Go back and play it. I promise it's aged way better than you'd expect. It's a fucking masterpiece.
Go back and play it. I promise it's aged way better than you'd expect. It's a fucking masterpiece
Kids these days definitely won't have the patience to sit through the cutscenes. The final ones being literally hours long, in particular.
Its amazing if you play on the boss extreme and try and play without being caught, makes you utilize your items and camo so much more
Triggered MGS2 spergs incoming
Played it again after finishing MGSV for the first time, its fucking amazing even better when compared to MGSVeddit: downgrade from peace walker
>Xbox FANBOY still mad after all these years
all children play nowadays are cutsceneless shit like souls games
I played it a year ago. Its not a masterpiece. The characters are connected just so Kojima can say he tied up the loose ends. Gameplay is great for the first half but after that its lackluster. I don't see how people could say this is a masterpiece. Its like if George Lucas made Jar Jar Binks' Yoda's brother just so everything would be connected. Its stupid. Its arbitrary. Its unnecessary.
I disagree
It was good. But mgs4 also reminded me why Hayter got axed.
Well let's agree to disagree and have a great new years day friend.
I totally forgot about that little interview with him in the intro. It was rather amusing.
>enjoys re4 for the camp
>hates mgs4 for the camp
Its excellent and really sad octocamo techonology was never used anywhere else. What a fucking missed opportunity.
Let's rate the areas:
Middle East
8/10. A solid intro, but a bit too linear, but lots of variety in set pieces.
South America:
7/10. Again, too linear, and the Laughing Octopus boss is a bit underwhelming
5/10. The sneaking section is great, but the on-rails section on motorcycle is boring as fuck. Raging Raven is a bad boss fight.
Shadow Moses:
10/10. Best fanservice section in gaming ever. Also, Crying Wolf is arguably the best BnB boss. Vamp boss fight is also fun, and the Metal Gear duel is kino.
Outer Heaven:
7/10. Too short. Too linear. Screaming Mantis is ass. Nothing really memorable in the level itself, except for the final QTE and the Liquid boss.
>Kids these days definitely won't have the patience to sit through the cutscenes.
But they literally do nothing BUT watch cutscenes in modern "games".
>but they literally do nothing but watch other people play games on YT / Twitch
but it wasn't that good at the time, those fucking little bug bots, remember those?
Cute little cannon fodder. What's the problem?
>but it wasn't that good at the time,
It was fucking outstanding at the time, and fine even today.
>those fucking little bug bots
the what now?
I actually just bought a new copy a week ago. I traded in the one that came with my ps3 back when I was a dumb teen. I mean, I've already gotten all the trophies and the BB emblem like 3 or 4 times but I wanted to have the whole series.
he loves MGS3 for its camp so much that its his favorite game ever, and he elaborated in his video why he thinks MGS4 fails at it.
if im going to marathon the series, should i do the first 2 msx games?
Yep, also, RE4 never tries to shove social-political messages down people's throats.
MGS4 tries too hard to be everything. It tries to be camp but also tries to be serious. It wants to have cake and eat it too.
You're saying that because you skipped all the cutscenes this playthrough. Game's great, but a masterpiece it is not. Bad pacing issues
If you can stomach late 80s tier top-down metroidvania experience that is the MG1, then maybe.
MG2 is already a damn great game, literally a 2D proto-MGS in all possible ways. Totally worth playing.
The more casual way to get into the saga would be starting with MGS1, and reading the summaries of the past games in its main menu + viewing the "Briefing Files". After that, just go through 'em in release order.
>skipping cutscenes
who the living fuck does this?
>switch to controller 2
i hated that it was an ad kinda. Like that one where he tells you to put in disc 2. But I thought it was fun, I gotta remember not to take a game where I can hold up people disctracted by a playboy seriously
I'm still with George on the fact that it is a unique game in that there's never going to be anything like it again. I think it is a shitshow that is worth being played, it makes me angry and I think it's a shit conclusion to the series, I hate the story but there's still something to marvel at with the production of this game, it is so well made, the cutscenes look and sound remarkable, the sound design of it is seriously underrated, I'd say it is probably one of the best sounding games of all time. It's impressive, it's a spectacle of a game that ultimately amounts to nothing.
