This used to be the original Warhammer Total War

This used to be the original Warhammer Total War.
Anyone else remember this?

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pretty fun but pretty buggy/messed up from what I remember. I actually prefer Fantasy to Forty Thousand.

A good game, got the atmosphere right and has arguebly better rpg mechanics than Total Warhammer. Shame about the linear campaign and limited unit rooster. Also a dumb ai made the campaign too easy, but the same goes for Total Warhammer.
Yes, i know it's not called Total Warhammer

Total Warhammer would have been a better title

Is it worth playing if I have a toaster and am a poorfag that won't be able to afford new PC and Total Warhammer anytime soon?
I only care about SP.

If you can get it to run sure, it's a fun game if you can overlook the flaws.

The campaign is alright.

Yeah I was asking about the SP campaign, so I take it has actual story mode and isn't just "lol here's a map, do whatever faggot" like Total War games? Which is why I can't get into Total War games.

Yes it does. in fact it lacks a Total War style mode, which is why people hated it originally
