PS4 has an onslaught of exclusives throughout 2018

>PS4 has an onslaught of exclusives throughout 2018
>Switch confirmed for big line up of games in 2018 due to Amazon leak
>Xbawks: ......

Microshitters and PC gaymers are finished

>xbox has no gaems

>spent $3000 USD on a hardcore gaming rig
>play sprite based indie titles as all the good games are Sony any Nintendo exclusive

B-but the multiplats look better on our refresher console

PC will have the only game that matters
right? ;_;

>>Switch confirmed for big line up of games in 2018 due to Amazon leak
And what games would those be besides Pokémon?

>>PS4 has an onslaught of exclusives throughout 2018

>god of soy the wrath of my wife's son
>spidersoy the game the movie
>horizon zero dawn zombies


>the console virgin
>already finished every single game possible
>spend my time shitposing on Sup Forums

>the chad pc gamer
>enough games to pay for the rest of my life
>mocks virgins during queues

>Build 2k$ gaymen PC
>Realize modern games are dogshit
>Play games over a decade old at 500 FPS

>There are Sonysoys looking forward to Detroit

We don't know yet. All of the things on Amazon were placeholders. Chances are we will learn more after the Nintendo Direct.

It's the Switch so it can only be one thing: 10 years old games getting ported and failing to run properly on shit hardware.
Of course nintenbros will say it's the best thing ever to have happened since sliced bread again.

DOOM isn't ten years old nerd.

Such is our curse.

and youll be playing none of them, PC cuck

PC gets Bannerlord this year. All consoles ever will be fucking finished for all eternity

Only faggots don't have the holy trifecta of gaming - pc+ps4+switch

I own everything, faggot

there is nothing coming out for the ps4 worth looking forward to except mhw early

user, I

>not looking forward to Yakuza


Every game in the Amazon leak will be available on other consoles, I can bet that much

PC will just play emulated versions of eight year old games and brag about how peecee always wins, all the while neglecting to notice how PC literally has zero (0) exclusive games worth playing and how no devs give a single shit about the platform or your specs

There is no Mountain Blade 2 user. All the devs got executed by Edrogan.

The Xbone has Crackdown 3
Assuming it doesn't get delayed again

I don't think anybody who visits Sup Forums thinks that David Cage is anything but a hack. I mean, some people thought Heavy Rain was alright, but nobody likes that guy here.

>Terry Crew is a main character
I have no hopes, it's Saints Row 3 all over again

>PS4: 30fps
>Switch: 23fps

XBOX One X is the only console capable of running games at 60fps

>XBOX One X is the only console capable of running games at 60fps
It would have to have games in the first place to do that

Can someone explain to me how/why Microsoft completely fucked up this gen?

Please tell me this is in the game.

>enough games for the rest of my life
Is that why you're always asking for console games?


I always combo when taking a shit. I don't think I've ever shit without pissing.

Isn’t Battlefield 4 60fps on xbox one and ps4?

PC gaming is finished says nervous man for the 10th time

This is so happening rn to me...

Playing gta iv at 60 fps 4k ultra graphics

I think my favorite things to come from the next Xbox are
>the highest quality pixels
> the most powerful *console* ever


If you want something to laugh at, look up "destiny 2 on pc."
>you'll get a bunch of console players talking shit about how pc gets the game 2 months later. Then crying about how they have to play at 30 fps, with 90 fov and checkerboarding 4k.

Also good luck playing kingdom come at 720p with draw distance sliders at minimum with an average of 25 fps

Go have a nap, Kraut, you must be cranky after your buttfucking last night.

Let me sum it up sonybros

>games xbros buy over the yearly cod rerelease
>games sonygroids ACTUALLY buy over the yearly cod rerelease

Xbox will still generate the most money and spending though so I don't think MS care

>dad is a boat captain and makes 400k a year
>get to play all nintendo exclusives, sony exclusives, the rare xbox exclusive, and all multiplats on my pc in 4k
>don't even go through the trouble of pirating things and infecting my pc with spyware

>Not buying multiplats on PC
>Not enjoying niche exclusives instead of just AAA shit

>wanted to buy a switch
>see 2018 lineup is still a shit
>xbox is dead
>ps4 has some bangers but you required to buy the ps4-pro to stay ahead of the curve
>GPUs stupid expensive thanks to lazyfags that want to mine for a living

>3ds is hacked and has the deepest library
>vita hacked and has some of the best niche titles available
guess I'm sticking to handheld this gen.

> this my fetish
perfection would be L1/RI to maxi pad.

>Xbox will still generate the most money
That only happened during nov because X is 2.5 times more expensive than ps4. Ps4's online makes more than all of nintendo alone

Nintendo would have made more profit than Xbox last month too.

Xbox made 4 billion more in revenue than PlayStation last year buddy. Xbox gaming is massively more of a money maker than both Nintendo switch and Sony PlayStation

That's not a comeback, the extremely privileged lust way more than the starved.
Why do you think most Steam sale buyers don't ever top off their library?

Why are you lumping Nintendo into this, they're not a multimedia company.
The most money is a achievement, not a goal when you have no backup plan if vidya fails.

Sssssh, you already got blown out over this the last time.

Nintendo are one of the richest companies in Japan. Hugely successful company despite the failure of the Wii U. They are also making healthy profits because they have a really good deal on Tegra hardware from Nvidia.

Who are you quoting?

>He isn't enjoying all these new Xbone games they're releasing
I pity you

Wait what
Is this a HD remaster or just an upscaled port of the mobile version like they did with San Andreas on the new consoles

It's the literal Xbox 360 disc, just in a new package.

I've never actually played bully before so I might give it a go on my nephews Xbox. I'll get a used 360 copy for super cheap though instead of buying new.

Thank fucking God

Literally nothing else.

>Pirate/cross regionally buy PC exclusives and multiplats
>Buy console exclusives only

>3ds: shit games and shovelware demos
>vita: downgraded ports
at least use a better picture

Old games >>> new games
Same reason the best games on PS4 are god of war and uncharted 2 HD. Best xbone game is MCC and rare replay. Best switch games soon will be GameCube/Wii classics

why does everyone pick a side, i have both a pc and a ps4
so i play pretty much everything on pc (because it's much more comfortable) except for exclusives

End my suffering
>All ps4 exclusives are cinematic "masterpieces" that you simply can watch on youtube and only selling point are the graphics
>Xbox doesn't even have those
>probably only good switch game will be bayonetta 3
>Pc filled with shovelware
I litterally have run out of games to play.


The PlayStation audience doesn’t even buy those “exclusives” though. The highest grossing and top-selling video games on PS4 are all multiplats that are also avaible on Xbone. In fact, Xbone had an exclusive (Forza 7) in its top ten while Sony did not.

Also, you can’t call it an exclusive if it’s on or available on other platforms including PC and Switch. You can’t go around saying “you can play all xbone games on PC” and then call a PS4/PC no chime release exclusive.

This industry is driven by revenue streams derived from AAA online multiplayer franchises. All of those games are on Xbone. Only Sup Forums and resetera care about the “exclusives” on Sony-branded consoles