Change movement speed to 300

>change movement speed to 300
>game goes from 7/10 to 10/10


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what's the default you stupid nigger

Movement speed doesn't change the shifty combat, senpai


100, obviously.
Also doom 3's level design are literally tight ass corridors and labs with a few exceptions.How does running into a wall or a prop every second make it 10/10?

I unironically liked Doom3 for what it was. Am I a brainlet?

Too many of the guns were inherently flawed.

The pistol, machinegun, chain gun, grenade, plasma rifle and even your fists felt terrible to use.

And if you change the movement speed you'll have to increase the enemy projectile speed.

dont run into walls or props every 10 seconds.

Faster movement makes the combat better because you can actually dodge shit, you can outrun most demons and you can easily get in close, blast something with the shotgun then move back again. Its so much less tedious.

you can already strafejump, and it’s still boring

No it's a fine game just not a fine doom game.

Compare that to the original doom games, where a shotgun actually feels (and acts) effective, with maximum two shots to a basic enemy before its in a pile of pieces. Meanwhile, doom 3's basic zombie chuckle fucks take like 4, maybe 5 hits with the shotgun, then you've got to painfully reload the fucking thing.

Had it's moments. More of a lighting demo and pseudo horror game than traditional FPS.

Just tighten up the shotgun spread and it'll be fine.

>you can actually dodge shit, you can outrun most demons and you can easily get in close, blast something with the shotgun then move back again.

Tf I can do that now with sprint, get good

>doom 3's basic zombie chuckle fucks take like 4, maybe 5 hits with the shotgun

are you retarded


I think it actually works better without the spread. You keep dodging the imp fireballs, run up to them and blast a shell into their face. Always felt satisfying.

t. brainlet who didn't play doom 3

>Install VR mod for the BFG Edition
>Games becomes 11/10 spooky

...maybe they take 4 or 5 hits when you try using the shotgun from too far away and don't aim for the head.

Not him but you're completely wrong. They melt with one shell. Regular zombies have 50 health and each pellet from the shotgun deals 14 damage with 13 pellets per round. Assuming they all hit the only zombie which can survive being one shotted is the chainsaw zombie at 250 health.

Did you try to use the shotgun like a sniper or something? They very clearly only take 1 shot up close cause, you know, that's how it's supposed to be used. Unless you're talking about the Commandos, which is totally different.

For some reason I loved D3 shotgun because you had to sprint right up to their face to kill them in one shot. Risky but so satisfying.

try the higher difficulty

Is Doom the best FPS series or is there a better one?

For a series which previously had a really good shotgun, 3 fucked it up.

>Shilling telecom services in a doom thread

3 fucked all the weapons up. THey all sound bad and the chaingun is barely audible. The plasma gun looks pretty damn cool but again sounds and feels terrible. Is it really so hard to get these things right?

Quake was always better

Higher difficulties don't change the amount of health enemies have. You can ALWAYS 1-shot zombies/security.

What? The shotgun is by far the best weapon in 3 and is pretty much the weapon of choice throughout the entire game. Unless you're talking about something else?

>The shotgun is by far the best weapon in 3
I've only just started the game, but this isn't making me very hopeful for the rest of it.

>The shotgun is by far the best weapon in 3

The spread is utterly obnoxious, the gun looks like shit and sounds even worse. Plasma gun is better

I don't know. Quake 2 and 4 weren't anything particularly brilliant.

Quake 2 had amazing music at least.

You gotta get up in their faces with it,

That's stupid.

Not really, Quake got so bad over the years that it ended up as multiplayer only. Just look at the latest releases of both series. DOOM is still strong.

BFG can be fun. It can be charged up and actually causes the room to violently shake upon impact. Unfortunately it doesn't have much ammo.

Pretty much all the guns are good, except for the pistol obviously. I'm just saying that the shotgun is just even better. High damage, tons of ammo, lots of melee/close-quarters combat so the spread is manageable and you get it very early to boot. But you can't beat the whole game using just that.

>close-range only

For Doom, it is.

Shotgun was my sniper weapon of choice in 1/2 CTF

Have you ever used a shotgun in real life? Or at least know how one works?

Here we fucking go /k/ shitposting again

Well I know how to beat you


>muh realism
Yeah, nah. Get back to me when the forces of Hell invade Earth and then, maybe, I'll humor you.

Have you ever been to a gun range and used a shotgun? You really think they put the target 10 feet in front of you?

the game already forces you to be close range with its level design, it’s not hard to get into 1-hit kill range

I don't see why it's suddenly a crime for shotguns to have a more distinguished role than what they had in Doom 1 and 2. Particularly when the game provides perfectly good long-range alternatives. Is it realistic? No but Doom is so far removed from realism anyways that it's a non-argument.

