What is the logical reason to not release this game on the switch the same day as the PS4 version when the prequel was...

What is the logical reason to not release this game on the switch the same day as the PS4 version when the prequel was on the switch already?

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Prequel came out 9 months after the other versions on Switch.

Since this game had a release date, it's pretty clear that Fate Extella on Switch was a rushed port while this one is still in development and close to completion before considering a Switch version.

Wait for the PC announcement to see if they confirm a Switch version then.

No Medusa no buy.

Last game was filled a little to many C-listers, but it was mindlessly fun.

Publisher thought switch version wont sell well after seeing sales of prequel

It sold above expectations for being a port of a 9 months old game.

No it sold like shit and was a tremendous disappointment. Go buy a PS4 or a PC if you want to play the next Extella.

yey, best girl is in

Your opinion doesnt matter. publisher didnt think so


Whose expectations? console fanboys???

>being a fatecuck

Sony is in a panic freefall and is paying for every publisher that will take their money to skip the Switch.


>Given oodles of new productions
>Has a ton of new story
>The top popular games AND anime
>Tons of porn and fan material being made
You're gonna have to explain that one, and I say this as someone who prefers Granblue as a mobile game, and Apocrypha complete garbage.

To piss autistic manchildren like you off

You're right, sony must be really scared to lose sales to the switch when they're apparently not even competing over the same audience.

>14. [PS4] Atelier Lydie & Suelle: The Alchemists and the Mysterious Paintings 22,681
>38. [Vita] Atelier Lydie & Suelle: The Alchemists and the Mysterious Paintings 7,806
>41. [Switch] Atelier Lydie & Suelle: The Alchemists and the Mysterious Paintings~ 6,684

i was going to buy this but gonna spend it on quartz instead, either way they win


>sell game complete with a Limited Edition box
>sell game a 2nd time 9 months later with no new content
>doesn't sell


Francis Drake? The guy from Uncharted?

>PS4fags still trying to cling to the hope that Gust can make a good post-Shallie Atelier game

That is sad, I'm a huge Atelierfag and I don't even plan on getting Lydie Suelle. Even the Vitafags have given up on the new games.

>those sales

Jesus, I was expecting poor sales for a sequel to Firis, but not THAT poor. I can't even blame Japan though, when this is what they got when they bought the previous game.


>part 3 of a trilogy
>part 1 and 2 aren't on the Switch
>previous game ruined the series so badly they had to port it to Steam to salvage sales
>Atelier is a Sony-focused fanbase, Nintendo gets the occasional budget spin-off that tends to be shit

I wonder why.....

It was in the top ten of eshop after release, it's no doubt a massive success.

>above expectations

Dont lie

Sony definitely paid for it, why else would it be released on the Vita when it's a dead handheld not even japan gives a shit about?

Sony is desperately losing grounds quick to the switch and is desperately trying to use anything like the Vita as a last ditch attempt to stall the switch from taking over Japan.

Sold less than 15k i dont think that's a good number

>released at the same time in japan
>sony paid for it!
>still sells like shit

The problem here is that sold like shit in the switch a console that every jap is buying.shoukd have sell more than 10k if toddlers were interested in the game.

It sold amazing as a niche noname anime franchise on a new platform unfamiliar with it.

>why else would it be released on the Vita when it's a dead handheld not even japan gives a shit about

Nigger up until like 2016 the Vita was fucking the PS4 in terms of weeb game sales. Just because the PS4 sells lots of Call of Duty and FIFA to Amerifats and Eurostan doesn't mean shit in Japan.

>when it's a dead handheld not even japan gives a shit about?
Oh yeah, the console with the highest attach rates of the last decades and also the most common one in Japan after the 3DS and PS3 is dead and no one gives a shit about it, which is why it's still getting games for 2018 after six fucking years of you naysayers saying it's dead.

You Switch beggers are truly pathetic.

Oh fuck Drake is going to be in it? Day one buy.

Likely still being ported dude. Calm down.

All we need now is Robin Hood and I'm sold. Mad Bad Vlad would be cool too.

>What is the logical reason to not release this game on the switch when F/EX Link is a sequel to the Sony-released F/EX, which was a sequel to the Sony games F/E and F/E CCC

Don't go full retard, user.

Jack would also be nice and maybe Paul as well as a super random pick.

Nintendo fanboys really are fucking pathetic, jesus.

See: mighty number 9

>Game release
>June 2016
>3DS and Vita release date

Kek, fucking Conman. Amusingly enough, Conman's best friend managed to one up him by taking his Kickstarter game hostage and saying if some other game he made doesn't sell, the Kickstarter game can't be continued.

That user who said that Sup Forums is now nintendogaf was so right, they spam the bloody hell and the sonyfags farting meme every fucking day