Joy Con? More like Soy Con

Joy Con? More like Soy Con

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They literally inject soy into you via your skin i thought nintendo was ourguy?

Why is Sup Forums so afraid of a fucking bean?

t. soyboy

Sup Forums has never been one for critical thinking.

t. corncuck

not sure why people browsing a video game board have an obsession with making fun of childish men

>now the largest soy producer in the world won't go bankrupt because fake news
Feels bad man.

Sup Forums gets all their education and opinions from infographs with made-up information, what do you expect?

The fuck are you on about?

stop posting this fake news vladimir the real article title is literally highlighted

You fucking retard, onions are the antithesis of soy, not corn
Catch up on the memes, slowpoke

The proliferation of high fructose corn syrup and high density sugars in general is actually harmful, though.

>pol trying to be the jew again

>soybeans are bad for you!


kek you know this will be conveniently avoided

you had your fun you can delete the thread now


why is cherry so sad

Sup Forums btfo

Link to the article?

>I wouldn't see Max becoming a woman as a negative thing

Mutts and pajeets usually aren’t the smartest people.

because people laugh at him when he starts his speeches in parliament in latin


There's no study stating soy increases estrogen just some claim some guy made to increase sales on whey proteins over soy proteins and that claim blew up

there are studies correlating gyno and increased estrogen with having a diet full of chicken and red meat, though

I get the meme but from a scientific standpoint it's dumb. And bro science is the biggest cancer in fitness.

close your mouth, grab your soy moobies and get the fuck out of here, soy boy

PJW yes but Alex Jones a soyboy?

Alex is a goyboy.

>"I wouldn't see Max becoming a woman as a negative"
There's so many things wrong with that I don't know where to begin.
>Psychological damage on a young child becoming the opposite sex as it would either lead to the child depressed over getting bullied or manipulative and dickish over everyone pampering him and giving him what he wants because he's "progressive"
>Bad parenting as the father made a drastic decision as letting his son drink soy-centered products at a young age, risking the child's hormone balance before puberty

Sony negroids can't use sales or games so they try to force the soyboy meme on Nintendo. how pathetic

>Didn't edit the actual title of the article on the right
Sup Forums is getting sloppy.

>soy-based plastic
Burger education.

Ironically there are actually "Corn plastic" and "Wheat plastic"(stable foods of wh*teloid supremacists), but just no soy plastic.

The fact that it contains estrogen mimickers and it's used as treatment for post menopause women to stop them from getting mustaches doesn't perturb you at all now does it, little soy ally?
It not surprising, your post would not look out of place in a john oliver 2 minutes of hate drumpf segment.

sony fan boys are this desperate for a reason to shit on nintendo
and now the sales arent anything to laugh at like the wii u theyre just grasping at straws
the irony is if you play nintendo games your either too young or too old to care

OP? more like Faggot

GO BACK TO Sup Forums

This wont stop the soy meme fad user, no matter what people post its a popular slang just like cuck meme was strong a few months back, give it some time and people will move on, also

>Reddit spacing

Chinese, Japanese, Koreans,....etc, East Asians have been eating soy beans for thousands of years, but that doesn't turn them all into shemales. In contrast, Westerners such as Americans are the one literally invent and promote fluid genders degeneracy worldwide.

STFU with your pseudo-science horseshit, cuckboy.

>Chinese, Japanese, Koreans,....etc, East Asians have been eating soy beans for thousands of years, but that doesn't turn them all into shemales.

Asians are literally the most feminine most convincing shemales. Try going to thailand soyboy.

>there is only one form of soy
Burger education, with soy in the bun.

And Americunts are literally the one who propgating lgbt marriage and tranny toilets worldwide, so progressive. Try looking into mirror cuckboy.

You wish westcuck. You fuckers can't even contain the cancer in your own soil. I hope you enjoy Jamal's bbc.

>there is only one form of soy
Are you deluded? I never said this, you moron.

But soybean basically is just one type of bean.

Who the fuck hates soy sauce?

le soy amirite xD haha soyboys f*ckin epin fellow kekistanis

Ok whoever made this went too far