File name thread

File name thread

Other urls found in this thread:

more like click bait thread

>not Sup Forums accidentally clicks /u/



salsa por favor

that's a pretty shitty filename, user


hes responsible for 999 translation? now i'm curious which parts was omitted or changed for the american audience

Was Hal an actual genius?

me under the couch



Found it. I use the google translator on the symbols on the bottom right. I feel like a detective.

muchos garcias

Wheres part 2? And the other 2 reasons?

>Letting your personal agenda interfere with the quality of your work
People should get fired over this kinda shit



Why don't people get fired over shit like this if they admit publicly that they do a shitty job?

They hold a position of power, nobody notifies the company responsible, anyone that complains can be labelled a troll who enables racism/sexism.

pick one