>fictional fantasy game universe
>"Sweet Jesus!"
>fictional fantasy game universe
>"Sweet Jesus!"
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What if some form of Christianty exists within the fantasy universe?
>not fictional
Beyond Good & Evil was a painfully average game.
I will still take that over using the usual phrases but changing the key words, it just sounds cringey.
>What on Azeroth was that?
>What in Martel's name did you just say?
>fantasy/fiction setting
Jesus Christ is the Lord of all worlds
I love that shit. pull the stick out of your ass.
Gameplay was meh even though it had variety but the atmosphere was god-tier.
>fictional fantasy game universe
>Oh hell
>Quite the enigma
>What on Earth are you-
>All speak English
>With American accent
>Most exotic races speak broken English or use a foreign accent of another nation
Yes, it's fictional.
>Schrödinger's cat
>explains wormhole
>pokes pencil through folded paper
Your dub was shit like always
My name is heavily based in Christianity and I avoid naming my character after myself if Jesus doesn't exist in that world.
When I hear someone invoke Jesus anyway, it pissed me off.
>historic game
>Romans have British accents
"Sweet (fictional fantasy) Jesus"
Saying "Jesus Christ" is retarded and makes no sense. People just do it to be edgelords because it says not to. I don't hear anyone saying "Mahatma Buddha!"
>>What in Martel's name did you just say?
I distinctly remember Lloyd saying "kosher" at one point
that BGE2 press shit confirmed that they all originated from earth
>play ww2 game
>Germans are evil
>historic game
>Romans are all white
>peasants "speak" with a comically exaggerated cockney dialect
omg i luzled so hard m800, never heard that one!
oh my god
holy fuck
Jesus christ
damn it
it's odd how a lot of my (or everyone's really) day to day phrases are rooted in some theology or the cursing of it despite never believing in anything
You dont even have blasphemy
Where does enigma come from?
>series alters real life sayings to make them fit the in-game universe
This annoys the hell out of me
like one extremely common example is when a series has multiple different gods and phrases like "oh gods" is used instead of just plain
Probably greek
This. The common sayings are just that, you don't think about it. If you did you'd have to think about the language itself and etymology which still takes us back to the real world.
But when you hear stuff like "what on azeroth" it actually triggers a reaction, and makes you realize this is because it's a videogame, so it ends up breaking your immersion more.
>fictional fantasy game universe
>everyone speaks in unbroken English
>everyone has a SoCal accent
>every race has the same dialect, save for a unique slang or swear word
>Space game
>Every planet has a single climate, single dominant race, single language, single culture, one government and zero internal conflicts or differences
>Unless of course it's one of its primary storylines
>action game
>female protagonist
probably one of the most comfy game out there
It's highly likely that for life to occur in a planet it has to have the perfect climate for it.
>Completly diverent universe/planet
>Don't have to learn their languas for months to be able to talk to npcs.
Heh, yeah take that you fucking Christcucks. Hail science!
You have a painfully average opinion.
Peyj literally never says "Sweet Jesus"
>Dear diary, today I got triggered by the Sup Forums humors.
It makes perfect sense. It's an approximation of whatever they actually said rendered understandable to the audience. It doesn't mean they were actually talking about le Christian messiah specifically.
>fictional fantasy game universe
>nobody is dying to rampant uncleanliness and disease
>People just do it to be edgelords because it says not to.
Do you honestly believe this shit?
I looked it up just for you
Am I really in the minority for actually enjoying dumb shit like "By Mozalith!" or "In Fropzil's name!"?
Isn't Beyond Good and Evil set in the future?
Not triggered, just shitposting, fellow 'pede.
This always irked me.
>Middle ages and Rome were terrible, people were shitting in the streets and dying from sickness, ehehehe
>what in oblivion is that
Considering how underpopulated most fantasy RPGs are, one might assume that they actually are having this problem.
>christians constantly and unrepentantly violate their own rules, news at 12
Stop being edgy, fedoralord. *tips fedora* Be theophobic somewhere else with your fedora.
Not them, but Jesus is actually also a name for a sausage in French, I'd bet that's where it comes from. There are lots of puns based on the pig in the original version (don't know about the English one).
Hell is a common idea for many religions.
It arises naturally from combined ideas of just world fallacy and of soul.
Earth, Moon, Sun etc. are named as the first of a kind.
For centuries, "Earth" was just the soil under feet, as opposed to the sky above.
It's perfectly feasible that a random alien civilization would refer to their own planet as "Earth", as in "soil".
>E D G E
To be honest they didn't know better.
India, on the other hand, still believes their main river is holy and continues to shit in it.
i cant find a pic but i remember in bayo 1 bayonetta says jesus christ
that game has literal angels and demons
But just one..? No tundras, no desert regions. Just desert planet, forest planet, ice planet, temperate planet, ocean planet.
Blessings of Akatosh upon ye
Earth is pretty unique in that it has a low amount of greenhouse gases.
Billions of years ago, when atmospheric CO2 was much higher, there were no ice caps on either pole.
>science fiction game
>enemy faction's guys speaking with a cockney accent
By the nine divines
>not naming your player character Jesus