What happened?
Remember when cRPGs were adaptations of PnP RPGs?
They evolved
They started making RPGs for normalfags.
Not enough instant gratification.
Devs got tired of paying licensing fees.
Divnity 1 felt like that.
People now think RNG is inherently a bad thing.
Is this game any good? Was thinking about buying it. Do the weapons or armor you equip show on your character or are they hidden
Yes it's a great game.
Equipment changes the character sprites.
Awesome... Thanks gonna buy it.
All cRPGs are still Player n Player adaptations really, even the ones with a single player focus try to replicate the experience of playing with other players you absolute retard.
I don't know, but I'm happy. Fuck PnP adaptations.
DOS2 is very similar to some campaigns I've play in. Especially the "If you don't figure it out you die" moments.
That default makes it a solid adaptation for me.
Thought I was the only one who considers that stuff pretty important in RPGs
I absolutely hate when you can't aee your character evolve visually through the game
Nah man it's a huge thing for me. It's one of the reasons I returned Xenoblade Chronicles 2. The only exception I have ever made for not being able to see your equipped armor/weapons was Dungeons of Dreadmor. Trust me, you are not alone. just can't find myself immersed in the world / my character if you can't either a.) Customize his appearance in a character creator and/or b.) Have equipped armor/weapons shown on the character's person.
>"player n player"
What the fuck user
I remember when CPGT were the BBK only comparable to AZKL and RRMGT compatible TTTG's
>Hear that NWN1 is getting an enhanced edition rerelease
>"Hey, maybe they'll add in companion control!"
>See interview with lead dev
>"We only care about multiplayer, fuck off with your companion control."
Although given their history, I probably shouldn't have ever hoped for anything good from Beamdog.
Although it can become a problem if you end up preferring the look of lower-tier armor over that of higher-tier armor. In fact, in Neverwinter Nights, I found one look I really liked for mage robes and now I use it for every mage character I play. There's a mod that lets you customize appearances very easily.
All the years I waited for NWN, when I finally got my hands on it I was so disappointed.
They probably realized that other than making an actual PnP platform like tabletop simulator they cant get anywhere NEAR the experience PnP gives. Which lead to
Technology got better, but people became worse.
They thankfully evolved past that embarrassing phase into actually good games. Tabletop RPG are the dumbest shit in existence
>Player n Player
Because of the lack of party control, or was it something else?
Really shows ignorance of what the game has become over the years. Even if the original intention was for it to be primarily multiplayer, that's just not how things worked out. The main attraction for most people is the user-made modules.
Well, we do have Shadowrun Returns/Dragonfall/Hong Kong.
Is there an accepted shorthand for referring to those games? "Shadowrun games" or "Shadowrun series" don't seem right, because there are other Shadowrun games besides those three.
I call them the Shadowrun Returns series.
>this qt will never be your wife
Why live?
>Turn-based 4e D&D vidya never ever
>What happened?
They grew up and actually tried using the technology of computers to their fullest instead of mindlessly latching onto a limit, and old as fuck, system designed for tabletop games
Well, there's usually more than one player, so it works.
>What happened?
Diablo and World of Warcraft.