"I made an easy game even easier, it's 10/10 now!"

This is how a fastnigger mind actually works.

I suppose you'll also argue that it's totally realistic for some dude to run around at near 60 MPH carrying hundreds of pounds worth of ammunition with weaponry that magically reloads itself (unless it's a break-action shotgun lol).

>people dont know about Resurrection of evil
It was basically what Doom 3 supposed to be in the first place.

Quake 2 is still better than Doom 2.

you gotta be fucking kidding me

Not him but

Because the Super Shotty exists for the up-close gun. 3 lacks any sort of high-damage weapon with some range. Unless you count the rocket launcher.

PG, CG to a lesser extent.


The chaingun's DPS is even worse than the assault rifle.
In the original games, the shotgun was able to put down smaller enemies from a good distance in a single shot, which the other guns couldn't do.

this. Bigger mobs, more enemy types, double-barrel shotgun

>The chaingun's DPS is even worse than the assault rifle.
They have identical rates of fire but SMG does 9 damage per bullet and CG does 20. It has a spread so you won't hit heads with every single bullet, though.

>In the original games, the shotgun was able to put down smaller enemies from a good distance in a single shot
The original game has also much larger maps. D3 SG is actually more like SSG.

>Sup Forums suddenly likes doom 3 now

>D3 SG is actually more like SSG.
With no true replacment for the shotgun.

You get the assault rifle for long range, yeah.

D44M was shit. Doom 3 was amazing.

Just because Doom 3 didn't have D44M twittter hype doesn't mean it wasn't the better game.

Which is a peashooter.

go play in vr and this game will be solid 9 out of 10

Sounds like a peashooter but is pretty strong if you're landing headshots, regardless of distance.

Doom 3 has headshots (double damage!) , and AR is almost perfectly precise. It's not a useful gun versus heavier opponents (much like the OG SG is), but it will mop up imps, zombies (the armed ones, the melee zombies obviously are not a threat except for the chainsaw one), maggots, small bug-like enemies, cherubs, cacodemons and even pinkies). It's a workhorse.

I mean, I want to be clear. I don't think D3 is a very good game. I just don't agree with your assessment of its arsenal.

You'd need to triple the enemy count in levels and at least double weapon damage to make it a fun game. I miss when I could kill a group of zombies or imps with a single shotgun blast instead of barely scratching them.

It's far more of a doom game than nudoom.

>moans about the PDAs and horror elements in Doom 3
>has a 300 reply discussion about the lore of the Doomslayer and how he can beat up Master Chief
how to spot a doombabbie

just strafe jump retard

combat was fine

220 or 270

Now you're just being retarded.

he's objectively right though
it has handplaced encounters, resource management, advanced movement, no glory kill cancer, an actual chainsaw weapon, actual level design instead of skyrim waypoints on a giant empty map, monster closets, and real secrets instead of collectible bobbleheads
it also had full mod support unlike d44m where snapmap was a joke and you can't even recreate aerowalk

What? How so? The level design, pacing, horror elements, secrets, weapon balancing, enemy designs are all more faithful to the original Dooms than they are in nuDoom. Doom was always meant to be scary and have a horror like atmosphere, it's just difficult to feel that now because of how archaic the graphics are. The stop and go corridor shooting is also similar to the original Doom, far more so than the empty areas followed by arena shooting that is in nuDoom. Doom had a lot of moments of methodical shooting, it wasn't a constant run and gun "rip and tear" memefest.
nuDoom is what happens when you make a sequel not based on what the original was actually like, but a weird interpretation of Doom that a lot of people now have based on the Doom comic and Brutal Doom.

you can still kill imps with a single shotgun blast and the levels are designed more like quake rather than doom, focusing on ambushes in tight areas and a higher enemy count wouldnt make it better

>changing movement speed when you can just strafejump everywhere
people that shit on doom 3 because it's "too slow" are literally retarded

Doom 3 hell was kino.

it's not the damage, but retarded spread to "balance" it to retardedly small spaces most of game takes place in

>handplaced encounters
Also in nudoom

>resource management
Resource management in a doom game? Bitch, the only resource you need to keep track of in any doom game is how many rockets/BFG ammo you have.

>advanced movement
You literally walk around and shoot stuff, with optional sprinting. If you think that's "advanced", you might have a problem. Also nudoom has a double-jump and ledge-grabbing where other doom games do not.