MGSV is kind of its inverse, it's a tepid game that amounts to nothing that clearly is unfinished. MGS4 is a very finished and very polished game but also amounts to nothing.
If yall dont think MGS4 was years ahead of its time in terms of gameplay and presentation and graphics yall nuts
In terms of presentation? Yes.
In terms of gameplay? No. As a stealth game, Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory is still the superior game at the time and continues to be superior now.
Years ahead of its time insofar as games these days are not worth their price point, yeah.
>play without being caught
this is the whole idea of MGS user. Please don't tell me you play MGS as a TPS
MGS4 is the best stealth in the entire franchise
>Its not a masterpiece
MGS4 is known as being one of the most technically flawless games though user
getting though shadow moses, no chaff, no alerts is the best stealth segment in the entire franchise
You can't really judge since the gameplay is there quite literally only to give short breaks from the movie rather than other way around.
>one of the best sounding games of all time
Not with Hayter it isn't.
>I've already gotten all the trophies and the BB emblem
>bought a new copy a week ago
Learn to read
>Doesn't post MGS4 plat
Nope. It's even worse than I remember it. Worst game in the series.
worst story of all the metal gears. including 5. total dog shit. poopy pants johnny marrying meryl..
Misson 3.
Such a cool concept but done so poorly, real fucking shame.
It's sorta entertaining. Sometimes.
The story goes haywire, sure, but the cutscenes just aren't all that exciting.
It has 5 chapters and only 2 of those have actual gameplay.
Fuck off.
it's as he said, the game has its campy nature that it doesn't really play towards at all
the setting and the setup are great but it mostly ends up as a wasted potential
Could be amazing if it had more gameplay scenes and a more focused plot instead of series wankery.
As it stands it's a fun ride and a good MGS game, but not as outstanding as the first 3.
It's fucking boring overall. It only picks up in the last quarter, which I'll admit was really good.
>I'm still with George on the fact that it is a unique game in that there's never going to be anything like it again.
It's true, but that also holds true to the preceding games in the series while those also hold up better as games overall.
The game's not junk, not at all, it's just really fucked up in too many ways with how much shit it tries to tie up for no reason.
Of course it has, movies don't age.
MGS4 was a profoundly disappointing game
MGSV made me angry
I like MGS4 more ultimately, even if it made more capital offenses to the lore, which says a lot because MGS2 is my favorite game in the franchise and 4 completely rapes it and everything it stood for. V just made me angry, I felt insulted when I finished that game and I couldn't believe that this is what it all ends on. Plus, MGS4 actually feels like a Metal Gear title, albeit still a gimped one. But it does feel like it has traces of that DNA still in it. MGSV almost doesn't have an identity, it's a bland open world game with a non-story and forcefully inserted MGS quirks that are almost as tonedeaf as the ones in MGS4.
MGSV made me angry because it was unfinished.
MGS4 made me wish it was unfinished.
The gameplay is fantastic but the story is literally the worst thing ever written.
yes and no to what you said, I think all Solid games are wholly unique. But MGS4 took that to another level in terms of production, that was an expensive fucking game to make, and for a game to be more cutscenes than a game, with 10 actual hours of cutscenes that look and sound as fantastic as they do, it truly is something that is never going to happen again. Nobody will fund a game like MGS4 ever again.
>Shadow Moses: 10/10. Best fanservice section in gaming ever.
Nah, it's 10/10 for about first 5 minutes. Then gekkos ruin everything.
Crying wolf is okay.
Vamp isn't even a proper fight.
MG Duel is good, thought.
Also, they fucked up, since in MGS1 there was no second lift to Metal Gear Silo, only that big freighter one. So much for fanservice.
I know that you made this thread because of weedman, but MGS 4 felt like the ultimate closure in the series and when I first played it, I really liked how Snake fucking struggled and try to achieve meaning in his life with all the shit going on. Camosuit was amazing and playing it on harder difficulties at least let you try to stealth
>I know that you made this thread because of weedman
Nah, it's on sale on the PSStore for a fiver so gave it a play for the first time in years.
the mini-gekkos kind of force a classic arcade type approach to stealth, you can't just tranquilize and move on, and if an alert is triggered you can't just shoot your way out of it easily. I kind of like them, to be honest.
Crying Wolf is more than okay, it is easily the best boss battle in that game, and probably one of the best one in the series even. They did a great job at melding that feeling of a sniper battle, but also making it a little more action oriented. Plus the weather system was put to great use during it.
