Why are you not playing Shadowverse?

Why are you not playing Shadowverse?

I'm playing but I suck

>tfw cant into portalcraft
>shadowcraft is now just eachtar or nothing

>dirt rune

>can't go over 1200 points in master

how do these gooks reach grand master, its silly

Wonderland made me quit and I refuse to come back
Also my waifu rotated out of standard now, and her's was the only deck that I played

Nobody plays rotation anyway, so you're fine.

Why should I play a Hearthstone clone when there are better systems out there?
Once the appeal of anime waifus waned, I realized I was playing HS.

>clone when there are better systems out there?
Such as? All other are either pay2win or unbalanced shit with slow updates.

Because HS is shit.

Because I'm already play the better card game.

Because I threw it into the garbage bin in wonderland dreams when it showed that the devs where 100% incompetent and just kept making the game faster and faster.
Shit game is 100% playing on curve and 0% skill.

Because I'm playing Eternal instead.

why the fuck would you ever want to play a virtual card game?

There are better CCGs that aren't weebshit.

How can you play something that's not even objectively a game?

Tutorial make me confused and can't continue to understand ruling.

>random skills
Jesus fucking christ I want this meme to end

Keyboard and mouse, usually.

not digging the extreme weeb aesthetic

Git smart.

Because I missed the Fate/ collab. By a fucking week. I hate myself.

Itd a better game competitive wise, also casual wise

It might return when HF part two releases. Don't give up hope.

I used, but I stopped in SFL. The game just stopped being fun for me. The balance being pretty awful as well didn't help. Designed by MTG pros my ass.

Use to play it a lot but each expansion post-DE was worse than the last
What the fuck were they thinking with cards like Daria, Aegis and Sibyl?

Sibyl was nerfed already.

This is why newfaggotry is an ironic state of mind now.

Gwent and HS went to shit. MtGA will be too Jewish

>mid shadow and ramp dragon are t1 again

This game will be garbage until Tempest rotates out.

you're all brainlets if you aren't playing rotation right now

because there are no rotation netdecks yet, your matches are against people who built their own decks. It's a true battle of not only who is the more skillful player, but who is also the smarter deck builder. Which is card games at its finest.

So how much support are only fun deck in the game getting after the rotation?
Discard dragon is the only honest deck that require actual skill.
To bad cygames fucking gives no support at all for it.

Because I am still waiting for the one that truly matter.

Rotation is just wallet dragon and eachtar, with the occasional portalmeme deck.

Because I am already playing the superior card game, fools!

>playing childrens card games

I stopped when I realized they censored or make boring waifus with almost no leg to show. Is like after Darkest Evolved they decided to cut out any kind of panties or bikini armor of the game.

Because they killed control blood

Craft some Chronoses and he becomes a decent finisher. Put in Dread Queen for maximum memery.

Havent played since wonderland so I cba to start with it again.
There I memed with Dread queen -> satan -> dragoon memes.

game is too anime

why are you not playing eternal?

eternal bruh

I stopped in TotG.

The devs are horrifically bad at balancing and love to kill craft gimmicks with single cards.

Why does dragon get all the shit cards?

I've played against a couple of decks with Abyss Straddler, I really feel like it's got the possibility of being great but nobody has got the deck for it yet.

tell me what pot of greed does again

Because cygames can't balance for shit and it's harder to balance around ramp.

Every other craft has multiple deck types that actually work. Discard dragon sucks and they gave up on it. All dragon has is ramp and all their high cost cards are neutral.

>Rotation finally kills shit builds like roach, aggro sword, dshift rune, elena's haven, themis' decree
>But it also obliterates spellboost rune, overall forestcraft, overall sword, any non-eacthar shadow build

cause I got sick of how OP some builds were.
It was so badly skewed towards the cleric girl at one point she had like 60+% winrate
So you'd only go against her and it was all the same build and it was awful. It took them months to fix it and they introduced other bullshit that just made it worse so I quit.
Never looked back

>Wonderland made me quit and I refuse to come back
Same as me then, fuck that expansion.

Sibyl wasn't even that bad when i still played anyway.

Was a GM a few months ago and completely abandoned the game a month before Starwhatever expansion during the last month of the Alice in Wonderland expansion.

Now I think is too late to comeback (A new expansion came out recently, right)? And I am currently playing Gwentstone anyway.

Sibyl was balanced before she got nerfed. Cygames caved into complaining players even though the evidence showed she was balanced.

Balanced man is still meta? Damn they really broke the faction with him even when they already nerf him.

What were they complaining about specifically about her?
Was it just ramp dragon in general?

> All dragon has is ramp and all their high cost cards are neutral.
There was PDK dragon for a while, which was basically a midrange deck.

Unironically Shadowverse has better mechanics than HS.HS has gone to far into the my random bullshit card is stronger than your random bullshit card that your "ability" to play the game has almost no impact with your winrate.

Healing, ramp, stat spread. So everything.
Basically "waaah dragon can't get good cards, my aggro deck needs to kill them before they reach 10pp"