>no glory kill cancer
Glory kills keep the pace of the game up by providing you health in the middle of a fight so you don't have to go running around like an idiot looking for healthpacks instead of shooting shit. Healthpacks are still a thing though, so it's an addition to a staple mechanic rather than a replacement.

>an actual chainsaw weapon
The chainsaw was always a last-resort weapon aside from your fists, unless you were dealing with fodder zombies. Making it have limited ammo, but turning it into a one-shot kill that gives you a fuckload of ammo for other weapons is a nice tradeoff that ALSO keeps the pace of the game up.

>actual level design
nudoom has that too, it even has a map

>monster closets
something I wish nudoom had to some extent

>and real secrets
that's in nudoom too, ever bothered to look around? You probably haven't even played it.

>full mod support
another thing I wish nudoom had. Snapmap is nice, but it can only do so much

TLDR: It sounds like you haven't played nudoom and ur a faget as a result

I hate this board. I really really hate it.

Come back when you're over 18.

I'm over 18 and played Doom as a kid and Doom 3 on release. I don't think you've played anything but nuDoom and Brutal Doom.

>t. underage retard

>Also in nudoom
Serious Sam with 12 enemies randomly spawning in an arena is not encounter design.
>Resource management in a doom game? Bitch, the only resource you need to keep track of in any doom game is how many rockets/BFG ammo you have.
Clearly never played a Doom game or 90s FPS.
>>advanced movement
underage retard that doesn't know about strafe running, wallrunning, rocket jumping, or strafe jumping
>Glory kills keep the pace of the game up by providing you health in the middle of a fight so you don't have to go running around like an idiot looking for healthpacks instead of shooting shit. Healthpacks are still a thing though, so it's an addition to a staple mechanic rather than a replacement.
clearly not oldschool

>The chainsaw was always a last-resort weapon aside from your fists, unless you were dealing with fodder zombies. Making it have limited ammo, but turning it into a one-shot kill that gives you a fuckload of ammo for other weapons is a nice tradeoff that ALSO keeps the pace of the game up.
inaccurate and excusing 1 hit kill QYE weapon
>>actual level design
giant empty areas is not level desifn

>that's in nudoom too, ever bothered to look around? You probably haven't even played it.
bobble heads are not real secrets and neither are arrow to the knee references
>>full mod support
>TLDR: It sounds like you haven't played nudoom and ur a faget as a result
I beat the game and used to be heavily invested into Skulltag deathmatch back before the Doom community went to shit with brutal doom and overuse of rip and tear memes.

You forgot about the armor actually being armor and not a second health bar.

Cutscene kills provide such a minuscule amount of health that they're not worth going for. They're only worth it for ammo.

Serious Sam has good encounter design, though.

The health you get back from a glory kill is dependant on how much health you're missing. The lower your health, the more health you get from a glory kill

It's still a tiny amount relative to how much damage you take from enemies.

better than doom 2016's at least
serious sam shines in its interior levels and levels are packed with secrets

Carmack without Romero is a literal hack.
>quake 2 and 4 suck
>3 is only good because it's pretty much just quake world with new weapons and graphics, and it still was lackluster at release
>Doom 3 is all tech and no game
Firing Romero and letting Carmack throw the punches was the most retarded thing they'd done.

Romero on his own sucks, too. What id had in the 90s was lightning in a bottle.

This, this and this.

>3 is only good because it's pretty much just quake world with new weapons and graphics, and it still was lackluster at release
This is genuinely the most retarded post in the thread. You have never played quakeworld in your life or you would realize every other game you mentioned is closer to it than Quake 3, a pared down Quake 2 with less movement.

>You have never played quakeworld in your life or you would realize every other game you mentioned is closer to it than Quake 3
I bet you also believe each pokemon game is wildly different from the previous

I actually play these games unlike you who namedrops quakeworld for e-cred. Quakeworld has 20 second respawn times, tiered armor, tiered weapons, and air control and constant spawnfragging. Quake 3 is a slow game with longer armor respawn times, an entirely different set of weapons which are untiered, very little spawnfragging if any, and only has strafe jumping for movement(which quakeworld does not have). It plays completely differently online and the only thing it managed to do when it came out was unite quakeworld and quake 2 fans in hating it and coming up with CPM, a mod that combines elements from all 3 games. I bet you're one of those retards that thinks Darkplaces adds Quake 3 physics.

*blocks your path*

>Quakeworld has 20 second respawn times

not an argument

Quake 4 is Raven software, also good.

>also good
literally the call of duty of quakes

literally all of those games are better than quake 3