ìt takes like 5x more time to do stealth so no thanks, althought some parts stealthing was easy and fast so I did it much more than in 5
Not a masterpiece since it commited horrible sins like demystifying parts of the lore, like I thought these were people with superpowers who were militarized. Writing sucks shit too compared to MGS3 . It had a great final boss and its better than MGSV though not by much.
The game would hold up on the strength of its gameplay if it was 60fps, but chugging along at 20fps in busy scenes makes it feel like a chore.
Does it still have 9 hours of fucking cutscenes?
Waifu trash like Persona and Xenoblade are nothing but cutscenes, and they take up 20% of the catalog.
>Kids these days definitely won't have the patience to sit through the cutscenes.
Oh yeah, back in the day we were all about them cinematic experiences. Video games today are too "gamey".
MGS4 feels more polished than MGS5
When it is emulated in 4k it will look amazing
This is a joke, the game struggled to run at sub 720p resolution on the PS3. The installation times were absolutely ridiculous and the framerate was anything but stable. Go peddle your bullshit elsewhere.
Ride to Hell: Retribution feels more polished than MGSV.
i always thought this game was a master piece
with mgo its my most played game ever
Mgs4 remaster when
MGS4 gameplay>MGSV
Hayter voice did fit the narritive
in my opinion the moment he went overboard was Peace Walker
>tfw no game with ground zeroes' level design and 4's gameplay mechanics
It's fucking garbage, one of my personal biggest disappointments considering i bought a PSTriple just for it. Just because that hack shat out bigger turds since then doesn't make it any less shit.
This series used to mean so much to me but this is the game where i just had to let it go.
I'm actually fine with the voice he has in MGS4, what I can't stand is all the coughing, they went way overboard, maybe it would have worked better if David Hayter was a better voice actor and really put some pain behind all those death coughs but as they were they just sound excessive and bad.
MGS4 is the worst in the mainline series.
For every good moment you get you're hit with another 10 terrible ones.
>Break MGS tradition and add levels but then no level select
>Only Act 2 is a real level; Act 1 is the boring tutorial, Act 3 is the stupid follow-the-leader then lame on-rails sequence. Act 4 barely utilizes Shadow Moses (only good part is REX vs RAY). Act 5 is race to the finish
>Story is terrible. Even MGS5's minimalist cassette tapes are better
>Doesn't know how to handle bosses narratively so you get a phone call about them after they die
>Unforgivable plot line where Rose marries a man she never met before so the senior citizen can protect her... somehow?
Chapter 3: One half following a guy who moves around town with the speed of a snail, other half is metal gear solid 3 bike chase, with metal gear solid 3' s eva.
Chapter 4 is just robots inside some empty warehouses.
Chapter 5 is just 3 rooms + bosses.
Kudos. Greatest game ever created. + 1. Upvote!
>MGS4 is the worst in the mainline series.
Nah, that's still V
youre supposed to go full stealth unless you get caught, at which point you utilize your rocket launchers and whatnot
Tranquillisers are the worst thing to happen to MGS from a gameplay perspective.
I think MGS2 balanced it out fairly well. Ever since then however they have been way too easy to abuse.
MGS4 is where it went out of the window, they didn't even try to balance it.
>Here's a laser sighted pistol that can one-hit any soldier, is permanently silent, can be used with CQC and you get it for free at the start of the game. Out of ammo? Don't worry, you can just buy more immediately wherever you are, even in a fight, for a tiny fee!
>Oh and here's 60 different pistols, SMGs, shotguns and assault rifles that you'll never need to use
100% agreed my nigga
Absolutely destroyed the series.
The fuck are you talking about? It's when they are at their most broken. The game sets up all these elaborate rules and stealth mechanics and that fucking gun bypasses all of them. It's a joke and turns the game into a point and click adventure where you enter a room, go into FPV and shoot everything you see.
how is it most broken in mgs2? MGS2 has guards reporting their status, it has cramped environments that force you to be closer to the enemies, there is also a ton of obstacles that block your line of sight with the enemies.
MGS3 is literally what you described, point and shoot, you don't have to worry about anything, your line of sight is always open and clear as day, and guards never report their status.
That about MGS3 isn't true tho