Sup Forums not only likes this game, they also like the sequel and didnt let Chloe die


does something even matter?

Your choices matter in every single way except the ending. I know it's not ideal, but you do see the effect of your choices for the other 99% of the game, quit your bitching.

Why people praise this "game".
What is wrong with you,this is the prime reason why we get shitty games.

They want to bang underage girls, but they can't just admit it and fap to anime, they want to seem like a "good person" so they support a progressive modern feminist game, just so they can look at teen girls kissing and say my vagina a lot

no one on Sup Forums pretends they like the game for anything other than the waifus, this isnt kotaku

Most of Sup Forums are normies and boomers now

Only anime they like are those approved by Filthy Frank and Totalbiscuit

It's not about the destination, it's about the journey.

>your choices don't matter if there aren't 50 different endings
Brainlet detected.

Isn't this game like 3 years old?

but they do

Does real life matter?

>One character is wearing a different hat!
>You didn't kiss some character but everyone still acts as if you did!

So you didn't play the game but still shitpost about it?
Not surprising.



>Everyone shits on David Cage games
>Pretty much the only games where choices do have an affect on which of many endings you get

But they aren't games

>Pretty much the only games where choices do have an affect on which of many endings you get


No matter your direction the railroads of destiny will pull you to your fate.

Nothing FUCKING matters Mordy!

The game emphasizes the butterfly effect which is literally about things going out of control. In that sense it's slightly better than Telltale's approach.

Haven't seen a single thread about the prequel after the first episode. It was a let down I believe, never played it.

holy shit modern games still channeling molyneux


>Play game, it's shit. Guess that bitches name correctly (the one who locked her friend in the room) game takes me on an endless loop. Wtf, guess her name wrong on purpose, rewind time, NOW it let's me advance.

Oh yeah, that Warren voicemail made soooo much of a difference. Just admit you're a numale faggot who has a crush on max. I bet you kissed Warren cause he reminds you of you

No, Chloe is best girl.

But your choices only matter if you let Chloe live.


>one character in the game who isn't psychotic white-trash
>she's raped then commits suicide

>didnt let Chloe die
I played the game a few days ago and didn't let chloe die
I was thinking there was gonna be some lesbianism in the game but was dissapointed

She wasn't raped, and only commits suicide if you suck.

In Heavy Rain all the main characters get between 4 and 7 endings