This used to be the original Warhammer Total War

This used to be the original Warhammer Total War.
Anyone else remember this?

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pretty fun but pretty buggy/messed up from what I remember. I actually prefer Fantasy to Forty Thousand.

A good game, got the atmosphere right and has arguebly better rpg mechanics than Total Warhammer. Shame about the linear campaign and limited unit rooster. Also a dumb ai made the campaign too easy, but the same goes for Total Warhammer.
Yes, i know it's not called Total Warhammer

Total Warhammer would have been a better title

Is it worth playing if I have a toaster and am a poorfag that won't be able to afford new PC and Total Warhammer anytime soon?
I only care about SP.

If you can get it to run sure, it's a fun game if you can overlook the flaws.

The campaign is alright.

Yeah I was asking about the SP campaign, so I take it has actual story mode and isn't just "lol here's a map, do whatever faggot" like Total War games? Which is why I can't get into Total War games.

Yes it does. in fact it lacks a Total War style mode, which is why people hated it originally


imo mark of chaos managed to capture the warhammer feel better than TWW did.

As in, it has TW-style battles but not the world map? But battles are the only good thing about TW games from what I saw, what the fuck

Yes, only battles, no grand strategy part

Another negative thing that TWW does better is more races.
In MoC you pretty much only fight Chaos and Rats

It's alright but crossing TW and typical RTS resulted in very basic approach.

Isn't Total Warhammer still missing the rats?
Also, does Total Warhammer even have SP campaign/story like Mark of Chaos?

music were awesome that's almost all i remember

Jeremy Soule did the soundtrack so it's not surprising.

TWH has had Skaven since the 2nd game launches. The only missing armies from the main tabletop game are Daemons and Ogres

There's no escape from Chaos, it marks us all.

Damn, this shit looks as good as I remember it

you should try the warhammer mod for Medieval 2 if you find TW WH disapointing

Then what the fuck are they even going to use as an excuse to sell Total Warhammer 3? Since they said they will have 3 games, each one including content from the previous if you own it kinda like the Dawn of War 1 expansions.
Also aren't Tomb Kings missing too?

Kislev, Ogres, Demons, Chaos Dwarves.

They already announces Tomb Kings as DLC for 2 and will be ready in Jan 23rd. 3 will probably add Daemons, Ogres, Chaos Dwarfs and pull some from the supplement armies like Kislev or Araby

Honestly doesn't sound "big" enough to make people buy a whole third game.
They should've saved a heavy hitter like Tomb Kings for the third one.

3 will probably did some revamp on lesser human factions (Border Princes and Kislev) and focus on Chaos which is big in the settings

Or they could be absolute madmen and did fluff-only race like Cathay. They did made up half of Norsca to flesh them out from normal Chaos

This game had a top-tier skyboxes for a strategy.


I still think it will suffer from usual Trilogy Curse where the last one sells the worst.


I'm a big fan of the UI and the old-looking picture in it.

Is this the one where Heroes could challenge each other to a duel and the winner would get an army buff or something?

Don't remember a buff, but the duels are part of this game. You can train heroes to be specifically good at challenging and killing other heroes.

Anyone have any opinions on this Warhammer-ish looking new RTS?

I honestly don't see what#s supposed to be Warhammer about it.