Alright Sup Forums lend a man some help

Alright Sup Forums lend a man some help.
I have had limited experience with videogames (Had a DS when I was younger and play TF2 and League now because they're free, that's pretty much it) But I decided to buy Cuphead because I liked the artstyle despite hearing how hard it is.
I've been playing it for just over an hour and still haven't beaten the first stage (Run and Gun, Haven't even attempted potato man yet)
I'm actually having a lot of fun with it even though I'm complete shit at the game, but I honestly don't know if I ever will get past the first level and I know playing it over and over will eventually get stale.

Should I refund the game (I have to do so before playing for 2 hours)? If not, how do I get better?
By the way I'm playing with a keyboard.

TLDR: Me bad (So, so bad) at Cuphead, do I refund or keep at it?

I've only played it with a controller. It is challenging and you will likely spend many more hours attempting stages. I like it for the challenge. Does that sound fun? Your call my man.

Keep at it. The satisfaction of beating a stage after failing so many times is amazing and makes you want to keep going

You might find the potato easier than the run and gun stages, I know i did. Also, use a controller if possible, you'll have a much better time.

>By the way I'm playing with a keyboard.

There's your problem. Get a controller, you might as well be trying to play it with a fucking cheese grater.

Thanks my guys, I went away for a while and actually did beat the potato boss. I spent so long nearly yelling at it, I can't wait to see what its like going up against the ones that aren't the easiest in the game hehe.

Also I can't get a controller but I did change the keys to qwer with jump on space, it feels so much nicer because I'm used to League.

Here's an update for anyone reading (Doubt it)
I beat the run & gun level, it really does feel good

There's a good lad. Now go beat the whole game

Nice one. Keep at it bro.

>tfw beat the entire game with a KB
I have autism

I'll do my best, fuck these dumb ass coin frogs

>what is muscle memory
Just keep trying until you eventually memorize everything in the level, it's even easier with bosses because they follow patterns.

I beat both SM64 and the DS remake with a keyboard, i'ts not that bad.

Save the frogs. They push you too hard.

Get a controller, seriously. To perfect your dodging skills, you need to fine tune left and right directions mid-jump very fast. I use a dualshock 4, and its d-pad is a lot better than the one Xbox controllers have.

Nah I beat them fairly easily, I just didn't realise I had to pull the lever. I was just being dumb shooting aimlessly at the invincible slot machine.
That flower cunt though, he's the real problem

>people say this game is LE HARD CUPSOULS xD
>it's a run of the mill bullet hell with simple mechanics with a unique artsyle

100% example of something that is all style and no substance.

the default keyboard keys setting is pretty bad. i finished it with keyboard but i have highly customised it. Or you can use a controller

It's not a fucking bullet hell, why do you people use terms you don't even understand?

> screen is filled with projectiles you need to dodge

You think this only applies to shmups?

>turning a term that is used to refer to a specific type of shump games into a blanket term
I bet you also think trap is used to refer to transsexuals.