Post games that you are waiting this year

Post games that you are waiting this year

Other urls found in this thread:

monster hunter world
and nothing else.

Monster Hunter World
Ace Combat 7


what a qt


That’s a guy right?

Ace Combat 7
Ace Combat 7
Ace Combat 7
Red Dead Resolution

Cute dabbing girl, OP


Call of Cthulhu: The Official Game
Kingdom Come: Deliverance
Red Dead Redemption 2
Metro Exodus
Ori and the Will of the Wisps
The last night
Shadow of tomb raider
Fallout в кocмoce
From software game
Pillars of the earth book 3
Darksiders 3
Kentucky Route Zero: TV Edition
The Wolf Among Us: Season 2
System Shock remake

Metro: Exodus

I don't really care for the other games

>this year


And the waiting game on GDAX

La Mulana 2
Pathologic 2
whatever the Shadow Tactics devs are currently working on
Drift Stage
Ace Combat 7
Kingdom Cum: Deliverance

Monster Hunter World
Whatever Switch things will come this year




Resident Evil 2 Remake news

>monster hunter world
>ni no kuni II
>Kingdom hearts III

I'm hoping for a november release. Looks like it's ready.

Dragon marked for death, because it's not like well be getting a good mega man game this year.

Monster Hunter World
Dragonball FighterZ also fuck both of you for releasing both on the same exact day
Ni No Kuni 2 maybe. The gameplay changed hasn't clicked with me yet.
Soulcalibur 6
Bloodborne 2
Metroid Prime 4
Crackdown 3 oh shit it got delayed again
Valkyria Chronicles 4
God of War maybe
Shadow of the Colossus
Dragon's Crown Pro
Bloodstained please be good

Monster Hunter: World
Kingdom Hearts 3
Detroit: Become Human
Bayonetta 3
Call of Chtulhu
Metroid Prime 4
Metro Exodus
Pathologic 2
Yakuza 6
Kirby Star Allies
Ghost of Tsushima


Whiiiirrrld of Warcraft

>all these sequels and remakes
Is anything original anymore?

No. Welcome to the entertainment industry fucko!

Kingdom Cum
Literally nothing else, Cyberpunk is still years away and bannerloard will release into early access then stay there for four years.


Wait, what? What did I miss?

>Deep down

There's this coming out

>this year
never mind

Oh yeah, btdubs. Medievil's getting the N. Sane treatment that Crash got, except it's probably just for the first game.

This, but the PC version.

Is it lookin' alright?

There's literally only a teaser at the moment.

I mean, 4K means it looks alright, I guess and probably at 30fps, but whatever. I'm not too anal about framerate most of the time

Huh. Neat. Thanks, user.

It's hard to predict which originals are going to be great. That's why people are naming dependable franchises right now.

Monster Hunter World
Tomb Kings dlc for Total War Warhammer 2
Vermintide 2

I pre-ordered PS4 Dissidia, just waiting if anything else pops up

2017 is gonna be a hard year to follow but...
DragonBall Z Fighters
I would be hyped for Monster Hunter but I have no friends to play with

No way SMT V comes out this year.

originality is overrated; look at how many top video games of all time lists include super old games that are objectively inferior to their sequels and successors. There's nothing wrong with taing an existing idea or franchise and improving on it.

Code Vein.
It looks kinda bland but I'm interested to see how it turns out.

At the moment, only MHW thanks to the open beta.


this desu

Not coming out this year.


>originality is overrated
It isn't. But an original IP doesn't equal originality. More often an original IP plays it even safer than an existing IP.

dragon ball fighterz
soul calibur 6
kingdom hearts 3
monster hunter world(pc)
dragon quest xi
red dead 2


A man of great taste

Kingdom Two Crowns
M&B Bannerlord
Hero of the Kingdom 3
Hunt Showdown
The Last Night
Pathologic 2
Love, Money & Rock'n'Roll
Werewolf: The Apocalypse

Holy who is this

>monster hunter world(pc)

my mom

Metro Exodus and DLC for Total War Warhammer 2.

Her legs look so smooth.

>Laughing that we'll be getting a superior version a couple of months after you

I wanna rek her underage pussy


you wish cuckboi

Either/or works for me


Left Alive
Ni no kuni 2
Sakuna of rice and ruin
Maybe something else that I forgot about

>Fallout в кocмoce

The ending of hide and seek with my dad. Haha where are you? Hes killing it :)

FF7 remake is the one im most hype for..

>monster hunter world

Just fucking play warframe, its the same grinding only more and better of everything

>Call of Cthulhu
Yeah, can't wait for some bastardized pop culture interperation of a innovative but overrated author's work in the form of a mediocre game.


From the top of my head:

>Freedom Planet 2
>Shovel Knight King of Cards

Spider man
Edf 5 for pc
dmc 5

Monster Hunter World
Maybe the new Red Dead but MH is really the only thing I need this year.

Then fucking nothing

I'll play with u

I was kinda hyped for spiderman, but then I thought of all the spiderman games that weren't that good. Then I looked at the gameplay again and realised it's Arkham Asylum without the brilliant understanding of the source material.

Free roam is gonna be what makes or breaks the game, hope its gonna be allright. I kill lots of time just swinging around in these games

Not even a pedophile, but she looks cute to me.

Thanks man.

Dragonball FighterZ

It's refreshing to see optimism on Sup Forums. The world does look pretty nice but idk how much mileage I'll get if it's just another 3D model of NYC.

Stop reminding me

What's worse, ironic weebs or ironic niggers? And why do ironic weebs always act like niggers?

Iron harvest needs more attention

Nothing, haven't seen anything remotely cool looking coming in 2017.

Look at the guys behind it and tell me if there is any potential.
Also, not an rts.

Final Fantasy XV Windows Edition
Monster Hunter World
Kingdom Come: Deliverance
Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord
Pathologic 2

Dragon Ball FighterZ is the only game that's caught my attention recently. I've not been hyped for a game like this in a long time.


Octopath Traveler


>this year

Well, this time they have a proper art direction and doesn't look ugly as sin

-Days Gone
-Detroit: Become Human
-Death Stranding
-God of War
-Spider Man

feels good to be on the winning side

tell me who dis bitch is or where to find more

Not sure if serious or trolling

Monster Hunter World (PC)
Dragon Ball Fighterz
Fighting EX Layer
Spelunky 2
Soul Calibur VI
Kingdom Hearts III (lol)
Bayonetta 3
UFO 50

Yeah but that stuff gets overlooked by the masses and small indie stuff gets the shaft on Sup Forums for being pixelshit. It's cool seeing Nintendo pull shit out like Splatoon and ARMS out of seemingly nowhere and I'm hoping we get some new IPs from them this year since those two have been real fun.

I don't really know of anything coming out this year worth looking forward to aside from some unannoced A-tier Jap games (and anything that will ensure that my Switch wont gather dust all year)

Cyberpunk 2077, though I'll be forced to pirate it if it doesn't get a proper physical release like the Witcher games got.
