>implying Shulk getting Monado 2 and utterly wrecking metal face with it in revenge is not one of the best scenes out of all Blade games
>implying all Shulk power ups ain't done better than anything lame-ass titty sword does

>XB1, best looking form is the first one
>XB2, best looking form is the last one

I don't agree with the statement you made user.

Kingdom Hearts called, they want their character design back.


Funny that you should say that. Because Nomura designed some of the characters in the game.

Pyra Blue is a goddess

I like those floating edgy emerald shards, are there any other designs that have those? doesn't have to be video games

I've seen some pics of his characters and they're the best in the game by far.

If he designed everyone I might have actually played this game.

Pyra Verde is so cute.

>titty sword
already better